Dutch Dragons Cheesy 2'x2' 250 HPS - Organic Soil Journal

Re: Dutch Dragons Cheesy 2'x2' 250 HPS, Organic Soil Journal

It sure feel,s nice to be back in 420world again Im by far not well as yet but at least I have the motivation to come on line again I recently had a post from Miwa that he think,s or reckons that my girl has Spider mite, so it has turned another corner for getting some experience under my belt, by far one that I did not need at this moment I looked under her leaves and on some I have like a brown spot with what looks like a wet mark around the brown spot? I have tried to look right in at them but I cant see for sure what it is.
Still it does seem as though it is a spider mite attack is the most likley after popping upstairs an having a 5th or 6th look they aren’t brown they are a translucent blob with like a wet look around the said mark AAhhh you no it never rain,s but it sure pour,s so now they will have sucked nutes and taken a lot of the strength according to Dr Bud on you tube Sorry for ranting again if you have any ideas from the kitchen i.e. bug killer recipes:grinjoint:
I have never had them Jaga as I have a sealed cab, but I do know from the garden that they love dry conditions, so if you can up the humidity maybe that would help some. You'll have to ask someone that has beaten them before. Sorry you don't feel so well Jaga, can't be easy when your a carer. I wish you a speedy recovery my friend. I'm sure someone will have a solution. Try and get a look at them with a magnifying glass to be sure. Until you have seen them you won't know for sure. Good luck.
Did you get that Kief from grinding just one bud MMMmmMMNice Flea bay china I think I will have to have a look cause the one that I use is made Im fairly sure from aluminium, which I dont like and it get,s clogged up a bit too quickly plus I like the diamond cutter style against the shrak tooth type cutter:grinjoint:

Hi guys.:)
I bought the same grinder about a month or so ago from RQS when I ordered some more seeds. I broke the arm while grinding a couple of days after I got it as you can see in the pic, but I emailed RQS and got a full refund in store credit. The grinder still works great though and I'm getting lots of keif. I do find you have to clean out the screen every week or so in hot water otherwise screen gets clogged and no keif. I also like to put a dime into the screen section to help force the keif off the plant and through the screen. I just sorta shake it after I grind, and you can hear the dime rattle around inside.

I figure I have about a gram here, gonna try and find a hash press and make a nice little block once I have enough.




Enjoy the grinder, It works great.;)
I have never had them Jaga as I have a sealed cab, but I do know from the garden that they love dry conditions, so if you can up the humidity maybe that would help some. You'll have to ask someone that has beaten them before. Sorry you don't feel so well Jaga, can't be easy when your a carer. I wish you a speedy recovery my friend. I'm sure someone will have a solution. Try and get a look at them with a magnifying glass to be sure. Until you have seen them you won't know for sure. Good luck.

Yep ,,,I dont understand how they got to the girl in the first place I have order some bug killer from Bamazon I just need to find something to keep them at bay cause it could take a max of 6 days an thats worrying when you find out they can become millions in a short space of time knowing that and thinking how long ago was it I got this thing it makes for a worrying situation:phew::straightface:
skybound, No heat issues as the cooltube vents to outside in hot weather and heats my living room when its cold. The box vents at six feet and the intakes are lower, so the intake is always cooler than the exhaust as the heat rises. The only issue I have with heat is when ambient temperature is hot, but there is no point in fighting the weather. I have seen little down side to a warm grow room, my ladies are almost always healthy and happy.
Thank you all for looking in and I hope you had a stonking weekend.
Good weedsday Dutch hows the weather on your part of the planet it been getting real cold here, I wish that we had the same in our lounge room Ah I can but dream those spider mites are I think going but all the spraying with soap and the likes has taken my Bertha a little hard still its all part of the learning curve.
Hey Jaga. She might get a bit washed out if your spraying soap, maybe add a week solution of nutes in the spray along with the soap and water, that should perk her up a bit. My girls are loving the cold weather, its knocked 10 degrees off the grow room temp:) Good luck with Bertha my friend and a happy weedsday to you.
Yes 420 friends, its been a whole week already and its time for the weekly update.:cheertwo:. This week the girls have been watered once with a half gallon each of acclimatized tap water with a ph of 6.5, 5ml bio root stimulator and 5ml no gnat drench. They have grown considerably this week and due to the massive indica leaves I was forced to remove 4 leaves from each plant. The plants all have 16 bud sites, so It will be time for the flip soon, maybe next week when they have 18 or 20 each. My scrog screen has 121 holes in it and I will need a few for the main cola's. These Greenhouse Cheese have lended themselves well to being scrogged having bushy tendancies. Time will tell, but I think I'm onto a winner with this strain. I will fit the scrog screen tomorrow so I will post a day 1 scrog photo after I've fitted it, but followers will know the setup by now. Without further ado.
Group shot
The big one
Back Left
Front Right
The runt
It will soon get more interesting when the street lamp turns on:)
Have a top weekend all, and happy growing:)
That's the joy of weekly updating. You really can see the difference. I see them all the time so I just don't notice. This strain grows its self. Hope the smoke is good at the end. I also give credit to the soil mix. Plagron Organic Batmix. 20% perlite, perfect texture, ph stable, its just perfect. I am just the caretaker.
Just finished fitting the screen and tinkering around in the box, insulated the exhaust pipe on the cooltube ready for the hps. I had to remove a further 2 leaves per plant as the higher leaves were as large as my hand and shadowing out the lower nodes. I have included a pic of my organic nutes and as I was finishing photographing the girls the lights flashed on. I shit myself nearly. Only the monster plant is at screen level and the runt had to be raised a little to be level with the height of the other girls.
Flower food, root stimulator and Gnat killer.
Screen in
I shit myself when the lights came on:)
Make the most of the weekend people.
LightAddict, oh yeah, plagron kicks a$$.
Jaga, she is truly a monster my friend.
Most people on here are wishing their plants were shorter, but Im here wishing them up up up. Might chuck the bad boy lamp on tomorrow.
Hey Dutch do you have any ideas on how to get my buds bigger mine are like so tiny when they dry I will be lucky to get a bag out of the whole plant, the same thing happened with my last attempt? I feel very down about it The Mrs wont lat me grow no more if I cant even get a measly couple of grams from one plant that is meant to be a major producer. I was looking for a picture of the last diesel I grew she gave me a good Oz not so much but at the place I am it seems like a whole ton if you dont mind I will show you a picture of one of her MMMm bigger buds thus far she has 3 week,s left PLEASE any ideas will be much apreciated

So there she is very small OMG I feel sick to my gut,s:phew:
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