Hey Emeraldo! Looking really good on the balcony there. Those are happy & healthy plants!
They're big girls. Obvious to see who's getting more sunlight time. Iv'e got a balcony similarly sized to yours that i'll be having some fun with when my outdoor season comes in September - i'll give you a heads up when it's going.
You got any pistils pushing or are these girls still in full veg?
Hey fellow balcony grower, yes happy and healthy, in this heat (often over 100 F), the plants really responded to the increased amount of water. During May and June, I only gave them 15 minutes (1 gal) of drip twice a week. Now that is up to 30 minutes 4 times a week.
Yes, pistils are forming since around August 1. Below some photos I took yesterday, close up enough to see the pistils.
And you are right it is obvious from the earlier photos that, say, my White Widow (middle position in the "back row" away from the railing) was getting less light. So what I did yesterday was, after pruning away some branches that blocked light from getting to her buds, I actually bent the tall Critical Mass (she's in the back row at the west end of the balcony, where the sun goes down and was tall enough to block light from the White Widow). I bent her away from the WW to give the WW more light as this picture shows. I used a velcro strip to LST the Critrical Mass, bending her stem slightly against the wire screen and holding her down a bit. You can see the White Widow on the right side of the picture.
As a result of bending Critical Mass toward the sun, more light reaches the White Widow.
Here a shot of the west end: G13xHaze is on the left, Critical Mass on the right (White Widow is behind her, at the far right side of the picture).
Finally, here is how the plants look below the screen. Almost no leaves because they were not getting the light and cramping the airflow. Those stems are as thick as my thumb.