your girls, the buds, their protectors, and the pics of them are beautiful!
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Emm, have you ever grown directly on top of a root ball?
not sure I understand your question DrZiggy...
if you are asking about this no till idea, no, I have never tried it. My concept of it however is that the center mass of the old rootball is removed and the disconnected roots that remain eventually break down.
Please tell me what you are thinking though... good idea, bad idea?
I have planted on more than several occasions directly on top of the root ball. Its what happens in nature when seeds drop, they germinate directly on top of the old grow. My Colombian Gold dropped 6 seeds(CG pollenated ) into the 2 gal softee i grew it in on the root ball. They are here.
I theorized...( of course stoned! ) that the new roots attach to the still living roots, and their attached symbiotic biota, of the previous plant and like the BORG or a neural net, start feeding with it.
I know, great weed, right?
well, Its worked great...I have in my 1st and 2nd journals grows that included grows on top of root balls.
very cool. That looks like a mite eating machine! How many did it take?
Looking fabulous Em. I like the idea of the back building technique, On an eight week strain when would an ideal time to give the haircut? I'm thinking around the 5 week mark, this would give 1 to 2 weeks of nutes and plumping up the bud before the final flush. I am going to be doing this technique on about half the buds on each of my plants just to see the difference.
Keep up the great work!!
yep, 5 weeks sounds about right. Doc is the expert on this though, and I remember making a mental note when reading his description of the technique that it would be right about the time they started peaking, and really taking on that conical shape that they do about at the 5 week point. I just snipped off the very tinsiest bit too... and it seems to be working well. I may have to start doing this a lot more too.