
Res change today, gonna drop back to where I was on the nutes, they seemed to be doing well there....:peace:

Yeah, you've got to see how your plants react and adjust accordingly. If your plants are happy with less nutes then stick with it. Don't try to force feed, they will only take up what they need, anything more is wasted, and too much more will damage.

Sorry to hear about all the knee problems, yours sound as bad as mine, you must have a few years on you too! But as I said, they can do amazing things these days. I put off my replacement for years, but I was still only 51 when I had it done, it's doing great today, I can run again! I find myself running up the stairs when I'm in a hurry, something I hadn't done in years!
Yeah, you've got to see how your plants react and adjust accordingly. If your plants are happy with less nutes then stick with it. Don't try to force feed, they will only take up what they need, anything more is wasted, and too much more will damage.

Sorry to hear about all the knee problems, yours sound as bad as mine, you must have a few years on you too! But as I said, they can do amazing things these days. I put off my replacement for years, but I was still only 51 when I had it done, it's doing great today, I can run again! I find myself running up the stairs when I'm in a hurry, something I hadn't done in years!
Yea, I'm just a couple years behind you, lots of damage done in my earlier years, dirt bikes especially, both have been torn for years, and I ruined the right one, thats why I decided to fix the left one to avoid having 2 bionic knees!!:peace::ganjamon:
Yea, I'm just a couple years behind you, lots of damage done in my earlier years, dirt bikes especially, both have been torn for years, and I ruined the right one, thats why I decided to fix the left one to avoid having 2 bionic knees!!:peace::ganjamon:

You know, two aren't bad, they really do kick ass. I just wish titanium was magnetic, I'd love to be able to stick a cup holder to my knee! lol
Res change today, gonna drop back to where I was on the nutes, they seemed to be doing well there....:peace:
Here's a pic, I don't know why, but when I start to get burn, it takes the whole leaf, not just the tips...any idea?

Okay, trying to look it up in Cervantes bible. One pic looks like it may be K (potassium) deficiency. What nutes are you using? What is their makeup, or analysis?
Res change today, gonna drop back to where I was on the nutes, they seemed to be doing well there....:peace:
Here's a pic, I don't know why, but when I start to get burn, it takes the whole leaf, not just the tips...any idea?

Like Fry said possible potassium deficient,

I'm looking at magnesium (Mg) being deficiency. Look into it and see what others think. If it is, says epsom salts are the help.
Tomorrow, noon...what's good?

High noon you say! Good, get it done with and move on. Do your physical therapy, it ain't fun, actually it's more like torture, but it will make you better fast!

Percs at the minimum. And try to get percodans , not the percosets they try to give you. -dans have aspiring in them, -sets use Tylenol, Tylenol mixed with alcohol can ruin your liver, it damaged mine, but aspirin doesn't, you just have to make sure you have something in your stomach, a couple crackers are plenty. Tylenol is just to make some one a lot of money, aspirin is so cheap big pharma can't make any money so they push tylenol and the like.

I mention that because I always supplement my meds with a glass of wine or two shall we say, and keep the bowl close by!
High noon you say! Good, get it done with and move on. Do your physical therapy, it ain't fun, actually it's more like torture, but it will make you better fast!

Percs at the minimum. And try to get percodans , not the percosets they try to give you. -dans have aspiring in them, -sets use Tylenol, Tylenol mixed with alcohol can ruin your liver, it damaged mine, but aspirin doesn't, you just have to make sure you have something in your stomach, a couple crackers are plenty. Tylenol is just to make some one a lot of money, aspirin is so cheap big pharma can't make any money so they push tylenol and the like.

I mention that because I always supplement my meds with a glass of wine or two shall we say, and keep the bowl close by!

Sounds like you have some experience, thanks for the info, I'm hurting already!!! That's what I keep tellin my wife,just get past it and start the rehab,I'm tired of having a trick knee,it sux as I'm sure you know all too well! Talk to ya on the other side!!
Sounds like you have some experience, thanks for the info, I'm hurting already!!! That's what I keep tellin my wife,just get past it and start the rehab,I'm tired of having a trick knee,it sux as I'm sure you know all too well! Talk to ya on the other side!!

Before I got my replacement my knee would dislocate frequently, once while sitting at a table in a meeting! I kind of turned pale, the project manager asked if there was something wrong, I told him yes there was, it would be a minute. It took 4 days to get in back in place that time, you wanna talk about being uncomfortable! I got the replacement a month later. Definitely get it over with and move on, you'll be happy you did, just gotta suck it up. You'll be fine if you do what the doctor tells you to.
Hello All! Still alive after surgery....operation went off w/o a hitch, but the ansthesia...well, lets just say, that is some BAD shit! Never been so sick!! Anway...had to chop one down this morning, the little boy was showing me his balls!.....so how do I eliminate the roots for that plant in the res? its one big ball in there!! and Fry....I got the good stuff from the doc, I told him tylenol didnt work well for me, so I got the dan and some oxycontin, and of course I stocked up on about 4 different strains before I went, so I am feeling well at the moment!!:peace:
Hello All! Still alive after surgery....operation went off w/o a hitch, but the ansthesia...well, lets just say, that is some BAD shit! Never been so sick!! Anway...had to chop one down this morning, the little boy was showing me his balls!.....so how do I eliminate the roots for that plant in the res? its one big ball in there!! and Fry....I got the good stuff from the doc, I told him tylenol didnt work well for me, so I got the dan and some oxycontin, and of course I stocked up on about 4 different strains before I went, so I am feeling well at the moment!!:peace:

Excellent Steemer! I've never been able to talk them into oxycontin myself. That's the good stuff! I know what you mean about the anesthesia, I never got sick, but the last one I was laying there and asked the nurse when they were going to wheel me in for the surgery, she said it's all done! My first operation, the last two words I said as I went under were "good drugs!"

After chopping the male you can cut a bunch of the roots, I've seen as much as 2/3 cut out. It really doesn't hurt anything at all. Check into Roseman's tutorial, I don't know how far he's come with it, but in the old one he shows where he cuts out a male and then how much of the roots he cuts off. This doesn't affect the grow at all.
Cut out all the male roots and up to at least half of the plant's roots next to it. Root trimming to that level doesn't affect the plant much and in a couple of days it will regrow. Make sure you rinse out the res at that point. If they are small enough take the res to the bathtub and give the remaining roots a rinse to dislodge any roots from the male hiding in the roots of the other plants. Also after you do that watch for floating roots in the res for the next couple of days. A few here and there aren't bad but if it's a lot then just do a res change.
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