wow what a day.....workin on moving to a different room, but theres a ton of work involved with that, cause i gotta empty a room we use for storage, i also keep all my grow supplies there. that room will be repurposed, the room my tent is in now will be the new storage room, so i can't move it in yet. and the room i am moving to is to be emotied into the old storage room. shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. back n forth movin crap.
all for a good cause. the new grow room, i will be able to have not one but 2-4x8 tents in it, and possibly even a smaller drying tent, if i ever buy one lol. and i should be able to keep nearly all of my supplies in the same room too. easier access to water too. gotta move some power in, but that's the easiest part of this move, lol.
sooo, after i pissed around with that all day, i finally had supper, then said that's it, i got work to do. seeya hunny.
and so, feeding day for all the girls, save one. #4 got the 3 gallon flush today. so maybe a week or so and she will come down. i will probably leave the pollinated branch on for a lil bit yet, gotta check it, and my calendar.
so i have it here, 22-27 wk3 veg, 10 & 17-21 wk1 blm, 7-9 wk6 blm, 3,5,6 wk8 blm and 4 flush.
took the 2 treated branches off of silver girl 2 and put them in a pitcher with some water in the warm, bright room. lotsa sacks on there that i hadn't even seen yet. not even with the camera, which is weird cuz i get all contorted to try an get under her in different spots for pics. but, at least none were open yet....gettin real close though.
oh for note sake, my bud from #1 will be less than what i weighed before, she wasn't as dry as i thought. so with the boveda she felt too wet. into the paper bag she went. them nugs got nice n dry over i think it was 3 days. i put the bag on top of my tent just loosely closed. so it gets pretty warm n airy up there. on yesterday's check, they were real nice. so in the jar they went, and now boveda is doing her job properly. they are taking some moisture from the pack. feel and smell real nice.
#2 was well dried, so boveda brought that weight up a bit.
lsd 25 was the big project in the tent today(aside from suicide nutes in my dwc journal lol).
them girls were gettin so leggy in the warm room, they needed to get comfy in the tent. but, since i am moving everything about in a couple days(i hope) i put them into my smaller pots, to give them some good leg room, but easier for me moving everything about. they will hopefully be out of their current pots in less than a week. did a bit of a picture show, on my method of up potting lil seedlings. pretty much do the same any time i up pot too.
so pics.....first we have a before tent shot on opening it up.
and now we have a string of shots up potting the lsd 25....almost didn't do this, it was the last one when i thunk of it, lol.
soil in new pot to the level i want, i take a bit to the edges, then i use a matching pot to drill a hole in the center of the new pot. since the girls are leggy, i wanted to sink them about a half inch further so i did. after "drilling" i leave the pot in there, fill it (the lil pot) with water once. let it perc down into the soil. then lift it out, tip the seedling pot over and loosen the sides, just squeezing gently, and a good thumb push from the bottom pops the whole thing out in one nice solid piece. drop it in the hole, backfil and cover over from the soil i pulled up to the edges of the new pot. set it into the tent, lil bit of top water to moisten the works, and put my mini domes on.
that's how i do it, may be right or wrong for some, but since i started doing it this way, i haven't lost a single plant(except the freakin males). so i will continue to do this, as i like 100% success.
pics of the process...
and here they are all lined up like chorus girls....
and here's the one i upped to a solo cup the other day. she's doin fine, no great shakes yet but she's comin. she will stay in either the solo or go into one of them lil pots. wanna keep her small and easy to move about for silver flipping.
got her sunbathing with my dwc today, took the dome off while i was workin away. she was being kept at the bottom for a couple days.
and here's the after shot of the tent....i like it. looks real busy. all the different growth levels. looks awesome to me.
well that's my updates done for the day folks,
love em or leave em, comment if ya like or have advice for me. (yep i know about autos in their final pots lmao)
have fun eh,
i know i am.