Euphoria - RQS - CFL - Soil - Second Grow

A few EuClonia shots...




EuClonia (clone of my first Euphoria) and BabyPhoria (from seed) look like two quite different phenotypes.

EC has smaller, shorter (had way less stretch) colas, buds more concentrated on the top.

BabyP Has long (she stretched like crasy), big fat colas. Buds everywhere along the cola, not so much concentrated at the top.
I had to tie some colas that are getting heavy and had started falling to the side.

Lastly, EC is starting to have orange pistils, not at all on BabyP.

Flowering day 36, about 3 weeks (21 days) to go. BabyPhoria has no orange pistils while EuClonia has many; I guess BabyP is more of a sativa-ish phenotype (stretched for many weeks, big long colas, etc); Pretty sure she'll take much longer to ripen.

BabyP photos... having fun with different lighting conditions and angles :




Possibly the last watering with plain ph water for EuClonia. I will MAYBE harvest her Friday...

Bud shots, followed by macro (trichomes) shots :





I see a bit of everything in the trichomes. Some half opaque, some opaque, some brown (dead)... not really amber, but kaput.

Not exactly sure about the ripeness... but I guess she's at her most potent... mainly opaque, not too many dead ones.

Opinions ?

I’d say she’s ready from the photos

The fact that her foliage is still dark green... and she had no loss of leaves, or even yellowing, does this mean she will taste like chlorophyll and such ?
She's had 2 waterings with plain water. I'm happy in a way that shes was that healthy till the end, but at the same time... they say it should be yellowing and slowly dying at this point, after having used every bit of nutrient in the soil, etc.

BTW, my other plant, BabyPhoria, is loosing many leaves on a daily basis. The leaves dont even get completely yellow, they are mostly pale green when they fall off.

The top of the plant remains very healthy, the colas are huge (had to tie them to prevent them from falling), and she's not at the same point of ripeness. I progressively reduced the amount of nutes, but not at plain water yet. Will have to check on her trichomes later today and decide if I feed plain water later today or just reduce the nutes...
Here's a bud shot of BabyPhoria...



I can'T even get a good macro shot of the trichomes. It's as if the calyxes are not even swollen yet. I just get shots of trichomes on leaves. They look very "aged", opaque, brown, dead, etc. But I cant see a real calyx to be shure of the trichomes.

Is this plant several weeks short of harvesting ?

Still looks like it has time yet, but sometimes Sativa dom strains never seem to fully ripen. Just have to go by what the trichs are telling you.

I'll wait on her, and see how she develops. For shure she seems to be a more sativa dominant pheno, so it'd make sense that she'd take longer.
By the looks of the pistils alone, she was like 2 weeks behind EuClonia (had 0 brown pistils while Euclonia had plenty)

But I have no experience with sativas... so it'll be a learning experience.

PW, do you mean that she could have almost all white pistils and still be ready ?!
Like I said, calyxes seem recessed, cause all my photos show only leaves...

Thanks so much !
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