Duggan Does Lilly & Laniakea With DBHBB: One Kit, Two Pots, Four Plants

Mornin' Duggan. Happy Thanksgiving weekend. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
While the actual Thanksgiving holiday is on a Monday, Canadians may gather for their Thanksgiving feast on any day during the long weekend. Foods traditionally served at Thanksgiving include roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn, various autumn vegetables (mainly various kinds of squashes but also Brussels sprouts), and pumpkin pie. Baked ham and apple pie are also commonly served, as well as regional dishes such as salmon or wild game.

They even have a football doubleheader.... hmmm, this all sounds familiar. :laughtwo:
Happy TG!
I saw some wild turkeys the other day when taking photos of some pants :)
Brother, do you eat anything particular for thanksgiving? :)
Good morning my friend ....yes we eat big birds called Turkeys! :) Have a great day my good friend!:Namaste:

While the actual Thanksgiving holiday is on a Monday, Canadians may gather for their Thanksgiving feast on any day during the long weekend. Foods traditionally served at Thanksgiving include roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn, various autumn vegetables (mainly various kinds of squashes but also Brussels sprouts), and pumpkin pie. Baked ham and apple pie are also commonly served, as well as regional dishes such as salmon or wild game.

They even have a football doubleheader.... hmmm, this all sounds familiar. :laughtwo:
Yes indeed Budley...you got it brotha...your making me hungry man!:bravo:
Have a great weekend Budley...it's always very cool to see you drop by here. cheers my friend!:Namaste:
Happy Turkey Day! :drool::tokin:
triplebeam, duggans were curling slightly upwards- Mg deficiency. that can be treated with Epsoms. Downward curling can be from too much light, heat, nutes, too much water, and too little water(which is way more rare with growers(except HB kit users ;))

I figured out my problem. It was my circulating fan in the tent drying out the leaves. The airflow from the fan on the lowest speed setting travelling around three walls was still enough to bother the plant. No circulating fan has been on for about 5 days and the new growth looks good so tonight I put in a much smaller fan. The other three plants of another strain tolerated the fan much better. Only slight browning of tips.(really don't think it's nute burn since I'm running oc+)
Kinda proud of my ingenuity taking a small wooden three legged stand I found in attic with a threaded tip and attached a tiny tower fan without losing any fan functionality. It can still oscillate.
Hey Duggan. Good morning bro.
If I am late with my best holiday wishes for you and yours, please forgive me. I am havin a hard time finding time again. Things are hectic here with doctors appointments and family coming to visit everday. Have a great holiday man.:green_heart:
I wish I could get my mitts on some of that good cooking you're enjoyin. Then go off in the cut n put some of that good brix up in the air. Mmm mmm. Heh heh.

Later bud. :passitleft:
Rooster, i gotta tell ya bud,..every time i see your Avatar , i think of the John Wayne movie where he was Rooster Cogburn!
Dunno why....or FogHorn LegHorn!:rofl:

That movie was shot here back in the day. My mom seen John Wayne in our local western store, Jared's outdoor & more. She went running up the isle & right as she was coming up behind him, boom he turned around, my mom bounced off of JW and hit the floor. She got his autograph needless to say.
Hey Duggan. Good morning bro.
If I am late with my best holiday wishes for you and yours, please forgive me. I am havin a hard time finding time again. Things are hectic here with doctors appointments and family coming to visit everday. Have a great holiday man.:green_heart:
I wish I could get my mitts on some of that good cooking you're enjoyin. Then go off in the cut n put some of that good brix up in the air. Mmm mmm. Heh heh.

Later bud. :passitleft:
Good morning Jacob, no worries my friend, nice to see you! Ya , bud the food was awesome at Marilyn's family's.Big friggen 25 pound turkey,...man it looked huge...enough bird for days...:Love: Anyhow we peeled outta there and came back here , to my place for a lil fun!:tokin:...Today we have my people's supper at one of my sister's houses...the one i'm doing the electrical work for. No tools today though ,:cheertwo: just the feed bag....:bravo: Thanks for the wishes Jacob...you have an awesome Sunday bud!:Namaste:

That movie was shot here back in the day. My mom seen John Wayne in our local western store, Jared's outdoor & more. She went running up the isle & right as she was coming up behind him, boom he turned around, my mom bounced off of JW and hit the floor. She got his autograph needless to say.
Budley...NO WAY brotha....really!! That must of been so cool! She was stoked , for sure! Did you see him too....just like a lot of people...he was /is one of my heroes! never be another...there all just a bunch of fluff these days!! Not the same...different times...those ones are gone now! Movies now are all CGI BS. Not back in the day...it was all real!:thumb: have a great day Budley and thanks for sharing that bit of VERY COOL memories bud! Cheers to ya !:high-five:
I'm back...got another busy day , so thought i'de pop back in and mention, the group got another drink last night....these Lanny's are drinking 4 gal's every three days....still, at their stage....wow..they just keep going and going....:cheertwo: If i was to take the front pot out with both Lanny's ...all the tops would fall over...every one! Not something to be proud of....BAHHH! That's OK, the colas are getting quite heavy. The lone Lilly on the other hand, is a definite repeater! To have four of her going at full bloom would be something to see,...her main four tops are massive, ...biggest I've ever grown to date! They are baseball bat sized and very hard and dense. She is getting stupid ...even the secondary buds are bigger than the Lanny's colas! Her resin has been building too, but know where near the Lanny's. Those two are just greasy, all over....:surf: The CG's are startin to boogey in first run DBHBB, soil. They all look identical ...nice!:thumb:
Sure hope everyone is having an awesome long weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving). Got another bird to eat today! Yeepa , Yeepa! Later all my brothas!:circle-of-love:....oh , and Sista's too!:high-five:
Wish you all a super trip :) I am with you guys in my mind

I can't wait to get another look at 'em. I loves me a BatCola.
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