First Basement Grow

When you upload a picture from your camera or computer into your gallery, you can scroll down once you are completed and there is a small icon on the right hand side with three dots horizontally laid out with a small arrow pointing downwards beside it. You click that button and a list of editing options will show up including how to rotate your photos. You have to be careful though, once you upload your photos to the members Gallery, there is a certain time limit for you are no longer able to edit your photos. I too found out the hard way, I was pulling my hair out until another member told me about it. Glad to see you are having some progress.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :hug:

That has frustrated me from day one. Oh my gosh, what a relief. Sometimes I get going so fast. Lol!
It worked, but I’m on my phone, so I can’t share it with you without sending you to my gallery. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Your link to this grow doesn't work. Ordinarily, that wouldn't be a problem, since your profile page offers a link to your threads. Your choice to limit access to that page means we have to go looking for you the hard way.

Not all members will be as diligent as those of us who did find you. When the link doesn't work there are many other rooms to visit. If it were me I'd fix the link. :battingeyelashes:
Ok i am gonna post a couple of my babies, as it turns out now that you have to edit your photos i was in the process of doing that when to my most happy surprise my buddy just called to tell me to come get my new girls ( Tut and Glue) yes been waitin for them got a spot cleared out... they are 2 week clones..

No pictures for me. Did you make your album/pictures private?
how do i undo that if i did B
I have no idea. I have had another person do it, and they figured it out.

Sorry, I can't help more.:(
Nope..... I just see

View album 17066

and when I click that, I get

Ooops !!!! We ran into some problems. You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
try number two there B and all other peeps sorry didnt realize not to totally privatize my whole album collection... kick in the shorts cause i been working on the albums for two days lol :eek:
View album 17129
7 Pictures there.
yeah figured it out gotta set up folders and such as viewable by registered guests not user only lol after all the work... guess i got some work to do tomorrow :ganjamon::ganjamon:
Well, the forum has actually changed a lot since I joined. (not that long ago)

The members here are figuring it out just like you are. That is why it's hard to answer a question. Many of us haven't done it.

You will get it...... :thumb:
but you at least got an idea of what i am working with..... pretty proud of em.... got like 15 total including some second gen and third gen.... as i said earlier in some post started with pretty pathetic clones... will show those pics tomorrow, as i have to re organize all my photos again... lol
Yes, nice to see more pictures. Hard to follow a journal without pictures.

Looks like they are growing pretty well. I think that snow needs to go away. Then you will be ready for outside.:thumb:
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