First Grow 2015 - 1 x WW - DWC - 240W LED

I only got a quick peek before I left for work this morning but it seemed about the same. I left a shallow dish with water out in the tent to try and boost the RH and it stabilized around 50%. I've stopped the foliar misting, so I'll see if any new spots spring up.
I also raised the lights to about 30" to see if I can induce some stretching and open up the under growth. Unfortunately that dropped the temp at plant level back down to the low seventies. I might put my active exhaust on a timer to balance temps around 80.
Few questions for the pro's:
Should I clip off most of the tiny lowest under growth?
I'm still in veg and the odor is distinctive and noticeable when you walk in my front that normal? I'm not too worried as I've got a carbon filter I can install, but I wanted to know if a potent odor was typical in so young a plant without flowers. Root ball is healthy and white as of last night btw so it isn't that.
I was shocked at how early my girls started to stink up the house as well, bumped my timeline for buying and installing a carbon filter up by two weeks at least. This was before we'd noticed a single pre-flower. Apparently this is completely normal.

As for trimming your plant, I think I see that it's a photoperiod, so the sky is pretty much the limit on what you do. I don't think you'll get a straight answer from anyone though, the options and permutations are just too vast.

Bottom line, if you think it'll help her produce more for you in the end, do it and see what happens. ;-)
Morning all, thanks for your inputs as usual, especially shig; I feel like you'll be saving me tons of heart ache this grow.
Well, this morning before I left for work I noticed some yellowing leaf tips.
I didn't have time for pictures, a fresh pH test (last one 5.9 yesterday morning), ppm check (600 yesterday morning), so I'm not expecting a whole lot of specific feedback, just kind of wanted to vent my frustration.
After the other day when I came home to find my ppm lower than my tap water after only four days in the res I pumped the nutes up. Apparently this girl is just an extremely light feeder because I'm thinking the yellowing leaf tips is her reaction to over feeding.....and I'm only up to 50% of recommended feed levels! To me she seems kind of runty at 4-5" in height finishing up her fifth week in veg (About 9" main stem growth, horizontally from LST). I would love to see 10" in height to maximize use of space in my tent before flipping to flower. I've got room for about 36" final height.
Good news is with the LST she is growing very evenly from every growth tip, with 12-16 main growth tips of approximately equal development.
Bad news is if the yellowing leaf tips is nute burn I'm kinda boned since I'll be at work until tomorrow afternoon
What is the ppm of your tap water? If it is high I would start from distilled water. It's a buck a gallon but you can also mix 1/2 tap to 1/2 distilled to try and bring the initial ppm down. This would let you add more nutes to get the same ppm.
Never mind I see you have RO and are comparing the dropped nutes to tap water. I am out of my area maybe a dwc person can help. If she doesn't tolerate high nutes the only thing I can think of is to link a larger reservoir. Pics will help.
Yeah, I thought I could get away with the three gal buckets but that's not gonna work for long with how much she's been drinking lately. I'll be topping up daily at this rate. I think I'm gonna swap her to a 5 gal I have on standby, run a drain outlet from the 5 gal to a spare 3 gal, and use a small pump from that back to the 5. Of course that was supposed to be the pump for my DIY chiller but I think I'm going to save that idea for when I can try a bigger operation. In the meantime it's a great beer fridge.
I will definitely add pics when I get home tomorrow. Here's to hoping the symptoms end at the two or three leaves with yellow tips and everything is on the up and up when I get back
Hey all, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here is the WW in her sixth week, LST'd, and FIM'd. The FIM was successful as the top growth now has four nearly even growth tips. The new recirculation setup passed its watertight integrity test. I know waiting would give bigger yields, but I don't know if I can anymore. I think I'm going to change her out to the bigger bucket/recirc this week and kick her on over to 12/12. Call it a Christmas present to me. If I pull a single OZ final then I'll consider this first grow a success and go for better next time around. Plus I've got the delahaze seedling which I think I'm going to try main lining. She can hang out under my 100 true W CFL in veg until she's ready to go into the tent with the WW or until the Widow comes down, whichever is first. Anyone have strong recommendations against this course of action? I seriously value everyone's input and experience here
Nota bene: don't leave town on Wednesday morning and come home Sunday night if you're running a DWC with 3 gal or less and your babies have healthy well developed root systems.
I can attest to the negative impacts of such an action through first-hand experience. My girl was showing all manner of symptoms when I got home and when I went to check the water there was none. When I say none I mean there was nothing but a thin film of water on the bottom of the bucket. I really should have made sure that recirc system was working before I left, but I was excited to see family for the holidays. Now I've got a plant that is hurting big time, and I'm going to delay flower indefinitely until she's either perked up and showing healthy new growth or gone the way of the dodo.
This will be my last post in this grow journal and the end did not come as I had expected. In fact the ol' girl was looking swell after I came home today; she had vibrant looking leaves and was standing tall, all she needed was some water and nutes. Which made it that much harder to uproot her. I came home to a notice on my door, and noticed identical slips on every door in my corridor which was either great news (new pizza deal in town!) or terrible news. It was the latter, tomorrow there will be a building wide inspection on fire sprinklers and access to all rooms in each unit is required. I won't say whether growing is strictly allowed where I am, but I can say my building manager wouldn't condone the practice. I have nowhere I could bring the girls and nobody I can trust to babysit on such short notice. The whole tent had to come down today. Feeling mighty down about the situation, but thank you everyone for your incredible support and guidance and when move on this summer I will certainly take the knowledge with me and try again. Let's please have a moment of silence for the young girls cut down with all the promise of their futures still ahead...
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