First Grow 2 White Widow 1 Mama Mia Indoor Soil 2 1000 LED 2018

Last night I really gave the girls a good healthy drink of a special mix a put together I split 3 gallons between the seven of them so they got a good soaking but I am going to give a few days between pics to see if there is a big difference in growth with the mix that I threw together and the soak that I gave and I dropped the lights to the recommended 18inches above the plants. I have looked in on the plants this morning and the one blueberry the is compact the I bent yesterday and picked some leaves off of has new growth it looks really good this morning I was surprised... stay high everyone!!!!
Compared Sunday's pic

And today's pic

I would say they liked the little energy drink I threw together for them they seem to be coming along very nicely right now a lot of new growth over the last 3 days here are individual pics

Stay high everyone!!!!!
They're looking great! But I think you should wait a bit longer for the middles of some of the sparser flat plants to fill in.
I want to see how they look after this next little kick drink I through together for them. I want to see what it does to them before I decide first but it's getting close that's for sure
Looking good Mushie Hay I meet Derbybud last night we had a good time talking shop and hobbies etc. watched some horse races. Great guy looking forward to all of us getting together Have a good one
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