Ego Picks Berries - Quadlining With Canuk Seeds' Northern Lights

Day 10.
All is well in this tent and soon enough it will be upcan time. No bugs or issues to speak of besides her baby fingers getting wavy, supposedly either because I didn't adjust my water PH or the humidity's been a bit low. It's not getting down to 16% like it did last time 'round though (I just don't want to deal with my humidifiers coating everything with white crap again...)

I decided to start bottom watering when I have plants in cups just to save myself a bit of time. Otherwise I water them slow.

Temps ranging between 72-80°F (Perfect 😋)
RH between 30-45% (Not great, not terrible)
Water PH in 6.4, out not tested yet

Lookin' perky today :snowboating:

Day 10.
All is well in this tent and soon enough it will be upcan time. No bugs or issues to speak of besides her baby fingers getting wavy, supposedly either because I didn't adjust my water PH or the humidity's been a bit low. It's not getting down to 16% like it did last time 'round though (I just don't want to deal with my humidifiers coating everything with white crap again...)

I decided to start bottom watering when I have plants in cups just to save myself a bit of time. Otherwise I water them slow.

Temps ranging between 72-80°F (Perfect 😋)
RH between 30-45% (Not great, not terrible)
Water PH in 6.4, out not tested yet

Lookin' perky today :snowboating:

She looks lovely.

I legit waterboard mine like I’m interrogating them. 4L straight down their throats.
She looks lovely.

I legit waterboard mine like I’m interrogating them. 4L straight down their throats.
Drink ya bastard!
Oddly enough I was a little aggro with the water this time, only 'cuz I was getting her watered into her final pot 🤔
Nice, I'm a mainline guy that has grown NL 4 times now. I've considered trying a quad-line, which makes me very interested to see how your grow turns out. I'm a huge fan of NL.

I'm also shopping for a new strain to try and Blue Mystic has my attention. Blue Mystic is a cross between NL and Blueberry.

Good luck with the Northern Lights !
Day 16. Upcanned on day 13.

She was pretty droopy after the transplant, but as soon as she started perking up again I went for those bottom two nodes. She's getting her ass in gear for veg and that means the pain train is rolling in 😈



After the 2nd node came off:

Day 17
Perked back up fully, won't you look at that! Almost too pretty to take that main shoot...



... But it had to happen! 💪

Day 20.

The bending begins. Tied those new stalks down to the leaves. Y'all call them Carhooks a la Carcass yeah?
She hasn't asked for water yet so I'll wait and let her roots find the good stuff


Hope it's been a good monday mates :blunt:
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