A day off, sweet! Just got done all my work for the day,and get to hang in the garden now and do my tasks. Yep a smooth hit of some Headband gets me going on the chores. Bangi haze, oh yeah I have some of those seeds from Ace. You like it I see. What’s it taste and hit like?
Hi Stage, welcome man, please make yourself at home here.
Help yourself to the Gum
She was there when I first tried Doc’s kit, I love her and so does everyone else in my circle. Here she is at flip 48.
How did your BG compare to yeti’s description below?
Hi yeti, join in for a puff
Lemons... I like lemon terps, but no lemons with this one. The short time is a bonus, and short height too. Good branches but with a heavy side branch cola it needs to be tied up to the cage.
Do you know what the pheno range was from TH? 12 weeks...what did THseeds state as the flower time? Great info man!
Thanks for stopping Gang.