duggan, I've been experimenting with the V2..
I loaded the chamber with Golden Tiger(Major,
), tried it at 365-380F- Lime, strong cerebral, energy , its truly great,
I loaded the chamber with same amount of GT Temp down to 250F. Decarboxylated(the GT was from last year, it should be decarb'd by curing 6-8 months) for about 5 min. I vaped(inhaled) the 5 min at 250F. A pleasant anise,licorice flavor and a very light buzz started after the 5min(maybe I had hyperventilated
) Turned up vape2.0 to 365-380F..the tastes and high was similar as before but stronger, better, clearer..
I will try again on some Panama, Purple Malawi, Critical Cheese and some Carnaval/Cotton Candy(my NOTM entry
These, and few more, havent had the long cure yet and the contrast may be more noticeable with decarbing the herb in the chamber for 5-6 min at 250F, and then vaping, than not decarbing it.
sorry about the run on.. some herb does that to me