Fanleaf's New Room & A 6 Plant: 4 Strain Auto Grow & Perpetual All LED Baby

Just to be clear here is the list of the plants as of now.

2X Pineapple Express Auto
2X Girl Scout Cookies Auto
1X Crystal Meth Auto
1X Sweet Dark Devil Auto

4X Afghani regular non fem
1X Cheese Fem

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I got a little more progress done on the room today. Added another 4" passive intake. So now the rooms cool air intake consists of two 4 inch passive intakes. I added the second because tomorrow I'm taking out the 4" inline 200 Cfm exhaust blower and replacing it with a 6 inch 440Cfm blower. I think two 4" passive intakes should do nicely for a 6" exhaust blower right?
I mean the cubic feet of my room is about 300 cubic feet so air should be well taken care of with room to spare. Even with the exhaust system loaded and running I think a 440cfm blower should probably circulate the whole room once per minute!

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I got the starter plant/ clone closet almost finished. Got the door seal in to be sure there are no light leaks around it. Also got the variable speed fans partially installed in the bottom of the closet door for a forced cool air intake. The closet will have a passive hot air exhaust at the top of the door pushed by the forced intake at the bottom.




As you guys can see, whats left for me to do on the starter/clone closet is to light proof the intake and exhaust and add latch locks on the door to seal it when its closed. Should work out quite nice.

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Oh yeah, on the starter/clone closet I have to wire in my homade fan speed controller too. That will only take 15 minutes. Its powered by a standard 12 volt adapter and the dial allows fan speed from 0-100 on the digital readout. If any of you are interested in that Ill post some pics of it and how it works. Someone can put together the same controller for $10 online. Its very simple and I used it on my last few grows in the old room. Works like a charm.

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Girls are coming right along. Ran a temp test of the top of the soil. All looks fine to me. Ive got the 900W on veg only switch and they seem to be loving it.

Room temp at ceiling height on top and outdoor probe 2 inches from soil.




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One more for the night. Swapped out the 4 inch blower for the 6 inch today. The 4 inch was rated around 200cfm and the 6 is 430cfm. I call bs on it though. The 6 does do more but maybe like 25-35%. Sure isnt double the 4.

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Out of the freebie seeds I had started the other day only 3 of the Afghani regular seeds even came up. 1 Afghani and 1 cheese never made it up yet. This is my first time ever a seed has failed. Damn freebies lol. We will give them more time to be sure.
Here is a few of the Afghanis that did pop. You will see that 1 of them seems very stretchy and thin. They have an excess of light so my bet is that one will be a male. The other 2 Im not sure.

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Hey I have a question??.Does color spectrum matter for Auto's..I use cfl and was wondering if I should use 6500 k till they flower then switch to 2700k or should I just mix it up and let it go the hole time like that
Yo Fanleaf,:bravo:
Things looking mighty green around here. I'm running an auto / photo as well.
Love your clean DIY setup. Ill sit over here:popcorn:
Hey I have a question??.Does color spectrum matter for Auto's..I use cfl and was wondering if I should use 6500 k till they flower then switch to 2700k or should I just mix it up and let it go the hole time like that
Some red even in veg is good for them in my opinion. If I were running cfl's in veg I would run 1 red 2700k to every 2 blue 6500k. In flower I would change up and go 2 red 2700k to every blue 6500k. I would treat them just as photo plants in that reguard.
I tend not to take it real easy on my autos. From the day they pop soil my LED's are iin flower mode on hi just to shove as much light as I can into their leafs. They are on a limited time from day one so I push them pretty hard but really watch the temp of the top layer of soil and air circculation.
Oh yeah, on the starter/clone closet I have to wire in my homade fan speed controller too. That will only take 15 minutes. Its powered by a standard 12 volt adapter and the dial allows fan speed from 0-100 on the digital readout. If any of you are interested in that Ill post some pics of it and how it works. Someone can put together the same controller for $10 online. Its very simple and I used it on my last few grows in the old room. Works like a charm.

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Sent from my VS980 4G using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Yo Fanleaf,:bravo:
Things looking mighty green around here. I'm running an auto / photo as well.
Love your clean DIY setup. Ill sit over here:popcorn:
Stage!!! Been a while my man. I was wondering what you have going on. Im on my phone right now but Im gonna hit your profile up in a bit and see whats going on in in your neck of the woods.
Thankd for checkin in man!

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Sweet Dark Devil is growing like a beast! Cant wait to give them their first taste of food in a few days. Gotta build some roots with some Voodoo Juice.

I was wrong the other day on the photo plants that are started. Only 2 of the r freebie Afghani seeds popped. The cheese fem and 2 Afghani's are what just sprouted.

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Re: Fanleaf's New Room & A 6 Plant - 4 Strain Auto Grow & Perpetual All LED Baby

Yeah, these dang free afghanis were the first time ever I have had a seed fail. If it happens with any of my ordered seeds I may look at rapid start.

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Don't fell bad I had a BC Bud Depot Animal Cookies fail on me too...well I think anyway..the seed shelby is poking out of the dirt and it's been that way for 2 days now..I have a pic of it I will put it up was a regular seed but I was hoping for a girl because I heard a lot of good about the Animal Cookies..I order my seeds from Bona and they didn't carry any female seeds..don't know because it's new or other girls are all fine and loving that Rapid Start..I never used it before and I can definitely tell a diffrence
Decided for the next grow after these I would like to go the High Brix method. Love advanced nutes but I should be able to get Superior tasting bud and much cheaper too.

Heres how ya drop $650 quick!

Dont get me wrong, im really not complaining. I honestly feel these nutes are worth it for how long they last, how the results are and how easy they make things but Im still sure high brix is even better. Easier on the wallet too.

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