Well-Known Member
Wohhh...don't use that whole bag!! Hello
Yea i decided to swing back in here quick an check with every1 b4 i mixxed it up seen sum1 posted tht my recharge is regular an amendments are bulk. So ill finish catchn up in ur journal here an u prolly have the amounts to use so i wont bother askn ill jus read ahead first lol.
Blazin, looks like that bag is for two 'kits' or two bales of PM. You need to divide that in two before using it OK! .Make sure to hold the bag upside down when giving it a shake . There is lottsa fine rock powders and things that always settle to the bottom, so...Weigh up 1.5 pounds or around 650-680 grms OK!
Bam an there it is lol. Glad i kept readn am thamx guys so much i really appreciate it n makn sure i got the message a few times. I share the cellphone data with the family so when every1 else uses it it gets so slow i dnt even go on so thts y i missed every1 messaging back lol. But yea duggs ill split it in half to 650 to 680 grams each bag. So would then each bag be like a normal kits worth? Say enough for four plants each ina 10 gallon tote?