First Attempt At A Journal

Thanks @Trala I'm just showing her numbers for the aquaponic folks. Lol its kinda a pain in the ass. But she's doing good. Her buds are pretty small at this point, I fear though that she is not going to stay in flower long enough for her to make seeds for me. I would truly like for her to give me some babes. Lol


Ph: 6
Ppm: 255
Wt: 22°C
Tt: 25.1°C
Th: 21%
So left for work before lights were on and got in super late last night. However she's looking good but her ph keeps dropping 1 point in 24hr everyday since I've changed her bucket. It don't seem to be effecting her to much as I can see. Nothing has gone astray at this point. I got some new GH hydro buckets from a family member so will be starting some new hydro grows very soon. Heres her report.

Ph: 6.2
Ppm: 250
Wt: 21°C
Tt: 23.3°C
Th: 22%

She's not the prettiest girl but she's still growing good. Each day the lights come on, you can see that she pack on weight. He oh was not as low this morning. I added water last night for the water that was missing. Here's her report and her numbers.

Ph: 6.1
Ppm: 259
Wt: 23.1°C
Tt: 24.8°C
Th: 24%

Here she is. Some photos of her trichomes. Is she done? Lol I'll let y'all decide. I'm headed to work give me some feed back and I will get on top of everything when I get in this evening.

Ph: 6.4
Ppm: 262
Wt: 21.1°C
Tt: 23°C
Th: 27%

Here she is. Some photos of her trichomes. Is she done? Lol I'll let y'all decide. I'm headed to work give me some feed back and I will get on top of everything when I get in this evening.

Ph: 6.4
Ppm: 262
Wt: 21.1°C
Tt: 23°C
Th: 27%

Beautiful girl my friend, I see lots of clear tricks and a white pistol.
Judging by those pics alone I'd say you have a week to go. Minimum.
Let's see what others say. :thumb:
She's looking good. I think maybe she's got another week. Her trichomes are not as full as I like them to be so I will let her grow and not mess with nothing besides making sure her water is alright.

Ph: 6
Ppm: 262
Wt: 21.7°C
Tt: 22.7°C
Th: 41%


Although her trichomes are almost all full they are not turning amber anywhere. That's strange but not unheard of.
I'd give her another day or two. You're in the window that's for sure!

We're you looking more for couch lock
Or cerebral?
I’d giver her two more weeks my friend
Hey Josh, I was once told there is no such thing as a stupid question...

But I might be testing that theory with this question.

With hydro you grow it in just nute water aye? My question is why do you do that?
i Dabbed and read this so funny. Thanks Trala !
By concensus I was wrong :green_heart: :morenutes:
depends on the affect he wants ? So much to learn eh ? It’s all about the cure ..wait till he finds out he’s only half way done hahaha
Hey Josh, I was once told there is no such thing as a stupid question...

But I might be testing that theory with this question.

With hydro you grow it in just nute water aye? My question is why do you do that?
Well to be totally honest with you @Trala for me there really is nothing spectacular about why I chose this way to grow a few plants. Well first off I find it truly amazing how it all works and being able to look and watch your plants roots grow, well there's really nothing like it. As well as finding this an attractive way to grow, I find it challenging to me and I love a good challenge!! To me I don't get a big difference in anything as far as how different the grows are set up. But with the Hydro system it allows me to do more with the plant cause I'm able to control everything. So I'm sure once I get my skills honed in. I can then get the fullest out of the Hydro bucket.

I hope this helps.
I’d giver her two more weeks my friend
This is what I was thinking my friend. She's been in flower now for almost 13 weeks. But she is not getting fat any to quick. Her trichomes are starting to turn amber. There are very few ambers though so this describes to me that she still has some life to live. This plant right here for real has tought me so much with everything we've gone through. Been a blast though I'll tell ya though, I'm ready for her to be done so I can start another one that I've been saving till she's complete.
Well to be totally honest with you @Trala for me there really is nothing spectacular about why I chose this way to grow a few plants. Well first off I find it truly amazing how it all works and being able to look and watch your plants roots grow, well there's really nothing like it. As well as finding this an attractive way to grow, I find it challenging to me and I love a good challenge!! To me I don't get a big difference in anything as far as how different the grows are set up. But with the Hydro system it allows me to do more with the plant cause I'm able to control everything. So I'm sure once I get my skills honed in. I can then get the fullest out of the Hydro bucket.

I hope this helps.
Super interesting. I had no idea that is what hydroponics was until I joined this site. I though it was growing in special dirt. I do get the irony given that the medium used was in the headline ie hydro lolll. Hey a funny, first time I was asked what medium I used I legit thought they were asking me if I used a clairvoyant lolllingggggg!

Do you need to test the water daily? And does there come points in the grow you have to change the water?
Super interesting. I had no idea that is what hydroponics was until I joined this site. I though it was growing in special dirt. I do get the irony given that the medium used was in the headline ie hydro lolll. Hey a funny, first time I was asked what medium I used I legit thought they were asking me if I used a clairvoyant lolllingggggg!

Do you need to test the water daily? And does there come points in the grow you have to change the water?
Good luck with this Josh ! check Out the hydro forums, or DWC forums ..lot of really helpful information! Everything I know I’ve learned there :green_heart::yummy:
love your accent Trala! :ganjamon::passitleft:
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