First Attempt At A Journal

Jesus fucking Christ what does that even say?!

I hope I didn’t have a mini stroke!

I am trying to read between my own confused lines and best I can surmise is it’s either “good work Josh” or I’m talking about Dijon mustard.

The fact two of you gave me pity likes has me cringing!

Well I just went with it. I talk text all day and you should see some of the shit it comes up with. I figured maybe you wad saying that you like what was going on. All in all though awesome response Love it.
Little update on the critical widow shes been in flower for 9 days veg here for 53 days soo yeah here she is.. :hookah: a little over kill on the pics lol :ganjamon:






Looking great Josh, I know I sound like a broken record but nice job, I truly can't wait to hear you talk about her after she's been finished & cured :green_heart:
Oh man I can't wait till that day. I remember the flower she come out of. WOW is all you can say. If she turn out any thing like what she come from. I'll be extatic
Shes getting darker green by the day. Shes been light all this time and now shes turning dark. Shes beautiful though.

Ph: 6.2
Ppm: 318
Wt: 19.4°C
Tt: 20°C
Th: 36%



Heres my new seeds that come in last night. They come from a sponsor Irish Seed Bank
Ph: 6.2
Ppm: 287
Wt: 23°C
Tt: 23.9°C
Th: 31%


She is nicely coming along. I had to add some water to her bucket this morning. 2 liters.
Update: So I got some new nutrients called maga crop just a single bag for all of your plants needs. Well I added some to MoJo and it appears that her leafs have darkened considerably. With her darker leafs you can see the bleached spots from me spraying her with water while the lights are on. Super bright light to bleach burn spots in her leafs. However she is putting on weight finally. It seems that we've been through so much and she's still moving along. She's a trooper that's foe sure.

You can see her old leaf at the bottom where I almost killed her. Well its her new growth and her older growth that has darkened. She's definitely coming along.
Hey Josh ! shes a fighter to be sure ! Those little white dots concern me a little are you sure you are pest free?

mega crop is easy to use ..with her size and trauma history I would use no more that 4-5 grams dissolved per gallon ..?
. I also used a Cali mag supplement .
Here the kicker about Mega crop for bloom , it seems to be missing something so they sell a product called gravitron to address this . hope this helps! :goodjob:
Hey Josh ! shes a fighter to be sure ! Those little white dots concern me a little are you sure you are pest free?

mega crop is easy to use ..with her size and trauma history I would use no more that 4-5 grams dissolved per gallon ..?
. I also used a Cali mag supplement .
Here the kicker about Mega crop for bloom , it seems to be missing something so they sell a product called gravitron to address this . hope this helps! :goodjob:
Thank you so much. I had no idea about the other part to maga crop. However I will be checking in to the other part. As far as the white dots go yes they are from the light. I just got the light and its way stronger than what I was use to and put spots on MoJo and B.S but I figured it out quickly. I've no pest anywhere as far as little ones go. I do have big spiders and some kind of grass hopper in the basement from an old tenant selling bait out of the house. Can't get rid of the things. Lol yiu go down there and they are literally everywhere. Its crazy but cool at the same time. In the summer they sing to us so we kinda grew on them. But yeah man shes a fighter. Shoot shes been cooking since Oct last year. So shes ready to go. I've got some pollen coming this week so hopefully here soon within the next few years you'll be seeing my own mix in the sauce. I'm working on it. Thanks for stopping in my friend. It was good to see ya. :passitleft:
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