Exceptionally High FECO Yields

Ahoy There!
I took Mike for his Bloodwork last week. They had refused to test his PSA until now, because of his radiation therapy skews the test. This is a big deal as his last reading was still way high.
30 days of radiation completed.
2 years of chemotherapy scheduled with 6 months completed.
2 years of hormone therapy scheduled with 6 months completed.
Plus, our 420 Love in 132 grams of RSO and counting.

Well, his test came back with a PSA score of 0.14.
With small cell cancer this is especially amazing.

He is really excited about our upcoming move. I bought him a rod & reel for Christmas. He has never been fishing. I am not in position to judge but it seems to me his folks put him in a closet and ignored the poor guy. Literally :(
A combination of your assistance plus all the positive energy from you n everyone @420Magazine maybe? Whatever it is it’s great news. CL🍀. :thumb: :welldone:
Ahoy @Keffka
I must confer with @StoneOtter as a matter of protocol and take you aboard as a Medicinal Officer. This ship bravely goes where it must. The war on pain and suffering takes no prisoners. We need brave and honest folks with your experience, that can show us how to care for each other.

Meeting you this morning has put a new dimension of care in our view. thank you :love:
Micro dosing on schrooms has benefits I hear though I haven't gone there. There's rabbit holes to be crawled down on this one if you're interested. I head good things.
Well, his test came back with a PSA score of 0.14.
With small cell cancer this is especially amazing.
Why that's no psa at all! Nice work! Lower than mine too, and everyone over 14 I'm guessing!
Ahoy there!
The cancer in Mikes prostrate continues to be in remission. The psa numbers are better than healthy folks. Finally got thru a spell of dry heaves he was having in the morning. The chemo drugs play funky games ya know. Overall, he is doing well and maintaining a positive outlook.

Five weeks into moving and we are still not all the way out of our old house. I hurt my back early in the move and that has snail paced the moving. The garden construction will begin next week. It will be in the attached garage, and not as big as I wished, but dang is this a nice house. Caught a nice 8 lb channel catfish last week. Put her back in to get bigger.

Full sails to you. :love:
The cancer in Mikes prostrate continues to be in remission.
Great news!
I hurt my back early in the move and that has snail paced the moving.
Not such great news.
will be in the attached garage, and not as big as I wished, but dang is this a nice house.
Mixed news but an overall good thing!
Caught a nice 8 lb channel catfish last week.
Not great news for the catfish but good for you!
Put her back in to get bigger.
Great news for the catfish for now, not so much for later. :)
Looks like it's going to be a great space! Are you going to insulate the block wall? Also, not sure cardboard is considered to code on a breaker box. :)

Is the free standing grow building completely out of the question now?
The block wall is the back of the fireplace, and an interior wall so will not be insulated. The walls will be insulated with RS5 and the ceiling will go up RS19. The R/O connections are complete. The breaker panel is being replaced and rewired. The heaters and lights will all be on separate breakers. We are running all the wires through the walls. No extension cords.
While the back wall is opened up, we are rewiring the hot tub for 220VAC. This house is completely electric. I am looking into solar panel setups. Green energy is freaking expensive folks.
Ahoy There!
Things are going well in the new garden. I am up and running although not finished with the room. This post is about something different. My pain has worsened as expected. The ability to control / diminish my pain is slipping away. The cannameds will take me only so far in my journey to the center of hell / pain. I live up where mushrooms are forbidden fruit, and hard to locate, and not sure they would help. However, I may have found a tool.

I intend to investigate the magical possibilities of the Ohio Buckeye tree. American Indians used buckeye seeds in treating rheumatic arthritis. Consumption of the seeds from livestock yield reports of drunkenness behaviors. Now flash forward to my ability to extract and concentrate secondary metabolites from cannabis sativa. Bells ringing?

The fall will tell the story as that is when the Ohio Buckeye on my riverbank will drop her buckeyes. I am the human test vehicle. Your feedback is always welcome!
Ahoy There!
Things are going well in the new garden. I am up and running although not finished with the room. This post is about something different. My pain has worsened as expected. The ability to control / diminish my pain is slipping away. The cannameds will take me only so far in my journey to the center of hell / pain. I live up where mushrooms are forbidden fruit, and hard to locate, and not sure they would help. However, I may have found a tool.

I intend to investigate the magical possibilities of the Ohio Buckeye tree. American Indians used buckeye seeds in treating rheumatic arthritis. Consumption of the seeds from livestock yield reports of drunkenness behaviors. Now flash forward to my ability to extract and concentrate secondary metabolites from cannabis sativa. Bells ringing?

The fall will tell the story as that is when the Ohio Buckeye on my riverbank will drop her buckeyes. I am the human test vehicle. Your feedback is always welcome!

Anything for pain that isn’t an opiate is worth a shot, and I’m much more inclined to believe my ancestors over the Sacklers and their kind any day.
Anything for pain that isn’t an opiate is worth a shot, and I’m much more inclined to believe my ancestors over the Sacklers and their kind any day.
I think if your ancestors had an extraction tube and a few cans of butane they might have changed the world. The medicine man would certainly be a buckeye consumer.

Bless you bro :peacetwo:
Good luck with that Ohio Buckeye Maritimer, hopefully your efforts will find answers as without effort nothing will be found.

A friend who is a beekeeper who been experimenting with different things has now settled on drying plantain leaves (a common backyard weed) and grinding them to make a salve. He says it's great used topically for beestings and pain but probably not heavy duty enough for your needs. I agree with Keffka's comments about the Sacklers, disgusting people.

We thank a bunch of folks who made this possible. Dreams coming true. :love:
I'm sorry to hear about the increasing pain Maritimer. Did they ever manage to get that implant to stay in place in your back after all the sturm und drang? I thought you did, which means it's not working anymore. :(

:goodluck: with the Buckeye extraction this fall!
No... I am on my own. No implants. Just a bunch of pain to remember that could have been avoided.

nice talking w you my westward brother
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