ok thanks will cut some holes in the bottom of the plastic cup I have (have another one that is the same as the one I'm using to float) should I worry about the cup being transparent as the roots hate light
yeah, I managed to find a old metal can holder that I could use as a pot here's an image:


I'm also going to get a proper tent propagator to put under my desk as my pc case isn't cutting it to be honest will be better for me in the long run as well and provide more height for the plant(s) to grow
If you are going to invest in a tent may as well get a new pot. You will need something around 3 gallon pot, you could get away with 2 gallon if you don't have the space.
Update: Seed has already split and can see the tap root emerging - she's a feisty one haha :p got myself a proper pot today, and some proper soil to use can't wait :)




edit: this is handy! the compost came with added perlite in it so that should help with the drainage

Nice pot will do well with your set up. Just remember - Plant seed, give about 250ml of water and that will do for 7 days or more.

Sent from my SM-G900I using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Update: planted her in the pot and sprayed 150ml into the soil so that should last her 6-7 days like you said - didnt want to do the full 250ml quite yet will do that once she has some leaves about a week from now


before covering:

all done:

Placed the pot on my window sill for now have to wait for my propogator to arrive on monday/tuesday as the pot wont quite fit in the old set up
Update: (Day 4 Of Grow)

Good news! she has just broken the surface and can see her little head poking out of the soil:



My propogator isnt arriving until monday so she is staying on the window sill until i get that set up monday evening.

*side-note: There are 1-2 small wood pieces in the soil however theyre only about 1x1cm in size so not really a problem - wont disturb the root growth as theyre so small
Update: (Day 2 Of Grow)

My Grow tent arrived a day early! got it all set up, but im paranoid about the hieght of the light... its not too close is it?





In other news, look how much she has grown!:


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