First DWC SOG Hydro Run - Blue Cheese & Critical Kush

the critical kush smells pine and citrus and the blue cheese well it mostly smells like cheese hehe although the most aromas production its starting this week.
I removed some of the lower small branches that have develop tiny or no bud at all to give power to the other branches. but i didnt remove them all at once. i left some that had more than 10 hairs or so on them and i will prune them if they dont show any development until the next nut change. i also changed water stones today.
30 days into flower and we see some well developed cola like buds sugarleafs laced with tricomes on the mother plants and on the clones witch have exeeded all of my expectations.

take an eye on the clones and the bluecheese mama


take a look on stems
critical kush

and blue cheese
on side notes i yesterday i saw sighns of under fert but i thought i had time today i lost 10 big fan leafs because of underfert but its not so hard loss cause they were the ones down the stem that didn't get mutch light anyway. seems i will have to up the dose just a bit next week or i should feed on 6 days witch is probably what i am gonna do seems the ph on the mother plants is at 6.8 after adding the nutrients and waiting 10 minutes witch i don't like at all i will recheck tomorow and adjust to 5.8-6 if i can. a litle bit of black root slime not to serius but i adjusted the temperature on 23 (it was a bit on the high side 28-30) cleaned reservoirs. clones are at optimal growth ph is 5.8 - 6 spotless green leafs good bud development roots white as snow witch means it was the right time to feed them (they should be offwhite from the nutrient uptake they take color) i am really proud of my girls womans now ;)
i also touched 1 small bud of each of the motherplants and they were really dense after that my fingers were sticky and once i smelled them i got a hit in the brain by the aroma pine citrus skunky on the critical kush and skunky blueberry on the bluecheese i couldnt believe it when i was reading it but the barneys farm blue cheese really has a bluberry hint.



and some blucheese bud shots you can really tell it apart from the wider and more leafs and the more dark color compared to the critical kush

here is a pick of a lower critical kush leaf clear indication of underfert scragly leaf with light green yellow color across
Hey nice shots buddy!

I really like pics of the blue cheese, that girl looks sexy, and the tone of the color is mm-mmm :) By the way, can you make something out of those "hairy" leafs? I believe they're potent aren't they ? :)
I wish to achieve something similar to this :) And I would be happiest person in the world :))
cant make anything yet but when there finished a yellow bho would be like a candy... maybe live resin proly. i believe you will achieve that kind of results just don't deleaf as they all say. just lolipop.
I dont won't to deleaf, but I sure gonna lolipop it if I ever get a chance of course :)
my decision not to deleaf saved me 3 days now i was watching fan leafs going yellow and fall of a sighn of underfert but how? i just fed them 2 days ago. today i gave a close eye on the roots and saw the slime was growing fast and it was blocking the nutrient uprtake the plant was using the reserves on the fan leafs to grow the buds i added 10 ml of 3% of peroxide i actually have a use for the extra additives on the 3% they lower the ph. i think it worked the leafs on the top are starting to swell again.
And you tell that 10 ml of 3% peroxide is enough ? :O or was it 10ml per gallon ? If it was just 10 ml of h2o2, then i've done terrible thing to my plants and its a miracle they're allright :) firstly I've added 200ml of h2o2 dilluted in maybe 1 l of water, and this was my first bath, second peroxide bath was only 300ml of h2o2. Okayyyy, I feel like the root destroyer now :D
And you tell that 10 ml of 3% peroxide is enough ? :O or was it 10ml per gallon ? If it was just 10 ml of h2o2, then i've done terrible thing to my plants and its a miracle they're allright :) firstly I've added 200ml of h2o2 dilluted in maybe 1 l of water, and this was my first bath, second peroxide bath was only 300ml of h2o2. Okayyyy, I feel like the root destroyer now :D
recomended dose is 10 ml of 35% per gallon i added 10 ml of 3% on 2 gallons i always like to start small and go higher as needed. ofc this is the dose for mature plants your plants are barely touching what ppl think as the veg stage.
And you tell that 10 ml of 3% peroxide is enough ? :O or was it 10ml per gallon ? If it was just 10 ml of h2o2, then i've done terrible thing to my plants and its a miracle they're allright :) firstly I've added 200ml of h2o2 dilluted in maybe 1 l of water, and this was my first bath, second peroxide bath was only 300ml of h2o2. Okayyyy, I feel like the root destroyer now :D
what percentage was your peroxide?
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