Emmie's Vegan Fertilizer, Pineapple Chunk 2020 Celebration: Experimental Soil Grow

I am an amateur radio operator (ham) and have been since I was a teen. I am big time into it, especially now that technology allows someone like me to use computers to communicate with the world.

I had an accident in my early 20's and since then my hearing has been degenerating steadily. I have the option of getting a cochlear implant, but I have chosen to embrace what my body is doing and adapt to it, rather than be tied to technology for the rest of my life. I transitioned so smoothly into learning to lip read and sign, that many people around me didn't realize that I had such a profound hearing loss, and indeed it has only been in the last 3 or 4 years where enough of the sound is gone that I am missing things and even with high amplification, I am not able to hear a lot of the music that I enjoy so much. Along with this, my speech has been deteriorating since I can't hear myself (audiogenic dyslalia), and when we go places many times Ms. J. will act as my voice. In the working world I am an office executive with a big window that looks out onto the financial group... and they all know that through that window, I can read every word they say. I am incredibly intimidating. Imagine what I can do in a bar! :) Lil ol me. lol I am called the Doctor of Deaf by those who love me. lol
I am an amateur radio operator (ham) and have been since I was a teen. I am big time into it, especially now that technology allows someone like me to use computers to communicate with the world.

I had an accident in my early 20's and since then my hearing has been degenerating steadily. I have the option of getting a cochlear implant, but I have chosen to embrace what my body is doing and adapt to it, rather than be tied to technology for the rest of my life. I transitioned so smoothly into learning to lip read and sign, that many people around me didn't realize that I had such a profound hearing loss, and indeed it has only been in the last 3 or 4 years where enough of the sound is gone that I am missing things and even with high amplification, I am not able to hear a lot of the music that I enjoy so much. Along with this, my speech has been deteriorating since I can't hear myself (audiogenic dyslalia), and when we go places many times Ms. J. will act as my voice. In the working world I am an office executive with a big window that looks out onto the financial group... and they all know that through that window, I can read every word they say. I am incredibly intimidating. Imagine what I can do in a bar! :) Lil ol me. lol I am called the Doctor of Deaf by those who love me. lol
Well Doc, I have known you 5 minutes and I already love you :kiss:

I‘ve never heard of ham outside a baked dinner or a sanga lolling.

I’m sorry you can’t hear music. Many years ago as a teen I had a completely deaf friend called Tony. Deafness used to be managed so poorly here. Deaf schools would teach sign but not lip reading. Segregation really. So Tony only spoke sign. So he taught us sign, and we taught him how to verbally swear. I still smile when I think of his “f-f-farrrk orfffffff”. He could sign the best stories. It was like watching a one man silent movie. He gave us all sign names. My sign name was Touch Your Cheek Twice because of the thick make up I wore.

I‘d love to be able to read lips.
I like to put on my hot little black dress along with some wicked silver reflective Cartier Panthere knockoff sunglasses, and hit the bars. You can't tell where my eyes are looking and I can tell my crew exactly what each guy (or girl) around the room is saying. I am a deadly weapon, and eliminate a lot of the guesswork from the game. And some people call this a disability...
It won't be long now! I went over there yesterday with my dog so he could do a final inspection of the back yard, and I planned out where my ham radio antennas and outdoor garden will go. With the privacy fence, you can pretty much be assured that I will do some outdoor growing, right in the middle of a bunch of corn and peas to hide all the cannabis.

Here is shot of the house with the fence, and to remain topical, the backyard where the garden will soon be tilled into operation.

The veggie and stealth pot garden will go down in this sunny back corner of the yard, along the southern edge of the fence.
garden area.jpg
Congratulations! I can't wait see what you can do with the new grow space. Nice Catalpa too!
Congratulations! I can't wait see what you can do with the new grow space. Nice Catalpa too!
Thanks! There are some other blooming trees in the back too... and in the back back where the solar panels are going to go. I can't wait to see it all bloom out and see what I have!
I like to put on my hot little black dress along with some wicked silver reflective Cartier Panthere knockoff sunglasses, and hit the bars. You can't tell where my eyes are looking and I can tell my crew exactly what each guy (or girl) around the room is saying. I am a deadly weapon, and eliminate a lot of the guesswork from the game. And some people call this a disability...
That could be a lucrative side job. :rofl:
Catalpas are pretty beautiful in full bloom. I like the large leaves too.

Good luck on the corn and peas. I find them almost as fun to grow as herbs.
The problem with corn around here in a yard in Missouri is that just about the time they start getting good and tall, a good late spring wind blows them down as often as not... behind this privacy fence, this is going to be easy. I also enjoy the backyard garden... also radishes, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, onions, potatoes and tomatoes! Too late to get really ambitious out there this year, but I also like the squashes and melons, cucumbers and pumpkins... but not this year. I just want to hide my autos using some yummy sweet corn as a cover.
I am an amateur radio operator (ham) and have been since I was a teen. I am big time into it, especially now that technology allows someone like me to use computers to communicate with the world.

I had an accident in my early 20's and since then my hearing has been degenerating steadily. I have the option of getting a cochlear implant, but I have chosen to embrace what my body is doing and adapt to it, rather than be tied to technology for the rest of my life. I transitioned so smoothly into learning to lip read and sign, that many people around me didn't realize that I had such a profound hearing loss, and indeed it has only been in the last 3 or 4 years where enough of the sound is gone that I am missing things and even with high amplification, I am not able to hear a lot of the music that I enjoy so much. Along with this, my speech has been deteriorating since I can't hear myself (audiogenic dyslalia), and when we go places many times Ms. J. will act as my voice. In the working world I am an office executive with a big window that looks out onto the financial group... and they all know that through that window, I can read every word they say. I am incredibly intimidating. Imagine what I can do in a bar! :) Lil ol me. lol I am called the Doctor of Deaf by those who love me. lol
What a weapon in the business world. I can't imagine how many more deals I could have closed reading lips! Lol and the damage you could do at bars.....

Congrats on the house. I waited and missed that late Midwest freeze earlier this month ( based on the crowds at Lowe's, many had to replant) and my garden is going great. Only one heart to heart with a rabbit so far, lol. I tried strawberries, but the birds and chipmunks ate everything.
I've got a few seedlings started to go outside this year, I figure with all going on I won't have many backyard visitors, so I'm adding a few to the tomato area. Congrats again on the new place!
I was today years old!


:) :) :)
Me to! And it isn't from lack of familiarity with said cups! You learn something new everyday.
I just received my industrial sized bag of Mega Crop, I guess I'm set for the foreseeable future, lol. It looks completely different. It's whiter, no balls( that I like), and has more of a chemical smell to it. My older stuff smelled really sweet, I kind of liked the smell. Time to vacuum seal it into useable portions so it doesn't get moisture in it.
Just a quick update...

Closing on the house has been delayed from this Thursday to Monday or Tuesday of next week, depending on when the appraiser gets his paperwork turned in. I will be starting my next run immediately, with up to 6 high power auto seeds that I have had laying around here for some time. They were free seeds from an exclusive dealer and as such I don't know what they are exactly... but the data sheet that came with them claimed they were a solid looking mixture of some good stuff. We shall see what develops, together.

My GeoFlora Veg and Bloom free sample has arrived, and it will be used for these plants. They will be grown in 5gal Geopots, and started first in solo cups. The first 8oz of GeoFlora Veg will be applied to the empty bags of soil as soon as they are built and ready to go, and will be given on 2 week intervals throughout this grow. Water will be exclusively from my rain water gutter fed cistern. The 3 months left of July, August and September should be just enough time to get this outdoor grow accomplished.

Meanwhile, the indoor grow room will be built, comprising of a 4x4 tent using my NextLight MEGA for bloom, and my 2x4 tent set up with my homebrew COB light array optimized for Veg. As soon as it is possible, I will start up some high power photo plants in veg with some individualized grow journals associated with them and once the indoor bloom room fires up under the MEGA, I plan to do a yearly perpetual journal just on that room and the various varieties and experiments that I move through there that might not have their own individual journals.

I will start up the first new grow journal as soon as the house closes and I gain possession to the yard. My well cooked supersoil mix will be one of the first things to move over and I plan to plant the seeds that day.

More from me very soon... and this will probably be the last official update from this journal. Have a great day everyone!
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