Duggan Does Ace's A5 x Malawi & Thai Chi In DBHBB

Ok Duggs, I make olive oil capsules to sell. I always make them with CCO or RSO it's the same thing. If you don't want any euphoria use Olive oil. If you do want to feel it use Coconut oil. Olive oil will allow the cannabinoids to pass through the liver without getting metabolized and head straight to the lymph nodes. I have tested my oil and it comes back at 77% pure. That is about as good as it is going to get. You want Everclear 190 proof to get that purity. If all you have is everclear 150 proof then your purity will about 65%. So 1 gram of 77% pure oil will contain 770 mg of cannabinoids. The potency of the flower will determine your yield of oil.
This is my complete method:
1. Decarb the flower at 240 degrees for 75 minutes.
2. Put the decarbed flower, quart mason jar and your everclear in the coldest freezer you have for at least 24 hours.
3. Put the frozen flower into the frozen mason jar and cover with the everclear.
4. Shake vigorously for 4 minutes.
5. Strain the mixture into another mason jar. You can use your MB2e strainer or a bubble bag. I use a bubble bag at 160 microns.
6. Dump the flower material back into the 1st mason jar and cover it with more everclear and shake for another 3 minutes.
7. Strain the 2nd run into the 1st mason jar with your previous mixture.
8. Discard the leftover flower material.
9. Put the everclear/oil mixture back into the deep freeze for at least another 24 hours. After 24 hours you should see the waxes have settled to the bottom of the jar.
10. Strain the mixture again with a coffee filter or I use my 73 micron bubble bag. All the stuff that settled in the jar we want to get rid of so don't shake the jar when you take it out of the freezer.
11. You are now ready to boil off the everclear. This is the dangerous part. Don't use an open flame. I have a still to recoup the alcohol. I doubt you have one so do this part outside if you can or in a well ventilated area. You want a double boil now. I put a big pot of water on an electric hot plate and bring it to a boil. Put a nonstick skillet that will fit nicely over the big pot of boiling water and add your oil mixture to the skillet. Once the everclear hits about 180 degrees it will start to boil off. Continue this process until most if not all of the bubbles disappear. You'll have a thick oil left, that's what we are after. While it's still warm draw it up into a syringe. You now have CCO or RSO.

If your flower is 20% on potency you'll end up with about 5 grams of finished oil. I use this method to confirm my lab results on flower.

Now you make your pills or take the oil directly. Put about a rice size glob on a piece of bread and put that under the tongue and don't swallow for as long as you can. You can also "tack" the oil to the gums. Some will get swallowed which is fine it just passes through the liver and takes a while to hit, kinda like an edible.

Here is my ratio and process for pills:
1. Do a smaller double boil and add 10ml of carrier oil per gram of cco in a glass dish. Let that get warm and add your CCO and mix until well blended.
2. Add another 45 ml of carrier oil per gram of CCO and 1 teaspoon of liquid sunflower lecithin per gram of CCO and mix until well blended. Mix it well!
3. let it cool to room temp and put the mixture into the fridge for at least 24 hours.
4. It will separate so take it out of the fridge and let it come up to room temp again and mix the hell out of it and put back in the fridge for another 24 hours. The fridge stage is really important for the lecithin to do it's magic.
5. Bring the mixture back to room temp again and mix well and fill "00" capsules using a 1 ml syringe. Each capsule holds about .9ml. Be sure to get the capsules for oils. Store the filled pills in the fridge.

The variable here for potency is the 1st amount of carrier oil you add. In the above example that is the 10ml/gram of CCO. I use the 10ml to start people out on and it seems to be the right dose. They can always take more. Olive oil will not harden in the fridge so mixing it coming out of the fridge is easy. If you use coconut oil you'll have to get it above 75 degrees to liquify it. You may have to heat it some to remix and to fill the pills.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Just bookmarked this , wanted everyone to see this again. Thanks so much Neiko...for sharing all this knowledge and taking the time to put this all together . Just a bunch of stoners ,...we are...Pftt! Your expertise has come thru bud,...
Lots of questions answered for all of us. very cool info on the different oils ,..and their effect on us etc.
This 'Everclear' you talk about is not available in Canada. We talked about this a yr. , or so ago . I was gonna make some back then too, but never got to it. I'm not gonna do it this way though...Unfortunately , there is not enough time for it this way. I know it's better , so , i'm kinda bummed , but the other way , taking 8 hrs, in the MB2 is gonna have to work,..somehow. I will make it strong, with the best ingredients. Cheers Neiko, and gang!:passitleft:
Too funny Duggs! “Who put these in my grow room!?” :rofl:

I have an outdoor spot that will take 10’ plants and I’d hoped to grow some, but the long flowering times don’t suit my weather patterns late in the season. I’d love to do it just one though! Have a big tall untopped unSC’d sativa in the garden :yummy:

I’m in the same boat with the Everclear - cant get it or anything remotely like it here due to laws. I’m sure we can get yo a good potent oil with the infusion. You can even decarb in advance and then put the decorated bud in the freezer until you’re ready with the oil.
I tried the MB2 for CCO and it sucked. Ended up with a bunch of ground up weed in the oil.
I suppose you need to address what it is your treating first.
Then what you have available to make your oil or infusion.
I bought a source turbo and use it with dry ice to make CCO/wax/shatter, if I make biobombs I use the oil from the source and mix it with the sunflower lecithin and EVOO.
You can buy a water distiller and get all your grain alcohol back every time. sort of like your machine but a little cheaper. Also don't forget to put carrier oil in with the alcohol so not to gum up your distiller.
Just bookmarked this , wanted everyone to see this again. Thanks so much Neiko...for sharing all this knowledge and taking the time to put this all together . Just a bunch of stoners ,...we are...Pftt! Your expertise has come thru bud,...
Lots of questions answered for all of us. very cool info on the different oils ,..and their effect on us etc.
This 'Everclear' you talk about is not available in Canada. We talked about this a yr. , or so ago . I was gonna make some back then too, but never got to it. I'm not gonna do it this way though...Unfortunately , there is not enough time for it this way. I know it's better , so , i'm kinda bummed , but the other way , taking 8 hrs, in the MB2 is gonna have to work,..somehow. I will make it strong, with the best ingredients. Cheers Neiko, and gang!:passitleft:

I just saw a sponsor banner here for Xtractol? Maybe see if that can be shipped to Canada.
...I know its more of a time issue, but 151 proof rum is available at LCBO, which can be used as an alternative to Everclear if Ya' ever want to try the aforementioned method...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
Thanks Hook.....i know it might be a better way to go ...but im gonna try the infusion method with the mb2 and just take extra care to make sure its strong and potent.
Thanks for all your info and support bud.....:high-five:
I just made some infused oil capsules yesterday, based off Amy’s recipe.

These are the capsules I got they are made for oil:

Pharma-Grade, Pre-Separated 00 Capsules 1000 Bulk Gel Pack


I got a capsule filler too which makes making 100 pills a lot easier.

It’s super simple in the MB2 just decarb your bud then add two cups extra virgin olive oil and your buds and do the 160° setting for 8 hours. When it’s done strain it to a jar and add two tablespoons of sunflower lecithin, mix and let sit in the fridge for 8 hours.

When your ready to make your capsules let the jar sit out for an hour or so to warm up a bit and follow the instructions in the pill filler, except you fill them with a liquid dropper instead of powder.

Good luck man.

Wat amount of bud did you use for the 2 cups of oil?
I actually did use coconut oil because that’s what I had on hand, but didn’t want to complicate my instructions. In my limited experience they are basically interchangeable and some people just prefer one over the other as there are good and bad arguments for each.

The plan for what I made was to get the medical benefits without the high, so I didn’t decarb the buds. They were also purposely weak as I made them for a non-smoker. In the past when making oil for edibles I’ve used 2 grams per ounce of oil so about 16 grams for 2 cups. This time I only used 12 grams of 17% THC buds. So that works out to ~2 grams of THC for two cups of oil. Each cup makes ~220 capsules, so 1000ml / 220 capsules means mine should be about 4.5mg of THC per capsule.

If you use 32 grams of 20% THC (your stuff could be stronger) buds yours would be about 14.5mg per capsule. Which should be plenty strong and effective, maybe even too strong. You can’t really take half a capsule but you can easily take two, so perhaps starting a bit weaker might be a better option for the first batch.

Of course all the above is stoner math so take it with a gain of salt as they say.

Good Luck!
You can buy a water distiller and get all your grain alcohol back every time. sort of like your machine but a little cheaper. Also don't forget to put carrier oil in with the alcohol so not to gum up your distiller.

If you're making RSO/CCO, you do NOT want any carrier oil mixed in. You reduce it down in the distiller and, while it's still fairly liquid, finish it in a smaller pot/pan. That being said, when you use the distiller, not only do you reclaim the alcohol, but it actually increases the proof so you can start with a lower proof alcohol and distill it up! ;)
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