Re: FINALLY got it rollin'!
Alrighty, back for an update and some pics, nothing too special.
So far along the way what have I learned that sticks out right away in my mind, trivial to some, but lessons learned for me.
*Water quality! Sure some might grow in less than desirable water but NOT ME. I have to use RO water, as what comes out my faucet is over 200ppm and 7.8 to 8.0 Ph!! It is just easier for me to use RO water regarding the numbers chase too. Didn't realize I would still have to adjust Ph levels though. As a new guy I thought RO water was already perfect in every aspect. But I am getting the hang of how much it needs to get pretty much close to where it needs to be Ph wise.
*Cleanliness! As some know from following I got slime really bad. I know it wasn't root rot as it really didn't fit the full descriptions. What i figured it to be was a form of algea breeding because of light hitting on the blue tubing I used to monitor water levels in the buckets. The tube itself was full of it, all lines had it, (BUT THE PLANTS "LOOKED" HEALTHY). OR IT COULD BE from the frozen blue ice blocks i was using, perhaps they picked up something out of the freezer, I dunno'. None the less I heard this algea clings to the roots and deprives it of oxygen. Looks just like snot/mucus.
The first time it happened it was bad, had to cut roots off young plants, redid everything basically. Had 2 plants total die as a result of ME and slime. I cleaned and sterilized the best I could, 8 step remedy and all is back on track. I think the slime WILL be back but I will contend with it as it happens. So far so good. No I did not use the Physan-20 but read that is works really well for algea. H2O2 is doing fine for now. (I feel weird with 8 bottles of H2O2 and 5-6 2.5 gallon jugs of water when in line at Publix. Lady is looking at me up and down for injuries like I should be scraped up and battered.
*Micro-managing! Oh boy, thank goodness my plants are in 24/24! I, as most noobs, can not seem to stay out of the cabinet. Touching, smelling, checking shit over and over. OMG the first 2 weeks i couldn't sit still. did it grow, was that leaf that shape before, was that yellow that bright yesterday, OMG there is a spot on the leaf!!! Not every little discoloration or flaw on the plant means something is wrong! Don't try to jump at every little spot. Of course monitor, just keep level headed.
I am finally figuring out how to enjoy this process instead of let it consume me. Not working doesn't help any! Long days!!!
*PLAN AHEAD for your grow. Get an idea of what you wanna do and how you plan to reach it. Although you could do it in haste, you will waste time money and energy if you wing it. I thought I had a solid path but still wound up changing, which in this case worked to my benefit as I discovered Deep Water Culture, but try and plan thoroughly.
*Journals! Log it down. If you think you are going to remember when you changed out the res and what you did at that time, all the numbers, etc....WRONG! Go smoke another bowl Chief. I am sure experienced growers can just go for it and make it happen after years of doing such, but I'll be damn if I can remember it all. Shit, I am a stoner and can't remember where I left my car keys half the time! With that said, my journal is not the best kept or a model to follow, but it helps me still and I am learning what is important to note. Right now it is more for my benefit, perhaps with time and experience they will become something others can learn from as well. But hey, learn from mistakes as well as successes.
Anyhow, onward with my grow.....
*24 days into the grow, bit over 3 weeks. Still veggin' under a 200w CFL. Still not happy with it. Would rather have a few smaller bulbs instead of one big honkin' ass light! This actually puts out a bit of warmth, in the Fl. summer this will need a remedy. If the PPF-800 led works for flowering I will get a smaller unit for veggin'. True enough I can just stick with CFL but I like the "tech" side of things....and I love making things harder on myself than need be! lol
Starting about day 4 I half-assed began the journal and taking pics....
Started with these from some good bag seed I had germ'ed and was strickly DWC at that time...had yet to read about Deep Water Culture, well actually I was under the assumption I WAS growing in Deep Water Culture with just airstones only...anyhow, started 3 weeks ago with these... during this germ time I was reading like a bat out of hell. Staying up till 3-4 in the morn and back up at 8-9, to the point that I was taking in too much info and beginning to doubt/question EVERYTHING. Numbers and math are a very weak point for me and i was making it very difficult on myself trying to learn Ph and PPMs etc...
Very shortly the plants were at this point, growth was pretty quick...