We have just been cooking dinner an I put ganja farmer on for a bit of funwhen the Mrs says wow 2 police cars just com down our close(cul-de-sac) I looked out of our window an could have shit ther an then around 10 armed response charging down a mates place over the road O.M.G then I saw Paul negotiating with one policeman then to my amazment they took his son THAT WAS ABOUT 20mins ago I am still shaking
just had to share the stress with some peeps that would understand Jai Jaganatha an green blessings to all stay safe
We have just been cooking dinner an I put ganja farmer on for a bit of funwhen the Mrs says wow 2 police cars just com down our close(cul-de-sac) I looked out of our window an could have shit ther an then around 10 armed response charging down a mates place over the road O.M.G then I saw Paul negotiating with one policeman then to my amazment they took his son THAT WAS ABOUT 20mins ago I am still shaking
just had to share the stress with some peeps that would understand Jai Jaganatha an green blessings to all stay safe