First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

More cal mag buddy.

I don't see any need for more calmag from those pictures above honestly. If you seen something I didn't please point it out :)

Alright I'll hit em with some tonight. My ww has the claw bad idk if she will make it. Gonna flush her work new nutes again tonight I guess

Hey dude, been a while again I know, trying to get in here to help you out. Looking great btw!

From what I see in the pictures above (ww#1 and cc#3) is nutrient burn, but just a very little. I don't see any pictures in your last update with a calcium or a magnesium deficiency. You did however have a picture on the previous page that showed some rusty spots in the middle of a couple leaves, this is calcium deficiency. When you see burnt or crispy leaf tips on the very outer edges, that is nutrient burn. And for magnesium deficiency, the veins in the middle of each finger on the leaf will start to turn almost a bright greenish yellow when you have this. Most times calcium and magnesium deficiency fall hand in hand, but not always.

Edit: That little bit of nute burn that I can see in the photo's in nothing to worry about as long as it doesn't get any worse ok. That tiny bit of burning means that you have found the sweet spot, where the plant can't take in anymore nutrients than it already has stored. When there is to much nutrients pushed into the leaves they will actually push nutrients out through perspiration in the leaf tips and this is what causes your burning. You should be good right where you're at with half strength according to the FF trio schedule.
The browning on the tips of those claws are actually nutrient burn from what I know, it happens to my plants once in a while when I hit them with a new strength of nutes. I also have a couple plants with calcium deficiency right now as well, I will post a picture of that below. Those leaves could have been clawed for another reason from something previous, most times you will get clawed leaves from a nitrogen toxicity or maybe to low of temperatures. These pictures he took were also when the plants got bone dry so they were looking a little droopy and lower leaves are getting abit pale, but this is normal for lower leaves when it is needing a drink or even if they are in a shaded area.

I actually have a little bit of magnesium deficiency in one of those pictures for sure with the yellowing of the veins in the leaves.

and in the last picture, that tiny brow spot at the very tip of the leaf, that's nutrient burn because I push my plants to find their limits. Not all of them end up giving these signs, I just like to not mix a bunch of different batches :)
I actually have a little bit of magnesium deficiency in one of those pictures for sure with the yellowing of the veins in the leaves.

and in the last picture, that tiny brow spot at the very tip of the leaf, that's nutrient burn because I push my plants to find their limits. Not all of them end up giving these signs, I just like to not mix a bunch of different batches :)
Hey man how ya been? Well my ww got a little too dry so I had to nurse her back. I made some quarter strength nutes and flushed them out really good bc I think I used to much liquid bloom so I flushed that out with fresh nutes. That cc has been growing good buds just some burnt ends so I have kept her at quarter strength the whole time. I think half strength was too much for the ww so I dropped them back. Other than that they are growing great. Keep stopping in
Hey man how ya been? Well my ww got a little too dry so I had to nurse her back. I made some quarter strength nutes and flushed them out really good bc I think I used to much liquid bloom so I flushed that out with fresh nutes. That cc has been growing good buds just some burnt ends so I have kept her at quarter strength the whole time. I think half strength was too much for the ww so I dropped them back. Other than that they are growing great. Keep stopping in

Been doing good, thanks for asking! Had a few days off work this week so I have managed to get caught up on things a bit lol. Letting your plants go a little dry in the veg period wont hurt anything to much as long as the roots don't dry right out. By letting them dry up some in veg it helps the roots grow and go searching for water. But once you hit flowering it's best to ensure they don't dry out if at all possible as this may effect your yield.

Oh ok, I thought you were giving half strength nutes and then tried to up it which resulted in the nute burn.. But I get ya now. Really with some plants, more is less and less is more lol. Some of these plants are real nutrient suckers depending on which growing methods we choose. I have a couple plants that were sucking up the nitrogen like crazy, gotta give them a little extra. But yours are looking great, just keep on giving them the normal dosage of calmag to keep that issue at bay and use 1/4 strength on the rest of your nutes, should work out great! I'm gonna guess the FF trio schedule is stronger than my GH trio, I'm running full strength on the schedule on all plants and tweaking amounts where I feel it's needed.

Yo WW Auto extradonair.. is my baby WW-A stretching or just looking damn fine ..

Plant looks nice and healthy Grim, it also looks stretched as well though. What are you using for lighting above that plant and how far away from the plant does the light hang? I also see you have a little led strip hanging in the back?
Been doing good, thanks for asking! Had a few days off work this week so I have managed to get caught up on things a bit lol. Letting your plants go a little dry in the veg period wont hurt anything to much as long as the roots don't dry right out. By letting them dry up some in veg it helps the roots grow and go searching for water. But once you hit flowering it's best to ensure they don't dry out if at all possible as this may effect your yield.

Oh ok, I thought you were giving half strength nutes and then tried to up it which resulted in the nute burn.. But I get ya now. Really with some plants, more is less and less is more lol. Some of these plants are real nutrient suckers depending on which growing methods we choose. I have a couple plants that were sucking up the nitrogen like crazy, gotta give them a little extra. But yours are looking great, just keep on giving them the normal dosage of calmag to keep that issue at bay and use 1/4 strength on the rest of your nutes, should work out great! I'm gonna guess the FF trio schedule is stronger than my GH trio, I'm running full strength on the schedule on all plants and tweaking amounts where I feel it's needed.

Plant looks nice and healthy Grim, it also looks stretched as well though. What are you using for lighting above that plant and how far away from the plant does the light hang? I also see you have a little led strip hanging in the back?

Hey mate, cheers for the feedback.

My lighting for her and a few others is a little different. Won't be doing it in the future that's for sure.. haha..
10pm-10am flower tent (700w MarsLED) about 3ft away
10am outside for some Aussie autumn sun.
~5pm they got into a smaller tent with about 100w mixed lights, LED strip and small panel, the panels about 10in away.
Hey mate, cheers for the feedback.

My lighting for her and a few others is a little different. Won't be doing it in the future that's for sure.. haha..
10pm-10am flower tent (700w MarsLED) about 3ft away
10am outside for some Aussie autumn sun.
~5pm they got into a smaller tent with about 100w mixed lights, LED strip and small panel, the panels about 10in away.

That may be part of your problem, having the plant in the flower tent 3 feet away from the panel would certainly cause it to stretch some. I use a 1200W led panel and normally put them under it after the first 5-7 days (moved from under T5's) and the plant is about 24" away from the panel most times. Being outside can also cause plants to stretch, think about some of the outdoor cannabis plants and how tall they get as an example.

What are the mixed lights in the smaller tent? You may need to get them all closer to the plant. The led strips can be placed within inches of the plant and so can CFL's and fluro's (t5, t8) What is the small panel rated for? you may be able to get that really close as well. The less light a plant is getting or the farther away it is from the plant the more it will stretch - to a point - but you wouldn't want to have an HPS or MH bulb that close at all since they put off a ton of heat.
Been doing good, thanks for asking! Had a few days off work this week so I have managed to get caught up on things a bit lol. Letting your plants go a little dry in the veg period wont hurt anything to much as long as the roots don't dry right out. By letting them dry up some in veg it helps the roots grow and go searching for water. But once you hit flowering it's best to ensure they don't dry out if at all possible as this may effect your yield.

Oh ok, I thought you were giving half strength nutes and then tried to up it which resulted in the nute burn.. But I get ya now. Really with some plants, more is less and less is more lol. Some of these plants are real nutrient suckers depending on which growing methods we choose. I have a couple plants that were sucking up the nitrogen like crazy, gotta give them a little extra. But yours are looking great, just keep on giving them the normal dosage of calmag to keep that issue at bay and use 1/4 strength on the rest of your nutes, should work out great! I'm gonna guess the FF trio schedule is stronger than my GH trio, I'm running full strength on the schedule on all plants and tweaking amounts where I feel it's needed.

Plant looks nice and healthy Grim, it also looks stretched as well though. What are you using for lighting above that plant and how far away from the plant does the light hang? I also see you have a little led strip hanging in the back?
Sorry man been busy as Hell lately. Bout to start a business and it's been madness lately lol. Yeah i nuted the shit out of them so I had to pull it back to quart strength. Should I just be giving them nutes once a week? My ww was thirsty and Cc was still heavy. So I gave my ww quart strength and just straight ph water for my cc. Should I be watering every day and feeding once a week. I'm trying to cover all my basis bc them buds are looking good haha. I got me a bigger exhaust fan too bc the humidity won't hardly go below 70 and it's supposed to be between 40 and 50 in flowering right?
No worries dude! That's good, starting a business can be very hectic I'd imagine.

Since you are in coco really you could nute feed every watering but I would stick with a feed - feed - water schedule to ensure there are no salt buildups in the medium. There shouldn't be any need to water every day if there is some moisture retention in the medium. I'm sure your medium drains really well so every couple days maybe.

In the beginning of the flowering stage you can start to decrease the humidity once the buds start to form. I like to see the humidity stay between 60-70% until the flower stretch is over. My flower room sits in between 50-60 right now with no issues, just gotta keep the fans on them. Too much humidity when the buds are all formed could induce mold/bud rot so be sure to keep the fans on the plants.
No worries dude! That's good, starting a business can be very hectic I'd imagine.

Since you are in coco really you could nute feed every watering but I would stick with a feed - feed - water schedule to ensure there are no salt buildups in the medium. There shouldn't be any need to water every day if there is some moisture retention in the medium. I'm sure your medium drains really well so every couple days maybe.

In the beginning of the flowering stage you can start to decrease the humidity once the buds start to form. I like to see the humidity stay between 60-70% until the flower stretch is over. My flower room sits in between 50-60 right now with no issues, just gotta keep the fans on them. Too much humidity when the buds are all formed could induce mold/bud rot so be sure to keep the fans on the plants.
Yeah it's been hectic lately but all about the end game lol. If I would have went back in my journal I would have known you have me the same advice in the beginning haha. I don't just grow I partake as well . Yeah I think I'm just gonna stick with quarter strength nutes the rest of the way that just seems like the magic number for my ladies. Gonna invest in a better dehumidifier for in a few weeks. I have a window unit with that option on it but not doing the job. I'm on about day 50 so I'll upload some pics later when they wake up.
Alright day 52 on these bad boys. Gonna keep quarter strength nutes bc they all seem to be finicky and gonna up the cal mag bc I heard it's hard to over cal them in coco. All my buds are forming good except on my big ww I think I might have let it get to dry and may have stunted it. I sure hope not tho. If anybody has any good suggestions I'm all ears lol. Want to get a nice yield so hopefully they turn out good. The big one knows his bed time bc he droops alot when it's about lights out. Got new fan and it's helping. Probably gonna have to buy a cheap dehumidifier for the tent bc I can not keep it below 60

The ww that is not budding good yet
the candy cane that is looking all Sugary haha

Looking healthy, can't complain with how they are growing :) That WW that's still not budding the best yet may be a different phenotype? Does it have any different characteristics or does they both look the same? I'm sure the buds will start filling out some soon.

How much calmag are you feeding right now before upping it like you mentioned? You could go ahead and up it a little and it shouldn't hurt, but I wouldn't go overboard just because you're growing in coco. The plant will only use as much as it needs at any given time. So just because something worked well for one person doesn't necessarily mean it will for you, every garden is different in many ways even though it may appear similar. One thing for sure is, plants that are grown under LED lights will normally require more calmag than they would under an HID light, something to keep in mind. Also your leaves that are already affected by the rusty spots from low calcium will not go back to green just in case you were wondering. However, the yellowing in the leaves veins from low magnesium should come back to a healthy green.
With that being said, if the rust spots have stopped forming you should be good on calcium, if they have only slowed down, you will need a bit more. But I also see some yellowing veins so you could use some magnesium. In the end, if you still have rust spots forming, add more calmag. If the rust spots have stopped forming/getting worse then look into your other nutrient bottles and see which one has a good amount of magnesium in it and then you may be able to adjust your amount of that bottle instead.

Sorry that was so long haha hope you can understand it. I'm in my own little world today :lot-o-toke:
Hey brother been keeping up with your grow and it looks fucking awesome. I can tell you have your hands full lol. Yeah them ww have been different from day one. I think I stunted my big one when I let it get dry. The stalk on it has to be 2 inches it's huge (that's what she said) . I just upped the cal from 1 teaspoon to 1 and a half tspn. So not much. But the cc seems to be doing way better. All the buds are coming in great and giving off a good fruity smell. Other than that everything is OK except I can't get my humidity down in the tent, it's staying right around 70 even with my new exhaust fan ? I'm noticing some mold on the bottom of my fabric pots bc the cc doesn't drink alot so I'm giving them a few days no water. But the feed, feed water schedule is working great, thanks for that lol.
Thanks dude, I sure do have my hands full. I haven't really done anything with the older ones lately, just the 2 5gal plants since they are still young. Once I get some scrogs built them veg girls will look all out of whack until they grow into them, but I'm positive they will help me in many ways since they are wider than my fabric pots.

Are you letting your fabric pots sit in the trays after watering/feeding? If so it would be a good idea to remove the wet trays after they have drained. Another thing you could do that I have seen lots of people do is get a bunch of them lava rocks/fish tank rocks (about 3/4' in size) and pour them into your plants tray then set the pot on top of them. This will keep some air movement under them and mold shouldn't form. Maybe even try pointing a fan towards the floor to get air movement down in that area. I set mine up on those wooden stands I quickly made to keep them off the concrete floor and it works but isn't ideal, lava rocks would be better in the long run.

Hmmm, seems kind of weird that you can't get that RH down any.. What are the levels in the area your tent is situated? If the humidity isn't any lower outside the tent then you wont get it to go down at all. Also, where is the exhaust end exhausting to, in the main room the tent is in or is it going outside or to another area of the house? You do have your intake vents open as well right? And there is good pressure coming from the exhaust end? If you are unsure, try closing your vent flaps that are at the floor level of the tent and ensure your ports up top are closed as well (except for where exhaust is hooked up) and then close up the tent and turn on the exhaust fan. Do the tent walls try to suck inwards/almost collapse on itself? If so then this means you have good negative pressure and the fan is doing what it should be. Let me know how all this goes and as well try to answer the other questions I had and we will see what we can figure out.
Thanks dude, I sure do have my hands full. I haven't really done anything with the older ones lately, just the 2 5gal plants since they are still young. Once I get some scrogs built them veg girls will look all out of whack until they grow into them, but I'm positive they will help me in many ways since they are wider than my fabric pots.

Are you letting your fabric pots sit in the trays after watering/feeding? If so it would be a good idea to remove the wet trays after they have drained. Another thing you could do that I have seen lots of people do is get a bunch of them lava rocks/fish tank rocks (about 3/4' in size) and pour them into your plants tray then set the pot on top of them. This will keep some air movement under them and mold shouldn't form. Maybe even try pointing a fan towards the floor to get air movement down in that area. I set mine up on those wooden stands I quickly made to keep them off the concrete floor and it works but isn't ideal, lava rocks would be better in the long run.

Hmmm, seems kind of weird that you can't get that RH down any.. What are the levels in the area your tent is situated? If the humidity isn't any lower outside the tent then you wont get it to go down at all. Also, where is the exhaust end exhausting to, in the main room the tent is in or is it going outside or to another area of the house? You do have your intake vents open as well right? And there is good pressure coming from the exhaust end? If you are unsure, try closing your vent flaps that are at the floor level of the tent and ensure your ports up top are closed as well (except for where exhaust is hooked up) and then close up the tent and turn on the exhaust fan. Do the tent walls try to suck inwards/almost collapse on itself? If so then this means you have good negative pressure and the fan is doing what it should be. Let me know how all this goes and as well try to answer the other questions I had and we will see what we can figure out.

Hell yeah man that's what it's all about lol. I'm gonna watch your scrog set up for my next run. I can't wait to order some dark devil now haha. I have the pots set up on a grate over my water trays and always remove my ro water ten min after waterings and my intake has a fan running right on the floor across from them. I had my intake ports open but the humidity was getting worse. I even have a window unit with a dehumidifier setting right outside the tent. My buds don't seem to mind so far but I don't want it to create a problem like the mold on the bag lol. And I have my duct blowing outside and that tent is caved in with my new exhaust fan on its highest setting.
Hell yeah man that's what it's all about lol. I'm gonna watch your scrog set up for my next run. I can't wait to order some dark devil now haha. I have the pots set up on a grate over my water trays and always remove my ro water ten min after waterings and my intake has a fan running right on the floor across from them. I had my intake ports open but the humidity was getting worse. I even have a window unit with a dehumidifier setting right outside the tent. My buds don't seem to mind so far but I don't want it to create a problem like the mold on the bag lol. And I have my duct blowing outside and that tent is caved in with my new exhaust fan on its highest setting.

Right on, I just picked up all my supplies today for making the scrogs. Don't think I will get around to making any of them tonight but possibly tomorrow. They will certainly make an appearance over the weekend I'm sure :)

Ok, good that they are up off the ground but seems weird that they would be getting mold with the fans blowing around them.. I think you may want to invest in a stand up dehumidifier for that room and close the window if you can while running your exhaust out of the room.. Running an exhaust will be more beneficial if you can keep the lower intake ports open, and if you have a dehumidifier outside the tent for the room with window closed then your humidity should drop in both the room and the tent.. This way you aren't trying to cram one in your tent with all the plants..
Right on, I just picked up all my supplies today for making the scrogs. Don't think I will get around to making any of them tonight but possibly tomorrow. They will certainly make an appearance over the weekend I'm sure :)

Ok, good that they are up off the ground but seems weird that they would be getting mold with the fans blowing around them.. I think you may want to invest in a stand up dehumidifier for that room and close the window if you can while running your exhaust out of the room.. Running an exhaust will be more beneficial if you can keep the lower intake ports open, and if you have a dehumidifier outside the tent for the room with window closed then your humidity should drop in both the room and the tent.. This way you aren't trying to cram one in your tent with all the plants..
Ok cool deal man that's what I've been looking into and then I was like well do I want or need to put it in the tent. I heard they get really hot so I will just put it right outside the tent and open the intake holes. I like having some reassurance lol. I moved my lights around so I have one mars over my 2 cc and got one mars over top each ww. Also have my side lights going thru to the bottom of my plants. I included a few pics so you can see what I'm saying. They are forming nice buds, I just hope to keep it that way. I'm really glad I chose to only do 4 bc idk if I could handle more lol. The way these are growing I will for sure scrog next run bc it's a fucking hassle fighting thru these bushy fuckers just to water or do anything lol. I chose not to water my cc last night bc of the mold and I just watered the ww with straight ph water,cal mag and quarter strength tiger bloom. Is that OK?
Ok cool deal man that's what I've been looking into and then I was like well do I want or need to put it in the tent. I heard they get really hot so I will just put it right outside the tent and open the intake holes. I like having some reassurance lol. I moved my lights around so I have one mars over my 2 cc and got one mars over top each ww. Also have my side lights going thru to the bottom of my plants. I included a few pics so you can see what I'm saying. They are forming nice buds, I just hope to keep it that way. I'm really glad I chose to only do 4 bc idk if I could handle more lol. The way these are growing I will for sure scrog next run bc it's a fucking hassle fighting thru these bushy fuckers just to water or do anything lol. I chose not to water my cc last night bc of the mold and I just watered the ww with straight ph water,cal mag and quarter strength tiger bloom. Is that OK?

Yeah, if you have the room outside the tent your are better off as long as the tent is inside a bedroom or something. If the tent was in an open basement, it may be as effective.

Light positioning looks good. If you want a little more coverage you could move them up a couple of inches as well, that is if you find coverage over each plant isn't quite even.

I know what it's like trying to deal with 4 plants in a tent. I was using a DIY 4x4 tent on my first indoor grow and I had 4 - 5gallon buckets in there lol It got to the point once they were bigger and flowering to just pull them right out of the tent for pictures and feeding since they were hempy buckets. Gets crowded fast!

When you're mixing up nutes, are you PH adjusting the water before you add nutes? If so, there's no need to do that. Just use the water as it is, add nutes, then ph adjust. And I'm not to sure if just using the tiger bloom is ok or not lol I would keep going by the schedule that FF gives you on the bottles. Most of the 3 parts are the same and will require a little of each through the entire grow and sometimes just 2. Anything aside from the 3part nutes (micro, grow, bloom) in the same lineup of nutes are additives/supplements, such as your calmag.
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