Tutti=Everyone in Italian.....damn Irish fockers....and its because you knew this was a story telling morning and the more cannabis
@MagicStone vapor the merrier!
Nah im telling you, for real, she wanted to cuddle. 110%
I do treat them poorly occassionally but that's just so they know how good they have it every other day of their existence with me!
Buddy, I'm excited for it. Rob knew I had been talking about it with you since he creeps on me on my journal sometimes lol I'll be sure to talk it up in all it's glory just the same as you once I get it. And being my heart conditions and heart issue yesterday, this will be a good break for my chest.
For Christ's sake, someone give this man a typewriter, some paper reels and a log cabin in Maine (
@Bode, look that up, maybe you could be neighbors) and make a call to Peguin Random House Publishing ASAP. I was so into this short story, I smell like smelt and my skin is exfoliated with ocean salt.
OK you're story is more like something out of Scholastic but nonetheless, I felt as if I was tagging along on this fishing excursion and grossly enough, I can smell your sweat
Stoners like the hard way...and oh Croc Dundee!
The Captain shall not share his pictorial wonders for the whales of the sea shall never swim near his fishing vessel again!
Oh never-mind Rugged, it was just cause Stone's stoner self lost the epic pictures so now we all need to suffer and force ourselves to use our stoner imagination
I got a rush, probably what started giving me these chest pains lol jkkkkkkkmmmm
I think we are chock full of fishermen and fisherladies here. How awesome would it be to go out on a fishing cruise with y'all!? I know we have mentioned trying to centralize and do a banger block party but this is just something else we could try and do together from all parts of the world. Maybe...wishful thinking of course
mmmm lobster but I still love crab more! And shrimp! I love shrimp! Oh and btw, you got so caught up in all the commentary, you skipped past my tented flowering plant update! Oh Bode, what will I ever do with you?! Thank goodness you are such a splendid individual and I could never hold that against you! Love you long time!
Red Russian XXL...hmmmm, I use Sirius Black generally to sleep since I found that or the G-13 that is in the tent now but I want a super duper strong Indica, anything similar or comparable to the Russian that you have had sleep success with Carmen? To be honest, I slept in the hospital last night and I had the best night of sleep I can remember other than the night after the lion the other day.
He was given the information for GA. He was given a referral for individual counseling also to address his compulsiveness and addiction. He did make an appointment, its next week. Maybe we will see a turn around, until then, I'm know just stressing
I know what it must be like to have all that responsibility of keeping the home together and smiling through the pain. You grow beautiful plants and I know how soothing and healing a good grow can be! Give your littles some kisses and hugs xx
To be honest, I think the weight of this tipped me over yesterday. Started having chest pains early like 6AM and when they kept coming at 4PM, I came to the hospital....spent the night, waiting on my cardiologist to get here to look over my reports and see if I can go home and just follow up with him on our already scheduled appointment Monday for a Halter monitor.
As for my little, he is at mils now but she texted me last night while she was laying with him and she said he told her, "Gaga, I love touching Mama's hair and I like touching yours, too". If that doesn't fix the world idk if anything ever will.
Xoxoxo thanks girl.
Weed is the first thing in thr damn boat! Then the tackle box!
Isn't he and oh should he begin a Memoriam: Best of the Best All Time Fishing Expedtions
mmm Cod
mmmm clams
mmmm flounder
Mmm bass
Again, a separate tackle box just for joints.....
mmmm lobstah
mmmm crab
Mmmm scallops
God I love seafood, you and I can take a trip to find scallops Bode!
Omg Crab boil...you guys are killing me I'm at the hospital with crap food!
I do....I watch plenty of How to Catch a Smuggler
Mmm both are better than this yucky stuff
Terrible. Dead fish, makes me sad
So I've been dealing with health stuff again so
unfortunately guys no updates yet today. My watch was ensuring me I was having some heart jumps as I was able to catch some on its EKG monitor when they just kept happening over and over again, which led me to the hospital where I got a regular EKG and have been hooked up to a heart monitor all night.
I'm stuck at the hospital til I can get my cardiologist here to say I'm OK to go. Strong sharp palpitations have stopped as of this morning. No heart attack, I have low blood pressure, in fact so low, 94/48 last night, that they couldn't give me morphine so I had to get toradol. Seems to be muscle spasms in my heart wall probably caused but stress. Thickening of the wall in my heart much like inflammation to an overused body muscle or tendon, but in my heart. The stress stressed my heart to a point it got inflamed as if it were working out which led to the sharp stabbing pains.
If anyone has heart issues or may have some come up, please address them ASAP because you just never know the underlying cause and it is better to be safe than sorry.
Gotta go now cause my hospital roomie is trying to take off her IV to go smoke a cigarette! Catch you all when I get home, I promise I'm OK! And thanks for all these stories!
@Bode, don't miss thr next Plant update!
Love you all xo