Cultivator, I hope you reconsider things. I like having you here, and selfishly hope you can/will stick around.
If you look back at the thread, it appears your post was deleted accidentally. Sometimes there's a simpler explanation of things.
The new format is going to take some adjusting to, and more nominees would be nice, but it'll probably just take a bit to get it squared away. No matter how you do it, somehow someone(s) are going to be unhappy. I try to focus on the positives - and the new format is going to recognize some people for doing things that aren't as obvious to some of us who don't stray outside of grow journals as much. JJ Bones, for example, addresses a ton of FAQ questions, but I didn't notice them until I started spending more time in that section (I had no idea how much he was helping newer growers!). Vapedogg, welcomes (I swear!) EVERY new member and helps guide them toward how to use the site. But... if I'm being honest, I don't see that usually because I don't spend enough time there. Just a couple of examples.
I've had many interactions with the mods here (most of whom/maybe all volunteer their time!), and I feel pretty confident that they're
hearts are in the right place, and that they're trying to do the right thing. Doesn't mean they may not make mistakes. It's tough managing a community of such diversity without a hiccup now and then, in someone's eyes, I'm certain of it.
I realize comments are being made about popularity
contests, etc., and they have left you pissed. I get that, and I think the "popularity contest" thing is being used a little too broadly at times. Like all things though, there's a grain of truth to it, too, at least in some respects.
Not like I'm privy to a lot or anything, but I've seen enough to know that there's been some shocking behavior when it comes to the MOTM contest. Cheating? Oh yeah! Networking, bartering, I'll vote for you if you vote for me next month... yada yada. It's truly shocking. Most of it, we don't see because it gets dealt with behind the scenes. My worry is that the whole thing goes away because we can't get along over it and it becomes more of a negative than a positive. Then, nobody wins. I like seeing peoples efforts recognized, and I'm willing to be open minded about this change for the greater good of being able to continue doing so.
Also, sometimes popular and knowledgeable aren't mutually exclusive things, and that's okay. Popularity or not, I'm confident in my skills and contributions enough to not really care what others think who aren't necessarily as active or involved here. I think you can find solace in that sense, too. You earned the title, don't worry about anyone thinking otherwise. The community spoke, and you won.
I've enjoyed knowing you, and hope you rethink your position on this. If not, I wish you the best, truly brother. Maybe I'm too much of a peacenik, but I just want us to all row this boat the same direction. There are too many people working against us, we don't need to work against ourselves, ya know?