Experimental Grow To See The Difference Between Coco Perlite & Living Soil

Jungle Joseph

Well-Known Member
Hi there, I've decided to experiment a little with different substrates, nutrients etc. One topped itself. It's a bit crowded right now but I'm expecting some to be male. If not some might go outside. The two in the back are in living soil, same as the two in smallest pots, the rest are in coco. Feeding coco with calmag, a&b, fulvic acid, seaweed, fish, etc. Soil is fed water, fulvic acid, molasses, seaweed, fish,etc. Looking forward to a bumper crop.


Hi JJ, what light are you using?
I was given a cob led, it draws approx 100w. Lights off at the moment but you can see it here. I live off grid so every watt matters. So I bought a tent, and all the tools (and toys lol). I've done one grow so far. I'm new to led and I burned my last girls a bit, two clones, had the light full blast 12" from the buds, the soil was bad, I added too much peat, got spider mite, gnats, etc, learned some lessons, got a few oz's. So I got researching, came across this site, found out where I went wrong and now I want to get serious. This time I'm playing with the substrates and nutes to see what the light is capable of. Might be a few males, that's why I popped so many seeds (bagseed, got heaps). Could be a winner in there.

I like your setup. Plants look healthy with good color, the two in the smaller pots have a little stretch might be getting close to re-potting and they'll take off. How do you drain the tub the plants are sitting in? A main drain? Good idea using the wire mesh in the tub.
Thanks, yeah, had them under a cfl and it wasn't strong enough or close enough, so they stretched a bit. Not sure what to do with the two in the small soil pots, not too worried if they choke a bit, I know, I know, it's plant abuse, lol, but I'm sure they'll bounce back it's a few weeks before I can put them outside, that's the plan anyway. As for the drain, haven't got that far yet, got a drill hole front right of the tub, I'll put something under it before I can't move them anymore. I've been taking them out to water. I procrastinate a lot. Smoke some more, sit with the babies, come up with a solution to help them thrive, lol, that's the idea anyway. Couple of pieces of wood should do it for now. Hahaha procrastinating again.
So, I just fed the ones in coco. The water i use for my plants is filtered, ec 0.0, (tap water is ec 0.8)
5 ltrs water.
coco a&b-9ml,
fulvic acid-5ml,
pH up-5ml
E.C is 1.4, (bit high maybe? I'll flush if they need it, just wanted to see if they handle it)
pH is 5.8
The ones in soil get 1ltr between them with 1ml fulvic acid and 1 tsp molasses. Moved the light 6" closer.



Hi Joe

I am really interested in watching your grow. I accidentally, well not quite accidentally.. I made a choice to buy a quality nursery soil as I thought it would be the same as Canna Terra. I was super worried that the mix would hurt or hinder my clones. It’s done neither, and this had made me rethink the way I look at soil and additives when it comes to growing.

I am pleased to see so far so good.

My last mix was nursery bought organic soil, it had big bits of uncomposted wood chips and animal manure. The ph level was too high with excessive nitrogen, which is good for most plants, and I grew a couple of reasonable plants in it, but not specifically designed for cannabis, so I added peat. Big mistake. Should have let it 'cook' and added amendments etc. The result was mediocre at best. This time I'm using living soil specific to cannabis. I like organic, i believe good soil adds flavor, but i also like the idea of more at harvest time which is why I'm trying coco perlite as well.
Hi Joe

I am really interested in watching your grow. I accidentally, well not quite accidentally.. I made a choice to buy a quality nursery soil as I thought it would be the same as Canna Terra. I was super worried that the mix would hurt or hinder my clones. It’s done neither, and this had made me rethink the way I look at soil and additives when it comes to growing.

I am pleased to see so far so good.

Looks like my reply to your post ended up as another post lol my bad gonna have another puff now ;)
Nice start @Jungle Joseph

I may of missed it; what strains are you starting with?

Keep up the good work.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hey there, I've got heaps of bagseed so I just picked some decent looking ones and 9 out of 10 popped up. I used jiffy pellets but one got trapped in the mesh and couldn't poke its head through so I had to tear the mesh off. Seems the roots on some of the others had trouble with the mesh too so I might not use those next time. Expect a few males will thin out the bunch.
It's pretty early to tell, but they may lean toward the Indica side, but they are looking good.

I'll be around to see how you are coming along.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Cool, thanks for having a look. I really hope they're indica, I smoke mostly indica so when I find a seed it goes in the container with the rest. Probably got a hundred or so floating around. I realize the chance of a hermie is higher using bagseed, but I pop 10 at a time so the chance of a couple of good ones is there. Glad to have skilled people watching my grow.
Today's report;
Room temp: 25c
Rh: 40-50%
Starting to notice the plants in soil are greener than the coco.
The stem on #2 is slightly purple-ish (right-rear in soil)
#3 stem fattening nicely (left-center in soil)
#9 the mutants stem is getting thicker faster than the rest.
Foliar spray at lights-out with a fish, seaweed, fulvic acid mix. I'll let the soil dry for now, the coco gets fed every 2nd day, but I don't let it dry out like the soil. All appear happy and healthy and are starting to look different from each other. Happy daze friends.


Hi all,
my babies are looking good, starting to notice a faint smell from a couple of them, hopefully a sign of dankness to come. Growth is surprising.
One question;
I noticed a few have slightly cupping leaves, is it too much light? I can dim if needed. Or is it me being heavy handed with nutrients? Or is it just the plants normal growth?









All the rest look great . I went back to the pic with all your girls in there, did you see how bright the light is on the two in the center . Do you have a lux meter to check that ?
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