Day 50...
Lots to think about, next feeding is ripening, I'm thinking about giving the Rockstar another half week of late bloom, as per package time of flowering is 8 to 9 weeks, going on week 8 now, if I ripen this week that puts week 9 in flush, is this a proper way to finish them ? I can't read enough and haven't enough yet, and grown enough lol, if I ripen in week 8 will that give me better quality and quantity.
Cinderella is 50 to 55 day flower, she should be a week earlier than anything, but still some white hairs and clear trichomes, I'm thinking I will ripen them this week, keep that high a clear energy day time lol. Not as tight feeling but still some nice thickness on them, as the rest I am surprised how tight they are feeling...yaaaay lol
The Gorilla Glue #4 is a 60 day flower, I'm thinking giving her another half week of late bloom also as well as the Northern Lights. On the Gorilla Glue I'm not sure if it's the start of fox tailing, and she definitely has the biggest appetite, I'll leave pics, light is one inch above recommend, I've been leaving the dehumidifier on more often, temp's lights on are staying between 23c and 26c, humidity 44% to 48%, lights off temp's go between 17.8c and 19c, humidity 46% to 53%, I have the dehumidifier on a timer to come on and off through lights out.
So my thoughts about the nute burn on any leaf tips, mixing food today I caught myself almost adding too much Liquid Koolbloom, thinking it was Flora bloom which I already added, if I didn't catch that on my last feeding, I'm not sure lol, the cal mag deficiency, or I'm thinking potassium abundance (LKB), from earlier post I don't see it on any new grow, not as pretty as they were, but still getting thicker tighter buds, I really don't want to choke in the finish lol, do I stay on schedule or add half a wèek, apart from Cinderella, she's ripening into something delicious I feel : )
I'll leave it here with some pics and go get high, higher, with the girls.
Start of fox tails ?