Farside05 Goes SIPs, Mars Hydro FC4800, Osmocote, FN Nutes - Supplements - & GroBuckets

So I'm attempting a SIP bucket grow and still intrigued with my Summer grow using Osmocote. For those that didn't follow that thread, Osmocote on its own will not get you through a grow. Once you hit bloom, Potassium and Calcium deficiencies will appear. I think I found the level of supplements needed and want to explore further. I'm sitting on 10 gal worth of choice bud from other grows, so what better time to expiriment?

I started some seeds of OGesus and Purple Sunset from @Expert Seedbank , both autos. If you haven't tried Expert's Autos yet, I strongly suggest you give them a shot. Seed prices are great and they have been everything they say they are, potent and big yielders. For this expiriment I started the in Solo cups with 7g of Osmocote. 3 are up so far, still missing one OGesus. Once they are a little bigger I will transplant into their final SIP container.

I'm using ProMix Organic Garden Mix (found at Wally's) as a base. For each compressed bale I added 208g of Osmocote Indoor and Outdoor time released fertilizer. From past experiences I will need to add more Calcium and Potassium when they hit their blooming stage. For that I will use FN Cal-Mag and FN Special. K. Let's see how this turns out. Goal is low maintenance and a full tent.

Yeah, you're gonna need a bigger tent. :laughtwo:

Quite possible. I do have a tendency to go all SOG in my tents. Should these do as well as I hope, 2 plants would have been plenty.
I'm still trying to get my head round this system for next season but i'm not yet confident - seems the same as watering coco from the bottom to me
I need it explained in words of one syllable lol
Yeah, did you see @Buds Buddy 's last grow? Pulled over a pound from a 5 gallon bucket.

I did. It did sway my decision to try SIPs a bit...lol. I took that along with my desire to keep things dead simple and combined them into this expiriment.
I'm still trying to get my head round this system for next season but i'm not yet confident - seems the same as watering coco from the bottom to me
I need it explained in words of one syllable lol
Built. In. Air. For. Roots.

Really nothing different for you other than how you water, the pot takes care of the magic. So, bring your own soil mix and nutes and let the bucket handle the correct watering technique.

Seriously, I'm convinced it is the air gap that provides the magic, even if you don't even know it's there.
Built. In. Air. For. Roots.

Really nothing different for you other than how you water, the pot takes care of the magic. So, bring your own soil mix and nutes and let the bucket handle the correct watering technique.

Seriously, I'm convinced it is the air gap that provides the magic, even if you don't even know it's there.

I had some window sill SIP containers for 2 mint plants. They always did well, and that's before I knew what I SIP was.
I'll second that. 1 SIP Bucket with 5-6 weeks veg will fill a 4x4. 3 plants were pretty crowded in my 4x8 tent.

So you're saying 4 Autos in SIPs is too many for a 39"x39"...lol.
Built. In. Air. For. Roots.

Really nothing different for you other than how you water, the pot takes care of the magic. So, bring your own soil mix and nutes and let the bucket handle the correct watering technique.

Seriously, I'm convinced it is the air gap that provides the magic, even if you don't even know it's there.
Hi @Azimuth - I don't see how that is much different to NFT and/or coco or flood/drain
Happy to learn something though
Hi @Azimuth - I don't see how that is much different to NFT and/or coco or flood/drain
Happy to learn something though
I think it's a lot like Coco in the sense of how often you feed. My res empties twice per day at a gallon each time. I'm sure the Air Gap helps oxygenate the roots. But more so, I think it's because of the constant supply of nutes in the res for the plant to use as it desires. The plant isn't waiting for us to feed it as it has a constant supply. JMO
Hi @Azimuth - I don't see how that is much different to NFT and/or coco or flood/drain
Happy to learn something though
Same concept for sure. But built for those not wanting to fiddle with hydro approaches.

Properly grown, you can get hydro/coco type results in soil.

They all share two basic concepts: plentiful and easy access to water/nutes and air directly to the roots.
I have some girls occupying a second tent. They have 3-5 weeks left. If the SIP girls get too big, I can move 2 into it.
If anyone wants the Osmocote application rates for your size container and length of grow, you can use Their Calculator Here.

The missing OGesus seed looks like a failure to launch. Dropped another this AM.
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