I had a rough night on this forum and forgot the pics sorry I will tonight.
The jedi and Pestelence were the most root bound I've ever seen seriously. Others were still much more than my house and garden up pot.
I can't answer the timing question on when to up pot I'm still hashing that out myself.
I veg for 24hrs and use roughly 100 t5 bulbs in veg nothing else. Some 2' well 12 and the rest are 4'. The hortilux power veg t5 I just received to try for a local shop and I'm loving them way more bright than any I've yet to use. Not sure price point think 20 per bulb
I just ask doc questions so I following his advice. It's his kit not mine lol. It's a very easy kit. I just forget the foliar feeding but I'm getting better now.
Try to get those foliars in! If you skip it, it's like missing a leg on a chair....