Fast Buds Fun Time Wiv Ya GanjaGrandaddy: L.O.S. V Coco Shootout

They sound like great plans for your roof space GG. You’re getting good control of your environment when you’re freezing outside but your garden is humming.

Hey it’s like St Pancreas’ station in here these days. Good thing too. I’ll hafta getcha canonised so you can be the patron saint of mine* when the hulklato is up. *Pancreas, that is. Had a guts full.

Those pictures of the lsd bud, not the los the other one - unreal mate. Looking like a tropical fish or something.

Love your grow.
:love: :yummy:
Thanks for the reply. Were the same with council works. I built my latest room as a kind of walk in wardrobe in the far corner of our bedroom. Done a good job and to look at it youd probably think theres a en-suite behind the door or something similar. We had counsil here a couple weeks back to install new windows throughout. Went without a hiccup thankfully. Panicked a bit when it got to my room. Il look into this flir stuff. I'm familiar with the bubble stuff it's like radiator backing isnt it? Iv used that. Just realized though our boiler flu runs up into the loft against the only viable end of the loft which really rules out a permanent structure. I cba building and disseminating. If you dont mind me asking are u on a smart meter? And how much electricity roughly do you go through either in £'s or Kw's per week or month? My household without lights is over average theres PC's plus ps4 and about 5 wash loads a day going plus dryer fml
Sounds familiar with all the tech running and constant wash
the led only pull 870w from the socket between them all so it's a huge saving compared to my years with 1200w hps. I tend not to pay attention to the running coats for the simple reason of knowing I could never be running at a real loss. The electric companies dont care as long as its paid for and most people who get caught via power company's are trying to rob the electricity with meter tricks and messing. I just have to accept that it's a part of growing my own top drawer goodness and get onto pay for itself by sharing !.lol
I think councils are obligated to report what they know but if there is nothing to see or doubt then they are happy getting rent too. I so know there have been a few statements from various police commanders who say they log Info only on small grows now as there are no benefits to act and there limited resources are better used on other areas of crime. Suits
The choppers only switch flir on for searching if they lose a target. They dont have it running as a matter of course either but with how low our signitures can be made with sheeting and more efficient lighting anyway , we are not easy to spot. i have a friend who got caught by exactly as I mentioned but a score had hid in their flats communal garden area so the chopper sat right above his roof and due to the idiot pulling all his insulation from the loft space for ducting changes that were in progress , they asked coppers at the scene to check his property for suspected fire.. poor sod
Aw man that's a nightmare. Poor guy! I'm small scale. Under 8 plants but I try to do the very best I can from them with training etc. Being cought doesnt realy bother me in the fact of personal consequences that's only ever going to be minor but it's the risk of council eviction that panicks me. Iv done this for 9 years now and maybe it's my slight paranoia that's kept me safe plus the fact that no one knows not even the best of friends lol iv held my secret all this time. That said I do have my own police copter story to share if u want to here it.... I dont want to take up to much of your thread with my own shit lol
I do have my own police copter story to share if u want to here it.... I dont want to take up to much of your thread with my own shit lol
On behalf of management I hereby authorise myself to say Spill! Tell us your helicopter story :D Gigiddy won’t mind.
Thankyou thankyou will of been about 7/8 years ago. Me and the mrs had not long met and we had nothing we were broke as fuk lol we were renting an old Victorian 3 bed semi from family that was almost falling down. It was a cold cold house. Now I had no money back then but I did have a well dialed in grow room in the spare bedroom with 2x600watt hps lights the room with the grow was much warmer than the rest of the house..... this one night the local rouges were out on the back fields of crosser bikes or stolen mopeds whatever. The helicopter was out for ages. I got my panick on... ended up going to sleep and got rudely awakened by female officer at 6am....... asking me if there is a "john swainston" living here. I remember the name I'm a freak like that.. I said no he doesnt I dont no him. I got the instant impression she was onto me and that's why she was there. I new my room was dialed right in with smell so I said... love feel free to come in and have a look around theres just me and my girlfriend I opened up the door she stepped into the hallway and said it's totally fine we must of been given the wrong address sorry for disturbing u...... I'm adamant to this day that the police helicopter seen a heat signal on a ice cold roof and sent her sniffing maybe as a check up call before asking for a warrent. She was happy to enter but changed her mind after 5 seconds.... I think because she didnt smell anything.

Maybe maybe not but that's my story. Quite like your buddy you mentioned but I got lucky if I'm right in my thoughts
so I said... love feel free to come in and have a look around
I’ve gotten out of so many scrapes by being helpful as all heck and polite and deferential and all that stuff. It can just be disarming and everything they need to de-escalate a situation. Dun’arf getya chest thumping though.
I’ve gotten out of so many scrapes by being helpful as all heck and polite and deferential and all that stuff. It can just be disarming and everything they need to de-escalate a situation. Dun’arf getya chest thumping though.
More police here in the states need to learn how to deescalate. A lot of times they just make things worse
Day 76: Have got 10 for 10 on the new beans yeeha. Had to do a little helpful manipulating the confused seeds to head the right way but looking good with only 1 lagging slightly behind.
Not a bad result with just over 48 hours to having new babies. Now I have to grab some supplies to get them ready for fun as soon as these ladies harvest.

There is a nice amount of natural fading among them all now and with their last feed still being nutes, it can only be because they are fading for a finish.

Let's see what days 77-84 produce.
Aw man that's a nightmare. Poor guy! I'm small scale. Under 8 plants but I try to do the very best I can from them with training etc. Being cought doesnt realy bother me in the fact of personal consequences that's only ever going to be minor but it's the risk of council eviction that panicks me. Iv done this for 9 years now and maybe it's my slight paranoia that's kept me safe plus the fact that no one knows not even the best of friends lol iv held my secret all this time. That said I do have my own police copter story to share if u want to here it.... I dont want to take up to much of your thread with my own shit lol
No worries mate. never tight enough here to not share experiences. do tell.
dont blame you for the para and secrecy amd it keeps you safe. Thankfully we at least have 420 to remain anonymous and active members too.
Ours are just lazy, mate.
If you can help reduce their paperwork it helps with their difficulty spling, spaling, sppeling, ssplling argh! and then throwing helping you down the stairs.
At least yours need to be able to spell !!!. lol
They sound like great plans for your roof space GG. You’re getting good control of your environment when you’re freezing outside but your garden is humming.

Hey it’s like St Pancreas’ station in here these days. Good thing too. I’ll hafta getcha canonised so you can be the patron saint of mine* when the hulklato is up. *Pancreas, that is. Had a guts full.

Those pictures of the lsd bud, not the los the other one - unreal mate. Looking like a tropical fish or something.

Love your grow.
:love: :yummy:
Heehee . loved that post brother. love the buzzy vibe you have so often mate.
The lsd are surreal looking. each pic I take and re look at has me thinking my camera is adding effects. they look cartoon drawn in parts and fuzzy focus that's from the trichs. lol
never grown any like this before but have had a g13 that was similar in greasy feeling and that made great hash from the leaves. Have the blackberry to final trim and harvest over the weekend and the 1st Lsd-25 is a few days into a dry. I think she could have carried on but just looked so ready. The Los girl is crazy thick stemmed and cant work out her main buds density when I try to feel it. watching her colour up alongside the other one which is doing similar now too but both on a different feed regimen . Its hard to gauge that one as she is so different and her bud structure and leaf to bud ratio is also very different. her trim could be a nightmare to do !. I am hoping our girl becomes a beast as I want to do a run of the crosses after the sponsors one finishes. seeing her respond to tour work is great to watch DD. doing her ( and yourself) proud and the new girls . I am curious to see how the cbd works out too as I dont doubt I could benefit from some meds from my beloved hobby/life and at 53 , I dont doubt somewhere there is a system that would thank me. I avoid health care as a means to longer life. If I went with their suggestions I would be on a few different "gravy train" meds dished out to the over 45 's here as a matter of owing the pharmaceutical industry for the loan against your future health care costs. (This loan is part of your projected worth on submitting a record of birth birth certificate is also a record of your "share" price and becomes active as a future cast to borrow against by govt's !. The birth cert number is also the registered share number. Seen some very informative videos on this one !).
I get into annoying discussions with my gp over anti vax and being kept on meds that have a proven damaging effect on quality of life and now appear not have been the wonder drug they thought they were. They hate being wrong lol. rant over . heehee
What do you usually yield per plant mainlined bud?
I tend to go by room yield now as it does depend on how much I spread each plant individually. I try and avoid straight up sativa due to height needed bit do get hybrids with lanky genetics so use lst to try to keep all the difference in growth as u inform as possible. Some plants yield better than others by genetics but I feel how i use the space is the limiter in most cases as I seem to get roughly the same non matter what I try. For past 7 years its between 25-30oz. main difference tends to be in the quality and density of buds when finished and certainly better with Led. hope that makes sense
Thankyou thankyou will of been about 7/8 years ago. Me and the mrs had not long met and we had nothing we were broke as fuk lol we were renting an old Victorian 3 bed semi from family that was almost falling down. It was a cold cold house. Now I had no money back then but I did have a well dialed in grow room in the spare bedroom with 2x600watt hps lights the room with the grow was much warmer than the rest of the house..... this one night the local rouges were out on the back fields of crosser bikes or stolen mopeds whatever. The helicopter was out for ages. I got my panick on... ended up going to sleep and got rudely awakened by female officer at 6am....... asking me if there is a "john swainston" living here. I remember the name I'm a freak like that.. I said no he doesnt I dont no him. I got the instant impression she was onto me and that's why she was there. I new my room was dialed right in with smell so I said... love feel free to come in and have a look around theres just me and my girlfriend I opened up the door she stepped into the hallway and said it's totally fine we must of been given the wrong address sorry for disturbing u...... I'm adamant to this day that the police helicopter seen a heat signal on a ice cold roof and sent her sniffing maybe as a check up call before asking for a warrent. She was happy to enter but changed her mind after 5 seconds.... I think because she didnt smell anything.

Maybe maybe not but that's my story. Quite like your buddy you mentioned but I got lucky if I'm right in my thoughts
I have a few from the 25 odd years on off growing. ex getting me caught with seedlings on a windowsill by creating a scene when we broke up. female officers felt sorry for me and said , you do know if we were D.s we would have arrested you ?" . did my best little boy lost as I said "my friend said I wouldnt be able to get a real plant from them so I tried for a laugh but it was stupid !. "and they left with my ex !. lol
You had a lucky escape there mate. fingers crossed and sphincter puckered always here. lol
Day 78: The Lsd-25 #1 Los girl is now done. She is looking Beautiful with the capital B. Her leaves have joined the ranks of ART too now with their pallette of colours to dabble with. She looks nice close up and smells pungent. on closer inspection , I can see she wont be a great yield but a mega fire bud smoke.

Day 78: The Lsd-25 #1 Los girl is now done. She is looking Beautiful with the capital B. Her leaves have joined the ranks of ART too now with their pallette of colours to dabble with. She looks nice close up and smells pungent. on closer inspection , I can see she wont be a great yield but a mega fire bud smoke.

Absolute stunner!
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