Drama's Indoor - RV - Autofem Grow Journal

:thumb: sounds like you have this down now :) autos don't really care what light there under though I grow using dual spec from the start with good results but with bulb heights place your hand above the plant for 30seconds if it gets hot raise the light although in flower always place a little higher during the stretch phase the cola goes very tall very fast a small bush becomes a tree in days :) :bong:
pics and updates tonight.. most of my leaves have recovered . but the plants are still so tiny .. weird temps here lately here in the south its been staying around 65 in grow room ..
day 12

The remaining 4 plants seem to be doing pretty good..I was on 24/0 under a t5 8 bulb but the ladies seemed like they didn't like it and didn't seem to progress much . so i put them under a mh 400w at 20/4 and the leaves have grown a bunch . i think they would be bigger seeing as they are autos if i didn't almost kill them .its been really cool here(60s) this week compared to how it was last week (90s).. i assume that kinda shocked them . here are a few pics of the four ladies ..






my best plants are the last pic and the one with the thermometer in it .. ones long legged as hell and the last one those big ass leaves came up in 3 days looks good ...but she is a midget maybe a 1/4 inch above the soil is were the leaves start.. two of my seeds were red and white dwarf but damn it like she has no legs..im about to get some more seeds and they are all going to b the same so i can see the difference in the plants with the same genetics .
im having issues getting my watering down.. once i got the temps adjusted three of the plants really took off. only issue is i try to wait and water them for a few days but they seem to dry out under the 400w mh quickly . my leaves curled up big time over night . it had been oddly cool here so i turned the ac off . the next day was in the 90s . when i got to my room it it was 98 degrees . should i look at the heat or the watering problems for the curled up leaves ? or both ... i can get pics if needed .. i would have posted them but seems everyone's busy with there own grows..i look at pics from my grow compared to pics from other peoples grows with autos on the same schedule as mine and they are twice as big as mine . i really stunted theses girls.

herbies left out one seed so they refunded my whole order so i placed another order . this time i went with all the same seeds so i could focus on one strain at a time .. i got kc 45 autos non fem .. i know better how to start them off and not stunt them now and my room is set up and ready this time .

does anyone here start autos in peat pots and put the peat straight into there big pot. i read if u put it straight into the big pot there is no shock of transplant .. i am considering doing one that way and comparing how it grows to the ones i put right into the 3 gallon pots .
:thumb: Your babies look fine now that you switched to the T5. Remember for the first couple weeks they are growing their roots (autos have crazy big root systems for their small size) so you wont see alot of action above the soil. Between week 2-3 they should really start to take off! Just be patient and don't over mother them! My autos are in 3 gal pots and got thirsty so I watered every day at first (about a cup or cup and a half per day). Now I cut back to 2 cups or so every 3 days. Don`t over think it, if their dry just give em a small drink! I think the best growers are the ones that know when to leave their girls alone and let em do their thing.
i did put them under the t5 for about a week but i have them under a 400w mh about 24 inches above the plant and they shot up fast ..now that they are under the the 400w i have to really pay attn to the plants water. they seem to dry out fast . ive been lightly watering them every day , about a cup a plant .. i have a air pump set up now i leave my water out for 24 hrs and i pump air in it for 24 hrs b4 watering
IS THIS A GOOD THING ? . i bought a cheap light/moisture/ph meter . i can tell the light meter actully works , but the ph meter never changes . i have the ph kit thet u get the color of water and test it and my ph in was around 7.5 and the runoff was high 5 low 6 i belive its hard to tell..i really dont even know what all that info even means lol. here are a few pictures of the growth at almost 3 weeks . notice the curled up leaves .. heat ,water, both? please help





No expert here but my first guess would be the curled leaves are still from heat. What are your daytime temps? Other than your AC do you have a fan blowing across between your lights and canopy? I would have kept the T5 on them until week 6 or so, then put them under the HPS for final weeks of flower. Iv even seen amazing results with T5`s through the whole grow. Its still a matter of opinion what cycle autos spend more time in (veg or flower). I don't think the MH is necessary though with autos. The "internal" clock of an autoflower makes them do what they do regardless of light type (as long as they get alot of light). The way I look at it, since they spend more time in flower I would go with the HPS or a duel spec fluro for the whole grow. Regardless, 24 inches is pretty close for any HID light for plants that young.
No expert here but my first guess would be the curled leaves are still from heat. What are your daytime temps? Other than your AC do you have a fan blowing across between your lights and canopy? I would have kept the T5 on them until week 6 or so, then put them under the HPS for final weeks of flower. Iv even seen amazing results with T5`s through the whole grow. Its still a matter of opinion what cycle autos spend more time in (veg or flower). I don't think the MH is necessary though with autos. The "internal" clock of an autoflower makes them do what they do regardless of light type (as long as they get alot of light). The way I look at it, since they spend more time in flower I would go with the HPS or a duel spec fluro for the whole grow. Regardless, 24 inches is pretty close for any HID light for plants that young.

daytime temps run around 82-85 . the leaves curled one day when it hit like 95 in the grow room because i had the ac off since it was in the 60s the day before. i do have a oscillating fan blowing across the canopy 24 hrs .the deal with the t5 is i dont know how old the bulbs were so i didn't trust them . i read on here they wanted mh for veg and hps for flower so thats what i bought.. i have many hps bulbs different sizes and wattage so i can swap at any time . regarding the heat from the mh bulb at 24 inches . there is little or no heat at the canopy so i think it was from the one day of it running into the high 90s. now i make sure to check the heat of the room as soon as i get up in the morning and at the hottest parts of the day.. i might experiment on my next grow and run on kc45 under a t5 the whole grow and compare its growth to the one under the mh .
this is the beginning of week four . they are pretty far behind schedule compared to other non stunted grows . after that one day of temps in the high 90s in the grow room some of the leaves never recovered but the new leaves that are coming in now look good . i saw someone say on here somewhere to not focus on the old growth and pay attn to the new growth .. one of these ladies seems to be growing kinda weird seems like shes growing in a spiral . i will post a pic of here first



and one plant has bushed out and up so i had to drop her down from the light a little. the other plants are sticking to there dwarf breed and staying small plus me almost killing them didnt help. all 3 of the big ladies have showed sex and all have long white pistols . i started a northern lights big bud auto and two kc 45 supposed autos the (nl X bb) has taken off as u can see from the picture and the kc 45 have yet to break soil ..all germinated together.i love walking into the rv now because the ladies are beginning to smell just a little. i haven't even had to hook up my carbon filter yet because there has been no smell..

this is my biggest plant from the top

the side


these have to be the dwarfs

here is the nl bb

all of this has came pretty easy to learn but the ph has been messin with me . i dont have a ph meter so im using the drops . BIG MISTAKE!!! i should have bought a meter . i have been oxygenating my water and learned the hard way u dont get a true reading on the water until it has sat out for an hr or so . and i didnt figure that out till last week ..i do have a few questions i need answered though..

do i wait untill i see bud sites to swap them to hps ?

at the end of week 5 in the ffof do i start adding nutes ?

when i start adding the veg butes do i only do that fow a few weeks and then begin the bloom and flower nutes and the cha ching big buds and open seame ?
It seems like its an ongoing debate as to what cycle an autoflower spends more time in (veg or flower). Iv seen them begin to flower at 2 weeks, while others show nothing until 4 weeks. The bottom line about autoflowers is that its their internal clock that drives them, so they don't seem to care what kind of light they get as long as they get allot of it. That being said, its my opinion they would benefit from the hps from the start. I would switch to that asap. As for feeding, they are all looking awesome with no signs of overfeeding, so if they are beginning to flower go ahead and start adding bloom nutes. Just start off slow (like 1/4 strength) and see how they react, then work your way up. Keep in mind when you start feeding, the nutes will drop your ph so make sure you test and compensate for that. They look really good though! :thumb:
thanks man .. no bud sites yet . and yes with such a big selection of different autos they all have spastic grow times its a debate. can u explain y they would benefit more from the hps..i keep reading on this site mh for veg and hps for flower.
thanks man .. no bud sites yet . and yes with such a big selection of different autos they all have spastic grow times its a debate. can u explain y they would benefit more from the hps..i keep reading on this site mh for veg and hps for flower.
Because autos don't really have the same veg/flower phases as do photoperiod plants. Im not saying that autoflowers don't benefit from mh light, but since we don't dictate when they flower, the hps would be a better choice for them. Mh emits light in the white/blue range which is great for plant growth, but it lacks light in the orange/red range. This is what effects the plants reproductive process (flowering). Since autos flower on their own no matter what, its my opinion that the hps is a better choice for them. The biggest downside to using hps throughout the plants whole life is that it may promote stretch with longer internode spacing. I don't think this is an issue with autos because they are so small and spend so much more of their lives in flower stage. The sooner you hit them with the hps the sooner you will start to see bud sites! :bong:
Because autos don't really have the same veg/flower phases as do photoperiod plants. Im not saying that autoflowers don't benefit from mh light, but since we don't dictate when they flower, the hps would be a better choice for them. Mh emits light in the white/blue range which is great for plant growth, but it lacks light in the orange/red range. This is what effects the plants reproductive process (flowering). Since autos flower on their own no matter what, its my opinion that the hps is a better choice for them. The biggest downside to using hps throughout the plants whole life is that it may promote stretch with longer internode spacing. I don't think this is an issue with autos because they are so small and spend so much more of their lives in flower stage. The sooner you hit them with the hps the sooner you will start to see bud sites! :bong:

hmm ok.. when they wake from there daily nap they will b under hps. hope my new seedlings likes it to...
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