Hello Dutchman, found my way back after tripping and slipping into Homers thread, Sluricaine, Wow, I would like to have the sugar leafs from this plant after you are done trimming. Really impressive, I have made a small screen to sift the tricones from the leftover leave but only got a small amount from my last 4 plants, these would be worth growing just for that, almost like a hashplant. Cheers Looking very very good.
Hello Dutchman, found my way back after tripping and slipping into Homers thread, Sluricaine, Wow, I would like to have the sugar leafs from this plant after you are done trimming. Really impressive, I have made a small screen to sift the tricones from the leftover leave but only got a small amount from my last 4 plants, these would be worth growing just for that, almost like a hashplant. Cheers Looking very very good.
Hey Budshark glad you made it over! I’m definitely looking forward to squishing some rosin from these greasy buds. Still a ways to go for them to frost up even more so it should be like winter soon!

Wow unbelievable thread @Dutchman1990 gave me something to do today :nomo: looking forward to what lays ahead:popcorn:
Hey Action! Welcome my friend and glad you had a good read! If you got any questions let me know!

A lot of his strains are unbelievable trichome producers. Especially his Platinum crosses
Yes.. Yes they are lol! Looking forward to the final push!

Hey everyone! Just a 4x4 picture Bomb update today. I’ve got a big update in the works for this weekend so I won’t keep you long today!
Tons of colours coming in and some serious bulking has begun to happen! Frost warning is issued! :p

Dutchman, It took me a full day, to trim, clean tent and filter my soil to take out all the roots so i could use it again, clean pots, clean the fan and lights, sweep and clean basement to get it back and ready to go again. Must take you at least 2 with a full tent. Cheers
Good looking flowers, definetly have the frost in overdrive.
Thanks Penny! Entered week 7 of flower today so the final push is on!

:yummy: nice update, can't wait for this weekend's update.
Cheers Egg! I’ll have a bunch of info for you all to enjoy!

Thanks PC!

Looking beautiful Dutchman! Love the frost!
Cheers Physicist! I’m lovin it to haha

:thumb: :woohoo:nice buddage:theband::yahoo:
Thanks Dynamo!

Dutchman, It took me a full day, to trim, clean tent and filter my soil to take out all the roots so i could use it again, clean pots, clean the fan and lights, sweep and clean basement to get it back and ready to go again. Must take you at least 2 with a full tent. Cheers
Hey Bud! I’ve got a pretty good system now and I can clean and reset in a day as well! Trimming is a different story all together lol! That takes me about 5days to trim the crop once ready!

Well hello again everyone! Happy Saturday!
I hope your all doing well and staying safe! Luckily I’ve been busy busy in the garden with lots of stuff going on from rosin pressing, bubble hash making, cloning and more!

So without delay here we go. I broke down and bought a bubble Hash machine this past week. It made for a new toy in the grow equipment department and also helped me process some of my saved up trim that I had in the freezer! I took out some GG4 trim and put it through the wash.

I then dried it in my dryer and squished it this morning into some delectable hash rosin! This stuff is LOUD and stunk up the whole house! The colour was just beautiful and poured rivers of honey!

This was a really fantastic way to start the weekend off and I’ll be washing and squishing a lot more hash rosin to come this week as well!

Next up is the 4x4! These ladies are in week 7 of flower now and are packing on the weight and frost.

I decided to get some macros and closeups today from Slurricane just to see how they are maturing. Lots of clear and a few cloudy being right on schedule!

The IHG clones are all rooted strong and begging to Reveg now. Always fun watching them go through this transition.

Tomorrow I’ll be posting my cloning tutorial and guide for all of those using bubble/aeroponic cloners! This guide will be jam packed with information and also show how I’ve come to have great success with my cloner!

Until then though I’m going to be enjoying this GG4 hash rosin and getting some pictures together!

Stay safe and heavily medicated in these crazy times my Canna fam!
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