First Grow - 3 x Candy Kush Autos - 400W

Same here man, it was a friend that had recommended i get them because they're meant to be beginner friendly and pretty resistant against pests etc....Which i most definetly need because I've 2 dogs and a cat that cant keep her nose out the tent hah!

Tell me about it mate! I only found out about them last week after watching ashley kush's candy kush youtube videos. She bought 3 candy seeds from the same seed company i did and it happened to 2 of hers! Safe to say i panicked when i realised n i was through in the tent within seconds looking for wee pollen sacks or seeds haha.
Day 48,

I raised the light a couple inches the past few days to try encourage her to stretch a little more before vertical growth comes to a halt. Seems to have worked! Some of the leaves right at the bottom are turning yellow and I'm stumped as to why? Is it due to lack of light?


Hope everyone's having a good weekend!....I'm spending mine writing reports.Wooooo! :(

GT :tokin:
The yellowing is more then likley the last of autos life down the bottom been used up to produce buds/pistils and as uv said to strech abit more too:) iv noticed this a good bit with HPS lights the plant just loves them and must help it eat up all nutes in soil, leaves etc. and since theres the best bit of 4 weeks left, U could feed them some if ur not already with less (N) added nutes.
Not 100% if this is ur case but it sounds about right to me, just keep an eye:peace:
very nice, yellow down below late is good,, very nice I'm excited for you!
Thanks everyone! :)

massmedman: She's become considerably more yellow since I last posted any pictures. When i checked down the main stem i could see full leafs that were totally yellow and there's also a couple big fan leafs that are totally yellow too. Is it normal shes doing it this much?...I've been worried it's some kind of nitrogen deficiency as a result of giving her bloom nutes a few days back. =/

Happy 420 everyone! :rollit::roorrip:

GT :tokin:
Man, wish I could help more but my diagnosis skills aren't there for you at the moment. I reach out for help in that area. I'd say be patient, see what the new growth does. I didn't feed mine much last time, and this time I'm doing mostly LOS, well I am on the CKs. But, if you have nutes and see yellow after I'd assume one is related to another. I'd go water, if not consider flushing but, at this point. I. Might just run water and watch. Sometimes the plant works things out before you can react, and then it leads to other issues if you react incorrectly. But, I'm learning.

My point is don't overreact. Have a puff, happy 420 ;)
Thanks everyone! :)

massmedman: She's become considerably more yellow since I last posted any pictures. When i checked down the main stem i could see full leafs that were totally yellow and there's also a couple big fan leafs that are totally yellow too. Is it normal shes doing it this much?...I've been worried it's some kind of nitrogen deficiency as a result of giving her bloom nutes a few days back. =/

Happy 420 everyone! :rollit::roorrip:

GT :tokin:

What kind of yellowing is it? are they yelowing all over, all at once and dying or the tips are yellowing slowly and working its way around? Since u said u gave some bloom nutes they usually contain some N , unless u used a straight P or K it would of given her abit of nitro:) And as i mentioned abit back they love the hps so ur probley on ur way to lovely dence colas or loads of good bud:thumb:
Uv plenty of leaves there anyway so its really not that bad and since its an auto they 'Automatically' come to an end nothing one can do (yellowing lower leaves is one sign).
The plant uses nutes from the leaves to produce bigger and more bud spots, the hps is just making this happen quicker IMO
Just a peace of mind for u :peace:
What kind of yellowing is it? are they yelowing all over, all at once and dying or the tips are yellowing slowly and working its way around? Since u said u gave some bloom nutes they usually contain some N , unless u used a straight P or K it would of given her abit of nitro:) And as i mentioned abit back they love the hps so ur probley on ur way to lovely dence colas or loads of good bud:thumb:
Uv plenty of leaves there anyway so its really not that bad and since its an auto they 'Automatically' come to an end nothing one can do (yellowing lower leaves is one sign).
The plant uses nutes from the leaves to produce bigger and more bud spots, the hps is just making this happen quicker IMO
Just a peace of mind for u :peace:

Man, wish I could help more but my diagnosis skills aren't there for you at the moment. I reach out for help in that area. I'd say be patient, see what the new growth does. I didn't feed mine much last time, and this time I'm doing mostly LOS, well I am on the CKs. But, if you have nutes and see yellow after I'd assume one is related to another. I'd go water, if not consider flushing but, at this point. I. Might just run water and watch. Sometimes the plant works things out before you can react, and then it leads to other issues if you react incorrectly. But, I'm learning.

My point is don't overreact. Have a puff, happy 420 ;)

Thanks for the reassurance medman & chronic. Minds far more at ease now! :thanks:

Some of the leaves have totally turned, others have turned at the tips and are spreading inwards slowly man. Gave her a feed today but just with water to be on the safe side. I've thrown a couple snaps up of some of the leaves etc. Buds are stinking now, seriously wish I could post the smell onto the forum for everyone to wofffft!

GT :tokin:

Oh yeah! Lovely to see them buds grow! I just let the yellow leaves dry and fall onto the soil.
Thinking of giving her a haircut tonight lol. I've seen a few folk cutting away some of the fan leaves to allow for better light penetration for the lower bud sites. Anyone got any hints or tips? Or should i just leave her be n let nature run its course?
Will follow up with some pictures later, got to write out study notes for an anatomy and physiology exam first....seriously wish i was studying horticulture now haha....
Got some CalMag on the way too!...Will be interesting to see how she takes to it.
GT :tokin:
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