I did look at the AN study results in the calculator tab. Perhaps i'm not reading it correctly? but to me it seems like there was a 50% increase in demand of P and 41% increase in demand of K during flowering compared to Veg? I'm not disagreeing with you that increasing P will not increase the amount of budding sites or bud quantity, but i'm thinking it has an effect on the quality of the fruit/flower. More than just that, i just want to play around and see how it goes, learn, adapt.. improve.
I don't plan on running super high PK numbers. Your calculator is tremendous help. I would be lost without it. I'll keep reading more about MegaCrop and NPK in general.
thanks again
I wouldn't focus too much on % change. Look at the actual numbers that comprise that. The Bloom numbers are:
118000 | 25500 | 128000 |
Now lets reduce by the common Factor. We get a ratio pf 4.6-1-5. Now lets look at what's already in Mega Crop. 9-6-17. From one of the previous posts, now lets adjust the P & K values to the true amount the fertilizer provided. We have to multiply P by .43 and K by .83. We get 9-2.6-14. Reduced to the common denominator 3.5-1-5. Comparing the first ratio to the second, 4.6-1-5 to 3.5-1-5, we see that we're a little low on N if anything. If you feed up to the 4.6 the plant desires N wise, (ie feeding to keep the foliage the correct Mega Crop Green) then you'll have an excess of P & K, and that's with the base product at the plants highest demands. What would be the point of adding more than the plant can use? The excesses only build up in the growing media and cause issues, or if flushed/watered till good runoff, it just ends up down the drain.