First Grow - 400W MH/HPS - 3.5x3x7 Closet - 4 Bag Seeds - LST Practice

EDIT: Also, I saw on a single bud what looked like a nanner from one side and just a swollen calyx from another; might just be new grower worries but figured I'd post some pictures up to hear other opinions?




Kink! I think you are correct but I believe if you get it off and out before it can open it should be OK as far as I've read they can be removed. I would act quickly though!
Kink! I think you are correct but I believe if you get it off and out before it can open it should be OK as far as I've read they can be removed. I would act quickly though!

I disinfected some small trimming scissors with ISO and cut it out a little bellow the base of whatever it is; don't want to take any risks. I'm going to carefully watch over all the bud sites every few days now until harvest, hoping if it's going to nanner on me I can pluck them from here on out but time will have to tell at this point.

If I can get my other girl flushed/feeling right and producing some bud mass I'm hopeful even if these girls completely hermie on me I'll walk away with something.
I disinfected some small trimming scissors with ISO and cut it out a little bellow the base of whatever it is; don't want to take any risks. I'm going to carefully watch over all the bud sites every few days now until harvest, hoping if it's going to nanner on me I can pluck them from here on out but time will have to tell at this point.

If I can get my other girl flushed/feeling right and producing some bud mass I'm hopeful even if these girls completely hermie on me I'll walk away with something.

I agree especially if this is the only sign so far I think just checking regularly and removing as quickly as possible you should still definitely produce some grade a bud! They're looking magnificent. I hope the Hermie situation stays at bay I'm wishing you the best of luck!
Yeeesh talk about an ugly sight. That's a full blown pollen sack. Likely the pollen is not viable yet though. So just pick it off and hope that it doesn't persist to produce them. I had a female/hermie that had a total of 6 pollen sacks all on different branches. Unfortunately I missed one and it pollinated the majority of my plant. Keep an eye on the buds with great intent, it's always a shame when it happens... But it does... It sucks.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Yeeesh talk about an ugly sight. That's a full blown pollen sack. Likely the pollen is not viable yet though. So just pick it off and hope that it doesn't persist to produce them. I had a female/hermie that had a total of 6 pollen sacks all on different branches. Unfortunately I missed one and it pollinated the majority of my plant. Keep an eye on the buds with great intent, it's always a shame when it happens... But it does... It sucks.

KiG :green_heart:cheers

It's curious that I didn't see this one until day 30 into flowering yesterday, and just how fast it pumped out this pollen sack... I've been watching over most bud sites prior to this and I'm sure this thing popped up in less than a day or two's time so I definitely have to be vigilant going forward.. might not end up with totally seedless product but I can sure as hell go down fighting :wood:.

Very disappointing sight indeed but I knew the risks messing with bagseed and I'm probably going to walk away a little burned but if there's something positive from negative in this it's that I'm hopeful I won't have to walk away empty handed at this point. The bud I got the seeds from was decent enough smoke seeded and all, I intend with this grow to at minimum improve upon the bag appeal/smoke experience in comparison to the bud I got.

I'll keep you guys updated :thanks: :peace:
Everything looks Great man :goodjob:
I actually had some of the Canoeing as well it turned out to be my fan was blowing to directly onto the leaves giving them a "wind burn", the clawing is definitely Nitrogen toxicity tho. Everything look awesome and subbed.
Everything looks Great man :goodjob:
I actually had some of the Canoeing as well it turned out to be my fan was blowing to directly onto the leaves giving them a "wind burn", the clawing is definitely Nitrogen toxicity tho. Everything look awesome and subbed.

Thanks, Spart! :welcome: :passitleft:

Interesting that canoeing can be caused by a fan, I had my oscillating fan static but indirect for the first month or so as there was 4 plants and less room to let it move; since then I elevated the front of it and it it sway through the canopy but not directly on it which definitely seems like a way better option - would like to get another fan to sway above the canopy to hang in a corner or something like that.

I hope to see the n toxicity/Phosphorus D/lockout clear up soon after a couple waters with strictly seaweed/molasses (before starting to feed Dr Earth's (1-9-2)) if pollen sacks are going to be a recurring thing :whoa:.
Very saddening reality that I've awoken to today is that my first plant, Phasma, has went full on true nanners/hermie on me :rip:.

After a little inspection of a few bud sites I've noticed small patches of nanners poking out.. I saw one, then two... andddd they're everywhere. I'm not sure what my options are at this point... there's no way my other plant could go un-polinated as it's a full on banana republic grow op at this point; having gotten both seeds from the same bags I want to assume the other is going to hermie on me anyways.




I definitely want to still finish off the grow, seeds and all, maybe saving some of the bigger buds for smoke and just using the rest for hash/edibles/extract and what have you. I want to believe the problem lays with genetics due to seeing a full blown pollen sack and now nanners to accompany it but it could very well have been fault of my own, either from missed temperature spikes, light leaks (which I worked very hard on preventing) and other possible stresses, have even read anecdotal talks about fish possibly causing hermies but that's just grasping at straws imo.

Either way the end goal of this project was to learn how to grow period and I'm very satisfied in being able to say I at least achieved that; using bagseed was playing my luck for sure and I really can't see myself using anything but guaranteed genetics moving into future grows - if regular seeds, building a cloner cabinet, if feminized possibly getting a tent instead of using the closet.

As of for now I'm gonna enjoy this bowl of gorilla glue to get my head straight for the future of this grow and wait for my Dr Earth's Flower Girl to arrive for my other girl in the meantime! :bong::loopy::peace:
How are things looking kink? I'm so sorry things went crazy with phasma, how is the other girl holding up? I really think the Hermie situation is only due to genetics and not any fault of your own. I bet the next grow with guaranteed genetics is gonna be fierce! You definitely have the skills :high-five:
How are things looking kink? I'm so sorry things went crazy with phasma, how is the other girl holding up? I really think the Hermie situation is only due to genetics and not any fault of your own. I bet the next grow with guaranteed genetics is gonna be fierce! You definitely have the skills :high-five:

Things are still going strong apd, despite the hiccups! :allgood:

I want to believe in my gut that it's the genetics too, just because I plucked my first premature seed today from Phasma :whoa:, I'm very doubtful it self polinated yet as I feel I would have saw the pollen and my other plant should have been pollinated along with it, but it doesn't seem like Clementine is affected by hermie at all right now, nanners, nothing, which is great news while she is still a tad stunted bud growth wise.

I'm approaching week 5 of flowering tomorrow (8/18), Clementine's yellowing/splotching did spread a bit in the meantime while I was waiting for the Dr Earth's Flower Girl (1-9-2) to arrive, some leaves started getting purple blotches - since then I've fed clementine twice with the flower girl, once with 1oz per gallon the day it arrived and the second today with slightly closer to 1 and a half oz per gallon.

Since the first feed of flower girl I haven't noticed any spreading of the yellowing which I was noticing almost daily at new spots on upper leaves on some bud sites; still some canoeing/clawing/darkened leaves that were already affected so I don't think these will completely remedy but I'm hopeful the problem was my mistake of not cutting out fish sooner and loading the soil up with more excess nitrogen than it was using anymore, probably locking out phosphorus intake in the process like Snid said.

Very happy at least Phasma's buds still seem to be packing on mass despite showing that she's obviously hermie/producing reproductive parts - Clementine is slowly but surely putting mass on as well :yummy:

Here's some random pics from today that I didn't even plan on taking while checking for nanners but good thing I did!

The battle (now daily ritual..) against nanners has just been sterilizing a small pair of tweezers, getting a ziploc and slowly but surely going over each bud site and plucking anything that looks more than benign and placing the plucked parts inside the ziploc which I toss afterwards. I know it's impossible at this point for me to get them all but I figure it's better than me doing absolutely nothing and just letting every single nanner site mature fully.

Immature seed:

Phasma day 34 of flowering:



Clementine's buds day 34 of flower:

Good golly! Those are some sexy ladies! The Dr. Earth flower girl will most likely get those buds packing on some serious weight in the next two weeks once the nitrogen levels subside some, they both look to have awesome resin production already. I bet those nanners are driving you crazy! I think your doing all the right things though and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that clementine makes it through with no issues. :cheertwo:
Good golly! Those are some sexy ladies! The Dr. Earth flower girl will most likely get those buds packing on some serious weight in the next two weeks once the nitrogen levels subside some, they both look to have awesome resin production already. I bet those nanners are driving you crazy! I think your doing all the right things though and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that clementine makes it through with no issues. :cheertwo:

I definitely see the Flower girl having been a major contributor to the bud mass I've watched the girls put on over the past week or so :high-five::cheertwo:, Clementine is still behind Phasma visually in bud mass but she's still gradually getting more and more frostier and appealing bud stricture wise even being behind by a week or two.

Grabbed some pics of the girls today that I wanted to share :yummy:

Day 45 (Week 6) of 12/12:

Both girls (phasma left, clementine right):







Both plants have roughly the same smell terpene profiles, it's a dank-lemony/musky/skunky ambient smell but when the buds are touched or moved at all they express a very strong citrusy/piney/skunk smell. Clementine expresses a much stronger citrus smell than Phasma when touched, very intoxicating and delicious - just want to go for another sniff.

Clementine's phosphorus problem still seems to be at bay, Phasma has started showing signs of possible early phosphorus deficiency (or potassium/something else, might need to get isolated pictures) with upper leaves starting to look shiney/lighter green/yellowing - I'm not sure if I should continue feeding Seaweed at this point or cut it out entirely and stick with just the Flower girl, Neptune's Harvest's feed schedule calls for just molasses from here on out (week 6+) but it seems way too early, I'm thinking of just cutting out the seaweed and sticking to a 1oz/per gallon feeding of Flower girl.

Phasma looks like she could have 2-3 weeks to me, gonna need to get a jeweler's loupe ASAP; most likely will end up having to harvest phasma weeks before clementine, giving here most likely another 3 weeks or so after that depending on how she ripens in comparison.
This is awesome kink I'm so happy everything is going well. The girls are phenomenal those buds look delicious! I'm not sure exactly what the deficiency could be, I noticed that some of the fan leaves tips are kind of claw like which I'm pretty sure is usually from nutrient burn but I highly doubt that being the problem especially with just one oz of flower girl at each feeding, have you been testing pH levels? I think I remember you saying that you were occasionally using rain water when available not sure if this would be the case for your area but I know I have tested the pH levels of my rain water at different times and have gotten pretty drastically different levels. I do think you definitely have plenty of time to continue feeding the flower girl it is incredibly organic so no flushing is required before harvest. I'll be waiting for the next update man your doing great keep those ladies looking lovely!
The buds have started to really mature a ton, so much so I ended up harvesting some of Phasma's top buds once I saw the majority of their pistils (80%+) have turned brown and receded into the bud, they were also all as hard as a rock when squeezed; I've left a lot of the smaller lower buds on phasma to finish with Clementine while I waited for my jeweler's loupe to arrive to get better opinions on her harvest window than I did with Phasma.

My main intention/goal for the early harvest from phasma's big buds is to have some more energetic smoke more suitable for daytime medicine.

Clementine's expressing some fox tailing that I'm hoping is just genetics or due to maturity, she has really surprised me all around - she's expressing a much wider color pallet than her sister and her smell profile has amplified to an intense fruity-blueberry in a weeks time. She is MUCH frostier than Phasma and I want to contribute this to Phasma having put more energy into reproduction than Clementine.

Anyways, to some pictures! :cheertwo:

(9/12) Week 8, day 4 of Flower (Day 60F):




Loupe Shots:





Phasma, day of harvesting her major buds (9/6):


Some of the trimmed buds:

Hanging to dry:

Bud shots I took today (9/12) after 6 days of drying and 1 day in a mason jar (with an hour of burping everyday):


I'm very happy with Phasma's end product, while far from A+ it's still some decent B+ grade looking smoke in my opinion - in terms of comparison to the bud these seeds came from, if put side to side, it would have been like night and day! :cheertwo:.
Hope all is well in your world.

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