Can you explain the theory of drilling holes in the tote? I always thought you didnt want air to get to the microbes. Youre attempting to compost your soil? Preventing rot? I cooked 60 gals of soil and minimize air exchange so the microbes are happy and warm with all kinds of stuff to munch on. I use docbuds kit soil
Hiya Dr
Hi scrubby,
The reason I came up with drilling the holes in the tote is to allow the soil to breathe. Contrary to what some folks think, soil must have adequate air flow to season or cook correctly. An air tight container full of wet organic soil will actually go anaerobic which is a bad thing. And it stinks so bad it will make your eyes sting lol.
I'm no expert at all and am just cracking the surface. Here's a conversation I had with Tad from KIS. He is an expert and he explains what happened to my soil when I cooked it in a sealed container.
Me: "Hi Tad,
I've got everything mixed up, watered in, -and stored at 70 degrees in 37 gallon Rubbermaid totes. I covered the soil with 3 mil. poly and the Rubbermaid lid. It's been 5 or 6 days and when I opened the lid to check the soil. Wow stinky. What is a normal amount of smell (I used the oly mountain)? This is my first time building my own organic soil and I'm wondering if I'm smelling healthy cooking or rotten compost."
-Tad: "The problem is the soil was unable to breathe in your Rubbermaid and so the anaerobic organisms thrived over the aerobic ones. It would have been much better to let the soil sit out on a tarp or in a container with holes and no lid.-
That being said, if you can take it out of the Rubbermaid and mix it again and let it get some air it should come around again and then be fine to plant.-
Feel free to call me or email if you have questions though. Sorry for any confusion in this regard."
I did this scrubby, and after a few days the idea of drilling holes in the totes came to mind. My double batch of soil was taking up the whole floor in my garage and I was getting the stink eye from the Mrs.
The preferred method is to spread it out in a covered area 4 to 6 inches deep and turn it every other day until the soil temp maintains ambient temperature.
That's just what happened to me.