First Grow - Advice Welcome

Re: Seeking help for my first grow

I'm with Stealthboat: I don't think you've much to worry about. Don't forget that these are plants. Every leaf isn't going to be perfect. :cheesygrinsmiley: And yes, pot them on when you're ready. Are you going to be using the same soil? Oh, and don't worry about the nodules on the stem. That's what a cannabis stem looks like.:laughtwo: The drooping is probably over-watering. They'll pick right up as they dry.
Re: Seeking help for my first grow

Thanks! There is so much i dont know about the most basic of things... Second grow will sure be easier on my nerves! :)

I don't know why they dry up so fast, I only have them in 0.8 liter buckets and they are not even full, so im thinking roots drinking it dry every other day? How is the best way for me to do the transplant? After I've watered them or inbetween watering?
Ill post some info on my new soil nutrients later! Bough a soil mix from netherlands and gold label nutrients..
The most ironic part about it is that the company that makes the soil import all the ingredients from my country.. white moss, other stuff etc. Then make the "perfect soil" and now ill bought it back. Lol
Re: Seeking help for my first grow

There are different thoughts on potting on. I have a large garden and follow usual gardening lore on transplanting. I water the plant, let it drain and then remove it from its pot and straight into the new one. Then of course water it in. The wet soil holds together and so minimises root disruption.

Keep it up! And try not to worry so much - this is supposed to be fun. Take it light. :cheer:
Re: Seeking help for my first grow

I've tried transplanting dry and wet, it's easiest to transplant 1 day after your last watering. The soil will hold together somewhat this way. Also make sure the new soil in the new pot is moistened by a sprayer/mister.
Re: Seeking help for my first grow

Nice start up b. But u need fans so u wont get get fungus move the air around it make a diferencie in temp 2. Also use some aluminum foil shiny side on your walls try to get all your lumens from your led's.
Re: Seeking help for my first grow

Nice start up b. But u need fans so u wont get get fungus move the air around it make a diferencie in temp 2. Also use some aluminum foil shiny side on your walls try to get all your lumens from your led's.

Aluminum foil is no more than 55% reflective - if used, make sure that the dull side is the one that is used to reflect the light. When it becomes creased its reflectivity is even lower (around 35%.) It is also very dangerous to use because it creates hotspots easily, is electrically conductive, and is a fire hazard when it is in close contact with HID lighting. Attaching this to walls is a pain and usually using aluminum tape or glue is the best way. This should only be used as a last resort, and even then its usefulness is questionable.

Get some Mylar.
It's been awhile since i've posted but i can say they have grown a lot! When i transplanted them at 21th november the roots had grown way too far. The hole underside of the plants was all white from the roots, but manage to cut the bucket open and did a safe transplant! :allgood:
Watered them a couple of hours before and it held it together great! Cool sight of the roots too!

Worried about how big they've gotten though, the P300 light isn't enough for all 4 of them soon and they are touching the walls of the grow area.. Today they are 44 days old, is it time to transplant?
Alot of bushyness aswell, many smaller leaves and just a few big ones. I wonder how the flowering will look.
Didn't top them either, not sure exacly how, and its better to leave first grow as it is :)

All four have now been fed with nutrients, about half the recommended amount. Doing some mixing on the plants to see what works best.

They are about 34 days in this pictures, just when i was transplanting.

22th november




This is a pretty bad picture of the roots, but they where everywhere!

They are about 42 days on these pictures.. And have grown alot until today.

Two are about 15 inches tall, and the other two are about 12 inches.
They cover an area of 30x30 inches and then they are pretty tuck together...

I just read that they nearly double in size when put into flowering. This worries me since they are already touching the walls. Any ideas?

Also im using my white walls as reflective material for now, will get some mylar soon.

Just made an inlet hole for air and going to get a 97cfm fan, will it be enought? I have my carbon filter as outtake and a regular rotating fan inside.
I havnt defoliated yet, they are all un-tuched. I think im too scared to cut anything off haha... but i guess i have to!
Any good link or video that i can learn this?
And a short question, can the big leaves be removed now to minimize shading?
Hi Granz. I'm writing this on the assumption that you've seen my reply to you on my journal.

Firstly, you have some really healthy looking plants. :bravo:

Secondly - well done on the transplant. Everybody looks happy.

And thirdly, you're asking what to do now? You said that you are now in 12/12. Well, I don't know for sure. Somebody will be along if you post on my journal with a link to tis thread. What I would do, in inquisitive ignorance, is nothing. I don't know if it's wise to top them during 12/12 so I would let them grow and see what happens. They are clearly healthy and the leave show no signs of problems.

Knowing nothing better, but with a deal of regular gardening experience, I would therefore just let them do their flowering plant thing. "First, do no harm". (Happy to be told otherwise by those who know more). And keep tending them as you have been. You're obviously doing the right things.
Hope all is well in your world.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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