Here's an excerpt from the referenced
"Repetition of drought stress and subsequent acclimation can influence the way in which plants
respond to the stressor (Banik et al., 2016). The present study evaluated the effects of drought at
a single point during the flowering stage, but timing of drought stress and drought stress
frequency could also affect secondary metabolism in cannabis. Some higher plants have the
ability to acclimate to drought stress and stress resistance may increase after exposure to a low
level of stress (Banik et al., 2016; Flexas et al., 2009). The acclimation responses from repeated
drought stress could, therefore, further stimulate secondary metabolites in cannabis; though, a
longer drought event may be required to elicit the response in acclimated plants. More research is
needed to evaluate the effects of drought stress timing and acclimation on cannabis yield and
secondary metabolism. Lastly, since rates of cannabinoid accumulation vary by chemovar
(Aizpurua-Olaizola et al., 2016; Muntendam et al., 2012), the effect of drought on other
chemovars should be explored."