FF Soil & Nuts - 420 Blue Dream 2018

That's a great looking plant!
Thanks man!
Looks very nice! I've been looking at some grows this morning after I got all my updates finished. Day 11 flower might not be finished stretching. My grow stretched 18 days total. You just never know with these alien creatures. Lol. Ima be checking in on this one.
Well if she didnt stop she paused.. cause I measure everyday.
Update: Flower day 13!!!
Michael blue the bud forming pistol popping animal is loving life!! She is done stretching for sure, got maybe another 1/4 inch. Her bud sites are just booming right now and the smell!!! My god the smell!!! Just amazing! Feed her today as well with 3tsp big bloom and 2tsp ot tiger bloom, PH'ed st 6.5, and now have the LED at 12 inches and the 4- 2700k cfl's about 2 inches. I now have the temps running cooler then I did during veg. I keep my bedroom window up with the closet doors open to bring the temps down. Veg was running at 82°-85° at day, 75°-77° at night. Now were running 75°-78° at day, 68°- 72° night. Again she is just loving life in there and I couldnt be happier.
UPDATE - Flower day 15:
Michael blue is booming inside her home! She is loving life in there and is drinking a ton and stacking like crazy. I now have the LED around 9inches and the CFL's at 1 inch, with cool air intake focused on just the lights. The other cool air intake is circulating air around the base of the plant and pot itself. Here are some pics of this beautiful lady!

UPDATE - Flower day 15:
Michael blue is booming inside her home! She is loving life in there and is drinking a ton and stacking like crazy. I now have the LED around 9inches and the CFL's at 1 inch, with cool air intake focused on just the lights. The other cool air intake is circulating air around the base of the plant and pot itself. Here are some pics of this beautiful lady!

Damn philly they've started swelling in the last couple days! Nice job
You planning on doing any stripping below? Dont paticularly think it NEEDs it cos yours is pretty open but remember everything up tops gonna get a whole lot bigger lol so if you plan on it nows the perfect time so your plant can focus its energy on building those buds up top closer to the light
I just did some defoliation up top today and will do some down below once she recovers. Got the idea from you @Bilbobudkin420.
Sweet geez. I havent checked on Mama yet cos her lights dont come back on for a few hours but she doesnt need any feeding or anything so Im just gonna leave her be until tommorow. I reckon the results will be noticeable though. Especially after 2 days of not seeing her. Ill chuck you a before and after pic tommorow fam.
Remember though she needs a day or 2 to recover if it was a reasonably easy defol and then a couple days for those lowers to catch up enough so you can see whats not gonna cut it. Then whatever shoots and leaves are left straggling down the bottom, get shot of em :thumb:. I love how drama free your grow is though bro. You clearly got your enviroment and watering and things locked. I was a bit to cocky and tried doing everything in my first grow so shits gone haywire lol. Thanks to everyone here though things are looking up
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