Firecracker Potency Problem


New Member
Hey everyone, the last couple batchs of firecrackers i have made have been weak, as in they give me a light buzz for 2-3 hours, i used about an eighth of mid and made 4 crackers, i put alot of weed in each cracker(trying to get blown like i had before), wrapped them in foil(not airtight), and cooked them at 320 F for 24 mins. I did not use butter or oil because the PB was so oily i had to stir it. I ate all of them on a empty stomach and only had a buzz for like 2-3 hours. I made them the first time with the same bud at a friends house and we got superhigh by only using a gram. I am just trying to figure out what im doing wrong because i loved FC's after i tryed them but now it seems like im wasting it. Oh and all of the times i have had cannafood has been 2-3 weeks apart.
Have u been only medicating with this particular strain for a while? U may have built up a tolerance to it. I can eat meds all day at 1X and 2X (dosage) and they don't do much. When I watch others, some of them get ripped. So my advice would be to switsh to another strain for a while or just lay of ur meds 4 a few days f u can afford to go without for a few. Try it and see. Its either that or u just got some schwag.
i've noticed the same thing. i think that might have used too much peanut butter for it to get hot enough in the 24 mins. but it didn't make sense cause the first 3 or 4 times i had them it was the craziest experience so i know i had to have just messed up someplace. i want to figure this out.
damn, i hope not. when i started firecrackers i had just finished a 3 month break from the stuff. and i started with reggs. these crackers made me wonder if it was actually possible to overdose if you eat enough. I've never heard of it being possible, but that's definitely what was running through my mind. but ill try stepping things up now i guess.

by the way i think your problem was that you didn't use any oil. olive oils the best. and i've used almond butter instead of peanut butter but idk how well it works still experimenting
One thing I've noticed is I get better results if I put the crackers with peanut butter on them in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds before putting weed on them. It makes the fat/oil rise to the top. But still with edibles, seems like it hits me differently each time.
Alright, Monday I've got a new strain coming in. I tryed it out when it wasnt all the way ready with the Family and 6 of us got ripped off two joints:joint:. :focus:, I already went to the store and got some Ritz, Nutella, and my fav oily PB. I will make some with nutella, some with PB, and let everyone know of the results. I'm also going to do some experimenting with oil, The wrapping, Quanity of PB Etc. I will post my results, Thanks everyone for the help.:thankyou:
Hey guys, perfect thread here.. I was about to post one along the same considerations. I'm having lung issues, so I have to refrain from smoking / vaping now.. indefinitely :surrender:

But moving on, I found this site a few weeks ago, and did my research on baking ideas. I zoomed in on Firecrackers, specially with Nutella, since I love that stuff.. here's the recipe / post that I used for my baking experimentation:

Nutella Firecrackers

I ended up purchasing Graham crackers (maintaining a 'sweet' theme.. Ritz, etc.: too salty for me) and using Nutella.

I've done 3 sessions (4th will be tonight) and here's my results:

1) first batch: 1.5g across 3 crackers / sandwiches (0.5g per cracker batch); I used ONLY Nutella and Graham crackers; baked them for exactly 15 minutes @ 350F, and ended up face-planting into the couch at about the 2 hour mark :rip: having my wife wonder if she should evict me for the night, since I was absolutely comatose.. -- completely destroyed me, and loved every second of it.. NOTE: I used very light / moderate amounts of Nutella on either side of the sandwich..

2) being curious for the Peanut Butter / Olive Oil considerations within a few recipes on the site here, I did the same as above, with with the following differences: a) I placed weed on Nutella, then layered a light coat of oily Peanut Butter over the weed (to enhance the oil / fat availability for the THC absorption,) only to cap with the cracker and Nutella on the topside; b) I baked for 20 minutes @ 350F instead of 15, due to the extra Peanut Butter additon / material (would take longer to penetrate with more product mass, etc.) RESULT: just as good as the above.. only with a bit more 'taste' to the product, with a nice light, slightly burnt Peanut Butter overtone..

3) Got greedy on this session: I opted to not use any Peanut Butter for this time, but instead amp the amount of weed I used. I don't have a very sensitive scale, but I probably used 3 grams across 4 crackers. I finely chopped my bud (almost into powder this time), and placed in the oven for 25 mintues, @ 350F (again much more mass for each sandwich this time)..

NOW: per session 3 above: the results were mediocre, and here are my thoughts on the possible reasons why:

i) too much weed; I suspect the too-much mass (weed and Nutella) might not have been penetrated by the heat and thus only produced mild THC extraction into the Nutella..
ii) I didn't use Peanut Butter on these ones, and thus not enough fat to absorb all the THC available.. but the amount of THC should have been enough to produce more wasted-ness than I experienced on this session.. so that leads me to think not enough heat might have been the issue; still with my first session I only used Nutella and that worked fine.. so I'm stuck for ideas past the 'no Peanut Butter' consideation here..
iii) my wife closed the (open) oven door during the cool-down process, and thus baked them further still, past 25 minutes.. the oven was probably at about 285-325F when she closed the door, so that would have equated into about another 5-10 minutes baking time, @ 350F.. these units tatsed 'burnt' when I ate them, so thus I think I over-cooked the THC, and thus only about half as high as previous attempts.

So with that in mind, I'm nervy about trying to bake tonight @ 350F.. unless I revert back to attempts 1 & 2 (above).

I know the release point of THC starts at about 250F or so, and maxes out about 400F.. so I think 350F is a bit on the high end of the temperature range. I've seen the other recipes here that call for 325F or 330F, and I can imagine that temperature range is safer, to prevent over-cooking. But I do also think that the amount of mass (food product) and the amount of weed added (per unit) do play into the equation as well..

I'm starting to wonder if too much weed in the recipe works against the goal.. the first 2 times I followed the recipe exactly, and had wonderful results.. only when I got greedy did I seemingly fail.

Lastly, my other consideration into the equation is how finely ground or chopped the bud is.. the first couple of times I used medium to medium-fine grade-busted bud.. The third session I used extremely fine (almost powder) grade-busted bud, and am wondering if that allowed too easily, the weed to be overcooked (wish wifey hadn't closed over door -- would have eliminate that variable).

NOTE: the gag (reflex) factor on my session 3 edibles was terrible.. the taste was soooooo bad, I urched with every bite, had to use about half a gallon of milk to wash down 4 sandwiches.. that's one other reason that using too much weed might want to be avoided, so you don't have to 'taste' huge amount of week, per bite / morcel / sandwich.. using 0.5g per unit serves well for taste considerations..

So the only part left that I really don't have much insight into, is how finely chopped bud plays into the equation.. can someone knowledgeable comment there?

Anways, I'm off to do baking now :cheertwo:

I'm going to stick to 0.5g per sandwich, layer with Peanut butter as well, keeping the food mass light, and baking for strictly 15 - 20 minutes MAX.

If I want to get higher, I'm just going to eat more sandwiches vs. adding more bud to each sandwich..

NOTE: I'm using good - very good grade bud for my baking (don't know what type, but it's a solid 8/10).

I'll let you know how this turns out. (and yes, I actually will let you know.. LOL.. so many posters indicate: ~'I'll let you know..' and they never post their restuls.. so I can only imagine it worked out well for them.. for obvious reasons..)

Great site here.

Cheers, The Honk.
Hey guys, just an addendum to my above post: I just baked 6 sandwiches, with about 0.6g per unit, @ 350F, for 15 minutes. Then I killed the oven heat, and let the firecrackers stay in the oven for another 5 minutes (20 minutes total), and then immediately removed from the oven.

I made these units with the Peanut Butter as well, and tried to be light on the food mass involved..

They're just cooling now. Will be munching down on a couple in an hour or so, and will post my results.

They 'smell' like they're on the cusp of being over-cooked (yikes).. so I think overcooking is clearly an issue.

Note: I forgot to mention when I baked them with just Nutella only (attempt #1, above,) I could barely smell the ganga through the foil.. these ones I just baked are very stinky, and remind me of the my 3rd attempt, per above.. (that didn't work very well.)

Hope they work well.


The Honk.
Hey guys, another addendum to my posts above here..

Well, after a few weekends of baking attempts, I can only surmise that metabolism, stomach capacity (full / empty) and not-over-baking product are about the only controls to play with for baking.

I've done several variations baking times, between 15 and 25 minutes for the above style of firecrackers. Upon approaching the 25 minute bake period, I find that the units start to taste over-cooked.

And reverting back to an all-Nutella unit (no peanut butter) left my gag reflex enough so, that I hurled a couple of units right into the sink upon eating them.. the units I hurled were quite loaded with bud and the taste was just downright lethal.. absolutely horrible..

So last weekend, I finally decided to revert back to using some peanut butter for these units..

Firstly, the TASTE of these peanut butter units is totally fine.. hardly any smell, nor any foul taste.. the oil in the peanut butter seems to much better absorb the odors (taste).. I baked some units with a peanut butter bottom, and slight Nutella top, sandwiched together.. were absolutely fabulous.. no nasty taste, hardly any taste to them at all..

Also, I found that @ 350F, 20 minutes for my oven works the best.. I know everyone's oven differs, even the 2 I have at home; for my 20 minutes, I use a small toaster oven.. smaller air space cooks more evenly..

So with my ad nauseum ramblings here, my best units thus far, for taste, potency and general happiness are:

1 Graham cracker bottom with peanut butter, topped with about 0.5g of bud on top of peanut butter. Then I take a Nutella laced top (very minimal amount) and sandwich them. Then bake @ 350F for 20 minutes in small toaster over.

NOTE: the only other variable I've noticed is how I wrap the units in aluminum foil for baking: 1) I've wrapped them tightly (shrink-wrap style) with baking paper (NOT!: parchment / wax paper: it starts melting around ~350F..), but baking paper (good to 500F) and aluminum foil. This I found tends to bake more quickly and thus leads to potential over-baking quite easily. 2) wrap the units in baking paper and aluminum, but leave some air space / air pocket, or loosely wrapped.. this seems to help with the extra air to penetrate the unit and thus not overcook.

I have a feeling that (how tightly wrapped the units are) effects the baking penetration overall to some degree, and plan on varying this more in future batches to see if I can pin it down further.. the last successful units I have allowed some air space and were quite good.

Tomorrow my plan is: peanut butter bottoms, topped with bud, then olive oil (other recipes on site suggest to do so; I haven't yet added the olive oil to any batches) and potentially sandwich with Nutella; then plan to bake @ 350F for 20 minutes in toaster oven..

Will report back!


The Honk.
Hey.. Nutella is a hazelnut paste made with oil and cocoa.. it basically tastes like chocolate and hazelnuts, with a paste consistency similar to 'smooth' peanut butter; very calorie rich, with lots o' fat and sugar, etc.. great energy source.. very addicting if you like sweets, specially hazelnuts and chocolates..

Just google 'nutella' and you'll see.. very neat treat..

Anyways, I just finished a baking session in the kitchen, in anticipation of lift-off tomorrow night.. :slide:

I took some pics of my process in anticipation that these will be excellent..

I used graham crackers with peanut butter, weed, melted butter on the weed, then sandwiched with another graham cracker with a light coat of Nutella on the top cracker; wrapped in parchment paper and aluminum with some air pocket in the seal, and decided to bake @ 325F in my large oven.. a bit of variation from my above posts and previous attempts, but I figured I would try the best elements from all the recipes I've read that are similar..

I just nibbled a small corner of one (got keep under the wife's radar -- it's not the weekend yet..), and I can feel the effects of this micro-bite I took only after 30 minutes...

I think they're going to be excellent... :cheertwo:

The smell, taste, texture and amount of cooking / baking, look about perfected.. if they're as good as I'm hoping, I'll read the guide to posting pics and show n' tell..


The Honk.

Just sitting here watching the clock tick away, until this evening.. mission control has confirmed that all is set for launch.. just gotta let the clock run out..

I'll be honest if they're not spectacular as I'm hoping they are.. I think the melted butter on the weed is going to be extra octane needed to go from sub-orbital to full interstellar travel..

Wish me luck..

T-minus 8hrs and counting..



The Honk.
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