First Grow - Blue Dreams - Soil Grow - Fairly Budget - Any Advice Welcome! - 2013

What draught?

yeah dude WAY too much it wont be able to drink a whole a saturated cup of soil until around 30 days or older depending on the strains.

just give it a little splash at the bottom of the stems, my preference is don't wet the upper leaves or buds.
but just give it water and nutes through the soil, I use organics so no need to flush a lot for me. a good rain will do that outside.
so cant say how often to flush but everyone with knowledge is at your fingertips, literally haha.

he means the draught of rain you give your baby's in the indoor environment.
just cut back, a wet cup is good for like 4 days depending on if you have fans blowing on the soil.

blue dream is wonderful hope she pulls through.
Agreed. I got the seeds from a professional grower friend, he made one of the clones make seeds from itself (something like that?)

So too much water. I'll cut back.
I'm a total noob!! Lol.

Eventual plans.
Plan is to put it in the garage. We have some money saved up and are looking to buy a house.
And the goal is for it to be huge. Any suggestions or changes??

no way , I get a good plan. I stick to it.

definitely got support on the build. just a matter of humidifiers and ventilation, hope its in your mind !

and would love to watch and give tips on this cant wait til it all falls together for you guys !

thanks about my name I think Legalized is too rebellious and needs to be formal, for sake of the medicinal uses.
either spelling is proper by the way.
Interesting fact. Humidity is not often an issue where I live ;)


well what IS the humidity there ?

the reason for a humidifier is to keep the humidity CONSTANT in the room. I don't do hydro so I don't know what temps./humidity.
don't want to mislead anybody.

but people say if the humidity is at 40% I think it is. that's the best for the plant growth.

edit: don't do a huge grow and not consider these factors.
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