DWC - Drip Irrigation Scrog 2400W

Yes the root mass does displace a lot of volume. But with 396gph flow and 1.5" pvc I think it's fine. I am still dialing in the shorter height, 28" max is my goal. 6.5g sounds good too if they aint too tall. I don't want to raise the base of the plants any. Obviously both work fine, and I don't mind topping off daily. I just don't need a big ole main res and a control bucket. Unless I were to be away a couple days. But I have no life.
You got mad skills. Those roots are crazy awesome.

Have you ever tried a side by side test, defoiling one like you usually do and only lillipopping and LST the other to see what yeilds more?


yeah ive done side by sides and tried many diff techniques. i find a combination of lst, defoliation and ttopping works best for me. i only veg 2 weeks, 3 max and get lovely bushy heavy yielding plants. ive found a strain and recipe that works well and i wont be deviating from that too much.
I think that's the key cultivator. Finding what's best for you!! There is no right answer on what works best, find the right strain and right practices and you'll be growing yourself some good pot!
Your AMS is on my list for next strain to throw in system for sure! Could you pm or post here what Seed bank you purchased at? Won't be done running current strains til atleast June but would like to get some for sure!
thats right Doc.

Im just waiting for Bass to grow AMS with his high defol techniques and get those 10oz per plant! haha

I saw dat.

It won't be next grow. Or the one after either. I just got 4 Kosher Kush seeds sprouted for next grow. Got Holy Grail Kush (og#18 x Kosher Kush cross) on the way to me. I think I am still 4 months away most likely from having my desired setup with 3 or 4 moms. two tents of 3-4 each in flower at all times, 3-8 plants in veg at all times, and harvesting a tent once a month.

If I can get to where I am close on that then I'll likely look at the arjans haze #3. You seem to really like it. While GHS does a great job of promoting their plants with grow vids and logs, it does come up quite short on THC % at roughly 13%. But CBD @ 1.20, and CBN @ 2.04 looks ok. It may even be the better profile to treat moms Alzheimer's with. I don't know.

EDIT: Ok so I screwed that up. Thinking your was AJ#3 and another journal was AMS. AMS DOES show high THC @ 19.05% and low cbd/cbn @ 0,17% & 0.14%

Here's an important bit of scientific opinion from Israel where research in treatments with THC and cannbinoids is far more advanced (and probably less biased) than here in the states.

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the marijuana's primary constituents. CBD delivers a combination of neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects on the brain (Alzheimer's disease is widely thought to be associated with oxidative stress on the brain). THC, the primary psychoactive cannabinoid, has been shown to reduce the agitation common to nearly 75 percent of Alzheimer's sufferers. A 2003 Institutes of Medicine report shows THC to also be effective in stimulating appetite and combating the anorexic characteristics so common to Alzheimer's patients.

As for THC in marijuana, studies found that it inhibits the formation of amyloid plaque, the main marker for Alzheimer's disease. THC, has also has been shown to reduce the agitation common to Alzheimer's sufferers, according to findings presented in 2003 at the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists' 34th annual meeting.
This study and the Institutes of Medicine report also show THC to be effective in combating the anorexia or wasting syndrome common to Alzheimer's sufferers, since food refusal is a common problem in patients who suffer from Alzheimer's type dementia. The appettite-stimulation properties of cannabis are some of the most well-established in clinical research.

Researches submitted to the 21st International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium show that CBD shows the potential of CBD for treating cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers disease.
The effectivity of marijuana chemicals in treating cancer and neurodegenerative diseases may be related to the recently discovered endocannabinoid system a neuromodulatory system of lipids and their receptors that play a major role in human pain sensation, mood, appetite and memory. The endocannabinoid system may assist cell signaling in identifying abnormal cells.

So in effect, it appears THC and CBD/CBN all take a part in the treatment if I'm reading that right.
yeah it seems that way bass. I grow the AMS primarily for stoners. Where i live people arent as open minded about using weed as medicine. So much backward thinking here, i really dont like living in this country. I have options of canada and austrailia and im appoaching both. They both arent as far ahead as some states in america but they certainly ahead of here.

Alzhiemers is a terrible disease, i too have experience of it. I wish u the best there bro.
Many thanks for your support Cultivator.

I would really like to be able to test what I grow and find the best strains for my needs. I recently found a site that does nothing but bud testing, called BudGenius. Unfortunately they only test for collectives, which are illegal in my state. The MMJ law as written in Nv allows you to grow & possess, but does not allow you to aquire. Not even seeds. Which just sounds weird. Though there might be changes within the state legislature coming on this as some raided dispensaries beat the rap while others have not. The issue has run the gambit all the way to the state supreme court and is due for clarity and change.
Ive got some hgk on the go right now Bass, I hope you get get a less finicky pheno than mine.I have a og dom pheno and its tough to keep it happy in my system but I gotta say its one of my all time favs to smoke:)

I'm looking forward to working with that strain. It's a ways off yet. I'll probably have it next week or so. But wont germ it for probably 4 weeks or more. We'll see how I progress on the other things I need to be ready for rotational grow.
Well I must say you've earned it! What I say don't matter much but my vote counts the same as everyone else and I know who I voted for. I haven't been involved in any discussion about the new policy but I'm not liking it much if it makes the people I vote for feel like this! Switch it back is my say!!!
Cultivator, I hope you reconsider things. I like having you here, and selfishly hope you can/will stick around.

If you look back at the thread, it appears your post was deleted accidentally. Sometimes there's a simpler explanation of things.

The new format is going to take some adjusting to, and more nominees would be nice, but it'll probably just take a bit to get it squared away. No matter how you do it, somehow someone(s) are going to be unhappy. I try to focus on the positives - and the new format is going to recognize some people for doing things that aren't as obvious to some of us who don't stray outside of grow journals as much. JJ Bones, for example, addresses a ton of FAQ questions, but I didn't notice them until I started spending more time in that section (I had no idea how much he was helping newer growers!). Vapedogg, welcomes (I swear!) EVERY new member and helps guide them toward how to use the site. But... if I'm being honest, I don't see that usually because I don't spend enough time there. Just a couple of examples.

I've had many interactions with the mods here (most of whom/maybe all volunteer their time!), and I feel pretty confident that they're hearts are in the right place, and that they're trying to do the right thing. Doesn't mean they may not make mistakes. It's tough managing a community of such diversity without a hiccup now and then, in someone's eyes, I'm certain of it.

I realize comments are being made about popularity contests, etc., and they have left you pissed. I get that, and I think the "popularity contest" thing is being used a little too broadly at times. Like all things though, there's a grain of truth to it, too, at least in some respects.

Not like I'm privy to a lot or anything, but I've seen enough to know that there's been some shocking behavior when it comes to the MOTM contest. Cheating? Oh yeah! Networking, bartering, I'll vote for you if you vote for me next month... yada yada. It's truly shocking. Most of it, we don't see because it gets dealt with behind the scenes. My worry is that the whole thing goes away because we can't get along over it and it becomes more of a negative than a positive. Then, nobody wins. I like seeing peoples efforts recognized, and I'm willing to be open minded about this change for the greater good of being able to continue doing so.

Also, sometimes popular and knowledgeable aren't mutually exclusive things, and that's okay. Popularity or not, I'm confident in my skills and contributions enough to not really care what others think who aren't necessarily as active or involved here. I think you can find solace in that sense, too. You earned the title, don't worry about anyone thinking otherwise. The community spoke, and you won.

I've enjoyed knowing you, and hope you rethink your position on this. If not, I wish you the best, truly brother. Maybe I'm too much of a peacenik, but I just want us to all row this boat the same direction. There are too many people working against us, we don't need to work against ourselves, ya know?


Hey x

Just to be clear its not a deleted post in the MOTM thread that has pissed me off.

Ive put a lot of time into the community journalling, spending time in FAQ and helping others who are just starting out grows in their journals. Im by no means the worlds expert on growing cannabis but i do have experience and i try to share that with the members here, free of charge with the hope that others can prevent making mistakes that dont need to be made and so they can see how i do things.

I hear u on the MOTM contest but i will state here and now that i never asked for a single vote from anyone and i was surprised at the votes i recieved. Im grateful to all those people that voted for me, i really am. But when its suggested i only won because its a 'popularity' contest, thats just stupid. I mean the contest is kind of a popularity contest in the sense that voters vote for who they like based on whatever reason they like them! I know all the nominees in this months contest and all have something to offer and are valid entrants, good luck to them all.

Im going to sit back for a few days and think on the situation. Ive made some good friends here and i want to hang around for them, but at the same time im not happy with a few things. I appreciate ur post X and u are a valuable member of this community.

peace mate
I hadn't even noticed the change to MoTM until X's post above made me look. I'm not against the new method. I believe their hearts will be in it.

I am unaware of what the issue was for last month. Not going to look. I made my vote and it wasn't out of popularity. I'm pretty much a loner personally. What I mean by that is I don't hang out with people who smoke. I don't smoke myself. I do this to treat my elderly mother with Alzheimer's. I have 3 friends that do smoke and know I grow and try my end product to let me know how I'm doing. I don't know any other growers. So any time I spend here is to learn mostly, and to share with those others that are trying to help themselves or loved ones.

I rarely up until I was actually nominated (totally surprised) for MoTM even looked at the contests. I figured it was just a popularity contest too. And since I'm lessor involved I figured it didn't mean much to enter nug/plant, and I certainly would never be popular enough to be nominated MoTM let alone win it. So I'm not sure which contest is really more of a popularity contest if any are at all.

I am not in this thing to win over people. But I have gained so much from the information freely given by those that have come before me, that I feel I must pass it on to whatever small degree I can. So every once in a while I cruise through the hydro sections and respond to posts. Often it's newcomers to the site and/or method of growing. I try to welcome them and answer things that I feel I understand well and have something to contribute. I think the welcoming for the newer poster is valuable too. It helps in some small way possibly to make someone feel more relaxed and willing to ask the stupid questions they are afraid of, and for the more knowledgeable, it let's them know there's interest in whatever it is they may have to share.

I have gained from your posts. I'm sure others have as well. I'm also sure you've gained a few things from people around here. I don't get involved in any drama, and quite frankly rarely see it around here. Unlike many other sites for this thing we do! For the most part I think this is a pretty mature community. I encourage you to take notice of some of the BS that goes on at other sites. And fanboys? omg do they have them!

If I can offer you anything, it's just to let you know, the diversity of a community like this will have many many personalities. You're going to run into some you don't mix with well. Move on to the others, don't take it personally, and don't worry about it.

No matter what you decide, God Bless (and I'm not a religious type), and may you be satisfied in all that you do.
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