First Grow - Blue Dreams - Soil Grow - Fairly Budget - Any Advice Welcome! - 2013

Ooh 2 cabinets is a good idea. Might have to go with that.

If odor is a concern, may want to consider a small compartment in the cabinet for curing the buds after harvest :) Right now I'm considering just taking some plywood cutting to 18 cubic inches and stick a cheap $20 dollar inline duct fan with a DIY carbon scrubber attached $15-20. quick, easy, and no added headache figuring out how to add another compartment to the cabinet.
Yup a I found it for a dollar at Dollar Tree so what the hell, why not.

My pops found the same ones at the dollar tree! He picked up a few for his tomatoes and they are doing great! I'm just a little sketched on the seams, they looked a little dollar tree'ish, but that was the first thing I thought when I saw it, experiment time!!! :laugh: Best of luck to you Kool, can't wait to see how she treats ya :thumb: CA
After seeing something on legalised's thread....

It's over 9000!!!!!!

ahhh, so a lil old, but not totally lost on pop culture, just mostly wandering through the mist and sometimes staggering over one, lol...

I've been lookin for my fat, laughin lil buddha to put on the EmGarden at the base of my plants, but it is still MIA since moving.
I like anime too, but mostly dark stuff live Vamp D and such, or out there fantasy like Spirited Away and Howls and such. Never got into most of the tv series here in the states, but I like some of the serials from Japan like Wolf's Rain and such.

Weird as it is, it reminds me of childhood in the 70s and 80s, back when we were starting to get things like Jonny Quest, Speed Racer and all the orignal anime, Voltron etc... just kinda grown up a bit with deeper stories, which is cool.
Makes sense, if you LST branches down low enough, you'll see then grow into a U type shape to come back to the light and if you use the turvy with vining tomatoes, they try to do that too... it's the plant doing it's best to get to a position where it can obtain the most sunlight and therefore thrive :) It's cool to see though
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