Fire Safety: How do you prevent a disaster?

Here is the power strip I have replaced.
Did you get it on ZON?
Hey thanks @Rexer for mentioning those fire suppression balls. Just got three, one for each tent. I'm still going to get a couple ceiling-mount canisters when I can afford them but for now every tent I run will have a ball in it. They're about the same price as a 6" fan and in my opinion it would be dumb of me to not consider them just another part of tent kit.
Hey thanks @Rexer for mentioning those fire suppression balls. Just got three, one for each tent. I'm still going to get a couple ceiling-mount canisters when I can afford them but for now every tent I run will have a ball in it. They're about the same price as a 6" fan and in my opinion it would be dumb of me to not consider them just another part of tent kit.
Thats great Copper. I'm glad you have them.
Did you get a big fire extinguisher yet?
Once my big tent goes back up in attic I'm going to buy 4 little ones striped to roof then if heat get to hot they burst my missis is scared after I showed what happend to yours and I did melt my first tent up there lucky no fire though so thanks to you mine will be fire proof next run
Hey thanks @Rexer for mentioning those fire suppression balls. Just got three, one for each tent. I'm still going to get a couple ceiling-mount canisters when I can afford them but for now every tent I run will have a ball in it. They're about the same price as a 6" fan and in my opinion it would be dumb of me to not consider them just another part of tent kit.
Well, how can I not order some myself now? :rofl:
I'll be getting two for now (next pay). I'll put one inside the tent, and one ontop the tent. That should create two waves of suppression and buy time.

I was also eyeing those ceiling mount extinguishers. I think one mounted right above my breaker box (and pointed at it) will eventually go in.

And extinguishers will be added as well.

Looks like my next few pays will be going into fire safety.
Once my big tent goes back up in attic I'm going to buy 4 little ones striped to roof then if heat get to hot they burst my missis is scared after I showed what happend to yours and I did melt my first tent up there lucky no fire though so thanks to you mine will be fire proof next run
Hey @Ljb1 I'm glad your being safe. :love:
A few dollars spent in prevention can make all the difference in the world.
Tell anyone you talk to you read this.
I don't want anyone going through it.
Well, how can I not order some myself now? :rofl:
I'll be getting two for now (next pay). I'll put one inside the tent, and one ontop the tent. That should create two waves of suppression and buy time.

I was also eyeing those ceiling mount extinguishers. I think one mounted right above my breaker box (and pointed at it) will eventually go in.

And extinguishers will be added as well.

Looks like my next few pays will be going into fire safety.
Great Rexer.
It'd be devastating if this happened to you.
Thats grea Copper. I'm glad you have them.
Did you get a big fire extinguisher yet?
I've got two five pounder CO2s upstairs and two 10lb downstairs plus a detector in every room.

I would recommend people stay away from Kiddie detectors. I've had two in the past couple years that alarmed for nothing. One time I called the fire department. They came out, checked everything, and then told me they get a lot of false alarm calls because of that brand and suggested I switch to something else.

OH ALSO! Fire extinguishers can get pricey BUT if you already have some old ones laying around, probably expired, call your FD and ask where you can get them recertified/filled. It's usually fairly cheap (both the big dry chemical and water extinguishers for my fireworks tent were under $100 to fill and recertify.

Aaaand.... If you're using expired extinguishers GO GET THEM RECERTIFIED
@Bill284 sorry to hear of this, glad you're OK.

What started the fire?
I haven't got the report from the electrical inspectors.
So theoretically I can't say that for sure.
But the only things running was the light on low and a Dysan fan on the floor.
And the fan is virtually ok.
Most of the charing is above where the light is mounted.
The light company messaged me and said they have stopped sales of that model pending further testing.
Still waiting on word but.
I don't think the insurance company is going to give me a copy of the report thought.
And as the only thing left was the ceramic base the diodes are mounted too.
I can't imagine there is much to test in their lab.
So I really don't hold out hope for a definitive answer.
Even the wall plug looks usable.

The light company is working with our fantastic team here and hopefully going to help out financially.
All said and done if insurance comes good for the damage, ill be out of pocket
at least $ 20.000 for lawyer's and fees.
The house was sold and I was supposed to be in my new one on 27th.
So ill have to pay each party involved to wait for the insurance company to fix everything.
Which is better than the law suits i would have been facing.
I'll gladly pay lawyer's fees over law suits.
I'll find out Tuesday if insurance is kicking in but from my conversation with the adjuster on Friday things are starting to look positive.
In the meantime it was a ruff go trying to get a roof for the Missus and Me and our old puppy and 2 cats.
But with the help of some wonderful people here we are safe.

Please be safe my friend @Timhomegrow take my advice in the original post.
Don't let this happen in your home.
Tell everyone you talk to.
This was totally preventable.
And I hope no one else has to endure this.
Thank you for this post, Bill. I have added it to my signature.

The possibility of fire is why I quit growing indoors - it just isn’t worth the anxiety.

I am so sad and sorry to read about your experience and loss. But so glad that you and your family are alive and safe.
Bill didn’t kno brother !!!! I will go true all my stuff as soon as I get home will buy a fire extinguisher ASAP !!!! If you need anything let me know have a few things i can go with out !!!! Best of luck to you just know here we’re family we stick together !!
Bill didn’t kno brother !!!! I will go true all my stuff as soon as I get home will buy a fire extinguisher ASAP !!!! If you need anything let me know have a few things i can go with out !!!! Best of luck to you just know here we’re family we stick together !!
Thank you so much. @Jack420
Everyone who went through it with me from the start saved me.
I appreciate the offer.
Just do everything you can to protect your grow room and I’ll be happy.
Protect your self.
Don’t let anything happen.
Stay safe my friend.
I would like to reiterate the caution regarding fans. A lot of growers get cheap monkey fans and attach them to a tent pole next to flammable tent material. I don’t know about your experience, but I had one fail - bearings that just froze up - and I was glad it happened while I was present. Other fans (room fans) that I have owned have actually shorted out and charred, so it’s no joke.

Please make sure that ALL of your electrical equipment is as high quality as possible. Be safe.
I started a new grow again. First time these seeds didn’t sprout. Boy was I surprised when out popped a tap root. When small we take the plants with us when we go nordth for a week. I wasn’t going to try to sprout seeds til October. New circuit box in basement. Some new outlets. Still leaving light and fan on when we are gone is scary stuff. I use a heater outside a port hole at base of tent in the cold months. I want to keep them warm. Tent is in basement. Cold in winter, cold in summer now with central air. I think 60’s is too cold for the plants.
So sorry for your emergency and fire @Bill284.

This is no joke peoples. Safety 1 2 3 ...

In all my indoor growing experience 3 appliances wear out faster than the rest.

1) fans - they just stop working wear out
2) Timers - gotta get a heavy duty one specially if its turning on plus 600w lamps
3) 120v power receptacles.

#3 doesn't sound familiar to many but power plugs (outlets) actually wear out. I had an issue recently that luckily didn't turn into a fire and I'm not sure why. I had an outlet that I was running my lights thru fry on me at start up one morning.

When lights come on there's a bin momentary inrush of current. This is what fries power supplies, timers and power strips.

If you have a power strip that tripped, the more times it trips the more likely it will fail. Replace them with heavy duty outlets/power strips.

Again sorry for your loss @Bill284.
Bill284- yes, I got in on the Zon. Where else? There is a EBay thing. The strip has a breaker on it. I had plugged it into an outlet in the kitchen that had a breaker on it as well. Electricians put it on 3 years ago. It’s close to the sink. Not sure if that has anything to do with the hot plug. Going to try it again after errands are done. Will let you know.
Bill284- yes, I got in on the Zon. Where else? There is a EBay thing. The strip has a breaker on it. I had plugged it into an outlet in the kitchen that had a breaker on it as well. Electricians put it on 3 years ago. It’s close to the sink. Not sure if that has anything to do with the hot plug. Going to try it again after errands are done. Will let you know.
The kitchen outlet is called a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupt if I recall...something like that). They're meant to immediately stop current if you drop the blender in the sink or water splashed on the outlet.
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