Dr. Strange Bud - How I Quit Worrying And Learned to Love The Medi Bomb

I don't remember the 80s
they was just before the 90's with some chick dressed in anything they gave away and some dudes with pots on their heads:)
Oh and new coke
Happy Two-Tokeday , Hope everyone's enjoying the water
Think neon clothes, bad mustaches and crappy dance music...Wait... did we just go back to the future?????:rofl:

I was in the future once and it was crap.

Here and now is much better

Happy weednsday Fishcakes :xmas:
@AleX, nope not porn mate, i watch tv till about 1 or 2am then ill go on the video site and watch some documentaries, i like watching stuff about aliens and under water aliens and seeing how they can prove it, then i watch stuff that disproves some of it so its interesting to watch stuff like that,

im also into archeology and the planets past so i like watching egypt documentaries where they are doing digs and exploring pyramids, i also watch other archelogy docs where they are on digs in the USA and other countries digging up old villages and finding treasures and stuff like that, the best thing i watched recently though was called how the earth nearly died, it was going back so many million years ago when something happened drastic to the world, they found in the ground a zone that had no life at all or very little life compared with other layers of soil and rock, so they looked at evidence and done digs and explored the oceans to try and find the source of this mass world extinction, they explored the meteor theory and it wasnt that then they found it was to do with a huge split in the earth that opened up in the north pole region, it caused high amounts of gasses that blocked out the sun then the gasses caused sea temps to rish and this release poisenouse gasses trapped under the seas due to the rise in temps, it was a very interesting doc, one of the best of seen in a long long time.
so most the stuff i watch is from the discovery channels and national geographic, some from ufo tv and others ufo documeteries, the problem is when i search for a type of show it lists many many different documenteries then when i click on one it lists others down the right hand side so when ive watched one i can watch another strait away, like now ive got 8 tabs open just for the video site, each one is a different documetary im going to watch, if i dont force myself to get a few hours sleep i could stay awake for days, which i often do as insomnia really does stop me sleeping, so i lie down in bed and have my laptop on a board next to me and me and the dog lie down watching docs until i either fall asleep or close the screen so i can try and get some sleep,

my laptop has not been turned off in weeks, probably months, its constantly on,

always something to watch my friend,
come on medi bomb, show us what your made of, you was chosen to grow in this pond so give us the best you got,

the best trimming tools i have found is like snips type things, their not scissors their like snips, so you dont put your fingers into holes which causes my hands to cramp up instead these are like 2 longish plastic handles about 3 or 4 inches long and has like 2 thin blades like razors, im not sure if they are for plants as ive had them ages so not sure what i bought them for, but their spring loaded so they open themselves but you just push your thumb n finger together to cut and it springs back open, they must be for pruning or something, very sharp and pointed, the blades are like razor blades, very easy to use compared to scissors and dont cause cramps or make your hands ache, i used scissors at first and struggled and ended up in pain but these snips or cutters are perfect and very easy to use and could easily use them all day with no aches or pains so a good tool if you can get hold of one,

im sure you know what i mean,
Top of the Weednesday to ya fishy. hope your day is good.
Well Hello everyone!OMM, Alex,Bee,Snowbird,Cronich,Rico,WB and ChopBro and lest we forget Donpaul:circle-of-love:
Happy Weednesday:adore::adore::adore:
My brother wont be happy with me but I had to chop the NLxBB last night with out him. There was much amber in the flowers. here are some pics they aint pretty but after they got a bit of a haircut they didnt look so bad:)
Good morning and good weed Fish looks like you got some weed that'll get you high that's not so bad.:peace::goodjob::high-five::thumb::circle-of-love:
Happy Weednesday Harley:)
I got more than I thought I would. figured it was all going to hash:)
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