Duggan Does ACE's A5 Killer Haze & A5 x Panama, Tester Strain, In DBHBB

Ya...let me/us know.....i'm waitin on my four new ones to break the surface too.

...so...I "kit" girl( A5 X Killer) was a know show...kinda a surprise, as all seeds were at last cracked or showing tap's when put in soil when we left last Thursday...kinda par for the course the way this year has gone to date... :rolleyes:...got another between the sheets tonight...gonna start this year's journal soon...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k..:hookah:...
I've been running the exact same vivosun fan as that 24hrs a day for almost 3 week straight . So far Its working great. I do wish the had one more lower setting, and the oscillation motor isnt up to much if the fan is mounted on to steep of an angle it just sits in ine spot and goes clickity clickity clickity clickity. Other than that its a great fan for the price.
Oops now its time to eat my words. My vivosun fan will no longer oscilate.:confused::confused::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rip:
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