First 2000 Watt SCROG

You guys have great rationale for your weight guesses ;) This will be really interesting to see.

Here's a banana (or acorn) photo


Here's an article talking about bananas

Nice post and great reading very informitive.I just cant seem to find any bananns at all. Just a couple seed looking things.I cant figure it out.I will try to post pics tonight.
I guess if they develope late in flowering they can be completely engulfed by the female flowers and difficult to see. This is also why the cant spread much pollen.
I guess if they develope late in flowering they can be completely engulfed by the female flowers and difficult to see. This is also why the cant spread much pollen.

Oh well the one that was a problem is in a different area there may be another one but im not possitive.Its the weirdest dam thin there are hairs growing out of them
Hey all yeah im still here Budley. I will be posting pics tonight.Question for you I have been checking trichs daily and the more I look the more I still see clear\cloudy.I might see 1 somwhat amber trich in 200 and I have new white hairs exploding all over the place. I fed them with just molasis the last water and was planing on just molasis till finish,but with the trich and new white hairs I am thinking I should hit them again with a full shot of nutes tonight cause I dont want to starve them if they need to grow a little more. Any suggestions? Should I just keep hitting them with molasis? I plan to flower them untill 75% of the trichs are cloudy
Thanks Spike. Nice to have you stop by Doc. And finally Sonic I did my best to get the close ups for you my camera kinda sucs but i did my best. Therse are now 10 weeks and a day or 71 days.I have cut off all nutes and will be using molasis right up till the end and then flush with the final watering.













Looking great.
Kinda hard to tell without seeing the trichs, but they look close.
How long do you plan to flush?
I've had plants last a couple of weeks on just R/O water.
She'll let you know when she's ready.
Keep up the good work.
Looking great.
Kinda hard to tell without seeing the trichs, but they look close.
How long do you plan to flush?
I've had plants last a couple of weeks on just R/O water.
She'll let you know when she's ready.
Keep up the good work.

I am going with Pit viper and really not doing a flush.I stopped nutes a week ago and I am just using molasis now.I plan on doing this till the last watering and then hit them with straight water and let em get good and dry before harvest.
Beautiful photos update, they are swelling nicely. Going to be a great harvest man!

If you can't get a closeup and your trichomes are turning slowly - can you tell us how the hair looks? The calyx decay isn't as a good an indicator as the trichomes but it's a great supplemental.

You don't want to let too high of a percentage get on the right side of the red "harvest" line in the photo below

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