Lmfao Scottish.... Loving the pot noodle containers bro, wonder where I've seen them before haha... It's all about recycling brother lmfao, you beat me to the homeland pop bottle like I did think of using a brown ale bottle but just figured my plants would go absolutely mental and get a fuckin asbo handed to them...
@SL no hard feelings about your post on SABO's journal btw mate, I think you got bad feedback possibly for the way you conducted your post bro... Maybe if you posted you lolz on my journal folks may have got the crack, think maybe folks seen it as you mocking my journal.
Have any of you tried germinating in recycled toilet paper? Used almost every recycled item between us... Lmao.. Al catchup with you all tomorrow and get back to you Scottish on my thread bro, doing this on my iPad half cut is no good