First Grow - Bag Seed - DIY Grow Box - FFOF with Nutes - Advice Welcome

I would take them out of their domes once the first set of true leaves develops not the single bladed ones.
Pic update!
2 pics of my only girl (hope shes a girl).
Hope u enjoy. Thanks for stoppin by...



Good job. Time to clear out some of that undergrowth
subbing now. You should of said you had a journal now!
My girl is wilting and I am doing everything I know how to fix it.
Big flush with water..water Ph is 7.0.
I had turned the fan off a few days ago, and I turned it back on.
Filled the humidifier to make sure I raise the humidity.
Moved the plant between the lights instead of under them. It seems she is getting tall and she is close the the CFL's.
Checked ph of dirt with ph probe and ph is 5.0 when deep in dirt, but 6.5 closer to top of soil.
Hoping some of this makes a diff. will check on girl in a few hours and hopefully see a diff.
Any and all advise or comments are/is welcome.
As always, thanks for stopping by.

Quick update with Pics.
Gave plant a few days then trans-planted into bigger pot (bucket).
Then gave it a big shot of water and trimmed alot of the under-growth. Felt like I took way too much undergrowth, but the results were fantastic.
Now I have her on full strength nuits and she seems to be going gangbusters again.
Topped the two side stems this morning. I'm more hopefull now that she is gonna be fine.
Thanks SmokerJoe a everyone else for all your help. I would not have made it thru this without you all.



Hey no problem. It is why I am here. I just try to increase the risk/reward ratio to be a bit more acceptable. I am glad to have helped and any help you need in the future I will be here for you. Take it easy
The bagseed girl seems to be doing great. Full strength nuits and water seems to be good for her. I trimmed alot of under growth today and there seems to be alot of new growth on her.
My sole White Widow seed that germinated out of a batch of 7 seeds from Herbies seems to be growing strong. I will say that I was very disappointed in seeds from Herbies. I emailed them and they claimed no responsibility for the seeds. It will be a cold day in hell before I buy from Herbies again.
I do have 6 more seedlings above ground. 2 are bagseed and 4 are from a seed bank in Colorado. Very impressed with the Colorado seeds so far. They are a Kush strain and they germinated in less than 48 hrs.
As usual, no update is complete without pics. Here they are for your kind review.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderfully green day...:-)





Here are my newest additions:


In need of expert advise!
About a week ago, I trimmed much fan leaves from my bagseed girl. I mean alot!. This has resulted (so it seems) in much new growth on the existing stems of the plant. Every node seems to have two or three new stems shooting out of it, with new leaf growth coming from everywhere. I moved the CFL's down close to the sides of the plant and the new growth seems to be sucking up the light like gangbusters. The bagseed girl seems to be getting more and more bushy with each passing day. She is still on full nuits and 18/6 light schedule.
The problem is that after trimming the fan leaves, the height growth seems to have stopped completely.
So here is my question.
Is it time to flower the bagseed girl? And if its not time to flower her, then how will I know when it "IS" time to flower her?
FYI, she was planted Feb. 19. I will follow-up with pics later today as I am posting from a remote location.
Any and all advise and comments are welcome. Thanks again for stopping by and have a wonderful green day..:-)

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